Summer Solstice and Full Moon = 20-year Strawberry Moon Today!

Once in a “blue moon” (pun intended) the full moon will fall on the same day(s) as the Summer Solstice (longest day of the year combined with the fullest moon of the month).

The alternative name for this date was also the “honey moon”, as honey was also harvested in June, along with the popularity of marriages also in June

This is a rare occurrence, and happens only once in every 19-20 years. A lot of energies are amplified at this time (June 21), including empowered love energy (my sign Virgo is reportedly the best time of the year for courtship and even finding a soulmate), and extra-powerful for manifesting.

One of the most empowering Sapien fields for the full moon is Shatachandi. There is an excellent thread on it, and I can assure you it is a very powerful field and experience.

Wishing you all good blessing at this Strawberry Moon time of celebration!

June full moon: What the solstice strawberry moon means for your zodiac - ABC News.


Was just about to post in our Esoteric Guild’s astro section :sparkles:
Sharing it here too! :blush:

Sun in Cancer 1° opposite Full Moon in Capricorn 1°

21/22 June

This year, we have the rare occurrence of two full Moons in Capricorn. Although both will be influenced by Capricorn, each will feel different due to the proximity of other planets and signs and will bring its own unique energy and potential for release.

As we know, full moons are a time of completion, important and revealing events that have gained momentum in the past weeks, disciplines started these six months (since New Moon in Capricorn), may open up opportunities, let these results please us and celebrate what was!

On a personal level, this full moon can help you see results about career, practical matters, structure, organisation in some area of life (Capricorn). For more accuracy how it will pan out, check which house Capricorn falls in your natal chart (from your Ascendant, 1H).

The Tarot Card representing Capricorn is The Devil. The fifteenth card (XV) of the Major Arcana set.

A positive and empowering response to the full moon’s energy is its reversed card : It represents a chain, and this chain can be broken, finding liberation, break free from the chains (limiting beliefs, unhealthy behaviours, unnecessary regret, pressure, etc) that might hold your best version of yourself back!


The reversed Devil card can often appear when you are on the verge of a break-through or an up-levelling. You are being called to your highest potential, but first, you must let go of any unhealthy attachments or limiting beliefs that may hold you back. Often, when you are called to something ‘more’, you must deal with your shadows before you can step into this new version of yourself. It may be an addiction, unhealthy relationships, or a disengaging career. Let go of fear and release any self-imposed limiting beliefs standing in the way of your growth. It is easier than you realize. (Biddy tarot description)

Lets start overcoming and leveling up.

:full_moon: What may come into culmination, any full moon rituals, summer solstice celebration?

These energies come with some other aspects, too!