Super Metabolism Boost, Weight Loss with Cellulite Reduction (Active Hypnosis and Field) The Dream Muse

is it bad to use this on an empty stomach?

Metabolism is a continuous process that happens in body, if this is used on empty stomach you probably will be very hungry after few loops.

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It’s one of the fields I feel the most! Two plays and it knocked me out, besides having quite intense activity in my stomach :dizzy_face:


This audio gives me so much energy!

I was wondering if it was necessary the whole “lay down close your eyes, imagine… etc etc” every time

But after doing it like that a few times on the 1st day

I think at least ime it kinda integrated the commands, bridge etc after the initial connection.

Because i didnt do the whole thing today, just played it at low volume, and what i super like is the energy boost like half hour after more or less.
And it lasts.

I used to play the original field 1 or twice after eating, sometimes id have to add the enhanced fat metabolism to really feel food was being digested fast (that of course if the meal was heavy)

But i never noticed any energy improvement

I do with this one and its big!

Its like acceleration of digestion AND nutrients absorption and distribution

I kinda want to pair it with Minor Blueprint of Power, because i dont like to eat too much at lunch while at work, like eating at the dining area there, to have to go sit again and work, doesnt feel the same as at home, but i need the fuel for sure.

So itll be like SMB x 2 then MboP x 2

Will see x

Oh and also zero need to play the Glycolisis one because it was the “must” one for me daily some time after meals too.


Which is why i stopped using the original one to lose weight or cellulite lol

Because after a few loops i was dead hungry and at some point i would be food binging again, defeating the purpose.

I was just playing it max twice to help digestion

Oh and you know what, i think how ill play it with MboP after (which def eliminates hunger) i wont have that issue of feeling super hungry later on (but i didnt feel that today still)


This is much much bigger than what we see immediately.

Here we have Captain instructing us how to squeeze the absolute best from each and every field.

Transform the process he explained in a blueprint of working with every fields and I truly believe it will enhance many folds our experience with them.

(My belly is burning right now)


Wow! An amazing boost in engagement and feeling.

Switch out the words specific to this field for those of others, and you have a self-talk script to use for almost any field.



i decided to just add by the ‘pay attention’ aspect it it
Because people dont really pay attention the other audios
what i mean is that extra deeper engagement can drive it a lot further.
People also remember words.
It solidly impacts to the subconscious.

also, its a sort of battle with the youtube algorithm lol.
since the actual sapien medicine channel is buried, removed from search results etc etc.
we can piggy back it on this far more ‘socially’ and ‘algorithmic’ acceptable channel.
I mean sure it gonna be a lot of work.
But i dont mind lol. I can do quite a lot in a lot shorter time.


This field is well chosen for audience reach; the feeling is so strong that they will trust the process in the fields that follow. This technique added to anxiety and stress reduction fields will change lives in real time.


actually i am just editing that one hahha
spot on mate.


Thanks for all your work Cap! I miss the releases on Dream seeds, my favorite channel :purple_heart:


Pure confirmation of something interesting.


Very excited to try this since the old version was always the most effective weight loss field for me. So many gifts!


Oh Captain, my Captain! :speak_no_evil:

(I like to think it had something to do with it. Let me stay in my world of goodies, unicorns, dragons, dark chocolate and pizza).

I just listened to it twice and on the second listen, I felt like I was getting hot… Interesting. Literally and non-literally speaking (I know some of you were wishing for the literary nitpick). You feel like you become a Disney princess when the fairy godmother comes and transforms her… and then you also feel like you are like Marilyn in Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend or Monica Bellucci as Malena.


Maybe the next one is about reversing aging :joy:

@Dreamweaver A similar guided version for Ego Dissolution and Subconscious Limits Removal will be very helpful to all. :pray:


this is a good suggestion


Ooo I can imagine a clear skin hypnosis that can clear outer and inner inflammation, dark marks, and other skin related issues.


with higher self connection perhaps? imaginarium divine…

so much possibilities, as kiwipanda says above…

next generation has arrived


It has only been 3 days and I can already feel the results. Very happy!! What I am loving even more is the waves of blockage releases I am experiencing each time I listen to this audio. I have always had an issue around my weight. I am not fat per say I would describe myself as chubby. In the past as soon I feel I have lost weight and that realization kicks in I immediately start self sabotaging myself and very soon I am back to square one. With this audio and the releases I have been feeling I just know those days of comfort eating and self sabotage are over. Roll on summer, I can’t wait for you to arrive!!!
