Super Metabolism Boost, Weight Loss with Cellulite Reduction (Active Hypnosis and Field) The Dream Muse

It has been 3 days so this is a bit early but I have lost 0.6kg and my waist size definitely reduced so I am wearing my belt on the 3rd hole instead of 2nd hole (no stomach/waist specific fields being used as I find them not effective). This does not come with the side effect of the OG version (stomach discomfort and increased appetite) although I do feel it on stomach a bit but not uncomfortable. Definitely feeling my body become hotter and slightly more energetic after use. This does not have a negative impact on my physical exercise as well as vitality/well being.


This is so effective :sob: looped it 4 times post workout and could feel my belly pulsating.


This REALLY works. Hit hard “powerful morphogenic”, “energy”, “every cell”, “see yourself”. I think there may be something to using “You” instead of “I”. “I” seems more like you’re trying to sell yourself something. “You” has the authoritative distance of a narrator describing true events, but when done in your own voice—aloud or mentally—unlocks something extra.


So… do I listen to it with headphones or speakers? Since its using hypnosis I assume we use headphones?

doesn’t matter.

I love this style of field, my breathing feels so much better after a few loops, even more than the breathing fields


The best fat burning audio hands down ,i am.getting lean while buliding muscle🔥


this audio is so powerful to burn sugar fast, you wouldnt feel it while burning it in the bloodstream… but

i just drank some coca cola (i knowww dont scold me lol)

ive been listening to this for the past half hour i think, when suddenly started feeling bubbling with a bit of a spice thingy in my gums and whole mouth wot! and you know how sodas sugar stay right in your teeth and gums causing deteriotation etc?

so i guess this audio went right away to my mouth to DESTROY that sugar.

it felt like if i had sipped some mouthwash with alka-seltzer, and pull it around, lasted a good 3 mins.


im imagining doing the same inside the body!


I translated the instructions (what is said by Captain) in spanish, i am posting it here, but also as a comment in the channel.

it would be cool if others that speak other languages would do the same, here is the transcript in english if you decide to do it and thank you.

if you do, please paste it here and as a comment in the channel :raised_hands:

before posting the translation please make sure you go through it to fix mistakes. :slight_smile:

I will also translate the other videos, so you are welcome to do the same in other languages too :blush:

ENGLISH TRANSCRIPT : its in the OP here.


Acá está la traducción, aunque Captain no lo dice en el audio, si es mucho mejor que las primeras sesiones las hagan completamente siguiendo las instrucciones, por mi experiencia, asi lo hice y ya los demas días la ponía con volumen bajo donde apenas escuchaba la voz y aún asi funcionaba, pero porque ya había creado la conexión y la imagen mental del proceso.

y una o dos veces a la semana la escucho con volumen alto y consiente de seguir las instrucciones aunq realmente ya no con ojos cerrados etc pero como para reinforzar la transformación mental y conexión. :)

podrian escucharla mientras leen la traduccion varias veces integrando el proceso y entendiendolo. luego ya pueden hacerlo con los ojos cerrados y de vez en cuando leen osea como quieran sólo son sugerencias!

""Bienvenidos a este viaje transformador.
A medida que te acomodas, respira profundamente y permítete relajarte por completo; cierra los ojos, deja ir toda tensión y siente una ola de calma invadirte.
Imagina una luz suave y tranquilizadora rodeándote, llenándote de una sensación de paz y tranquilidad.
Mientras escuchas este vídeo, puedes esperar un profundo impulso en tu metabolismo y pérdida de peso acelerada. Esta experiencia esta diseñada para enganchar la marca energética y el campo morfogénico del ácido clorogénico, un natural compuesto conocido por sus poderosos beneficios. Siente esta energía envolviéndote, como si tu cuerpo estuviera generando ácido clorogénico sin esfuerzo. Este notable proceso inhibe la absorción de grasa y azúcar, promoviendo la degradación de lípidos en ácidos grasos libres. Tu cuerpo ahora está entrando en un estado de lipólisis mejorada, donde la grasa almacenada esta siendo convertida en energía, sin esfuerzo y naturalmente.

Además de esto, estás siendo rodead@ de campos morfogénicos que elevan tu metabolismo. Imagina estos campos como vibrantes, ondas dinámicas, viajando a traves de tu cuerpo, encendiendo cada célula con una tasa metabólica más alta. Tu cuerpo se está convirtiendo en un poderoso horno, quemando calorías y grasas de manera eficiente, impulsándote hacia tu peso ideal. Incorporados en esta experiencia hay mensajes subliminales y supraliminales, cuidadosamente elaborados para moldear tu forma de pensar e instruir a tu cuerpo a perder peso, quemar grasa y reducir celulitis.
Estos mensajes están trabajando profundamente dentro de ti, reforzando tu deseo y compromiso de lograr tus objetivos de pérdida de peso.
Visualízate ya transformad@, sintiendote más liger@, más saludable y más vibrante. Imagina tu cuerpo en su forma ideal, libre de exceso de peso, lleno de energía y vitalidad; Abraza esta imagen con alegría y gratitud, sabiendo que se está volviendo tu realidad.

Puedes escuchar esta grabación tantas veces como quieras. como, permitiendo que estos poderosos efectos se asentuen y aceleren tu progreso. Cada sesión te acerca a tu objetivo, cada momento profundiza tu transformación.
Ahora, respira profundamente otra vez y cuando estés list@, abre lentamente los ojos, trayendo esta energía y determinación recién descubiertas contigo. Lleva esta sensación de empoderamiento a lo largo tu día, sabiendo que estás en el camino hacia tu mejor yo.
Escucha, cree, transforma. Tu viaje a un/a más saludable y más delgad@ Tu, comienza ahora""




sharing an experiment to boost this, whether is before or during with 2 devices

if you have never tried Pranayama breathing or find it difficult to follow the guided one start with this one, itll automate it for you although the best is to eventually do it yourself, not just to accelerate or better the metabolism but obv for all the other great benefits of expanded breathing.

Belly Brething Trainer

also if you sit a lot during the day, eat fast then go back to work or gaming lol this can help a lot.

and then play the hypnosis SMB (the one in this post)

the belly audio literally feels doing the breathing for you its amazing, so by the time after a few weeks you try the guided one itll be easy peacy

Advanced Guided Belly Pranayama

and after a while once you know how to do it without following the audio, you could just play the Super Metabolism Meditation while doing the Pranayama.

this not only helps you digest to get rid of waste fast and extra pounds but also to absorb the good fast too, the nutrients etc.

happy digestion, shedding pounds in no time! and getting healthier✌️

EDIT: I forgot this one that is only now on Patreon!

this one automates the process too, but again the idea is to use the patreon one and belly breathing to help you get to the point where you can do the pranayama while listening to SMB


Wow there is a new channel?? What? How am i so late to this? So Dream muse is Sapien?

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Yes, his voice too, i believe


how long does this last?, aleast 24 hours?

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Also, 2-3 times is enough to give effect for many hours (possibly 24h)?

Or maybe the field it’s mostly active when/while we listen?

And another question:

In case I listen to fields which need fat, like Muscles Hungry for Fat or Scar Removal and Stem Cells, will such fields remove/cancel this field?

Maybe give it at least 1h before utilizing such fields (?) (probably 2-3 hours even better, to let it work more) …


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@WasheYoursSins this is based on the original field and that doesn’t have any time effects so guess there is nothing like that for this one either else Captain would have mentioned it.

@SoulStar33 the fields you mentioned use the fat around the organs and bones and this hypnosis field is aimed at visceral fat from the results of the OG field shared by many, on top it is better to use them after this field as it will be a total fat burnout.


Thank You.

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This field takes care of cellulite as well so you are good to use them.


This has been working incredibly well for me. I’m in a slight caloric deficit and have been exercising as much as usual, but I’ve been losing weight at an abnormally fast rate. The secret imho is to not exceed with listening: for me listening just once every 2/3 days is enough, if I do more I just end up super hungry and will eat anything.


that’s a fact! lol :face_with_hand_over_mouth: