The Requests and Fields

A field to increase size and activity of sebaceous glands :pray: Thank you


A field to experience The Great Silence of the Universe, complete submerging of ego and mental noise.


Updated Matchmaker NFT


Would love an update of Shatachandi Yagna, Captain :pray:


Captain, a field for this would be amazing!


Dear Cap,

Would it be too much to ask to change the β€œsound” of Gum Regeneration and Super Metabolism Boost and put your voice (as in the Agartha one)? Or to all of them :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

Hi @Aliaziz

Welcome Rose Teacup

I think there is nothing here with this type of treatments so I put it here just in case:

Pizza-flavored, please ;D

That will be What Fat and Hardcore (for HIEMT alternative).

Okey dokey! :speak_no_evil: I couldn’t find that in the depths of the forum :upside_down_face:

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Beauty Tech 360 NFT has this in it.

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Please make an audio to get rid of migraines. Also make an audio to get rid of arm ache and leg ache and headaches. Also please make an audio to get rid of lactose intolerance as I’ve got that (have awful cramps after eating chocolate/drinking milk). Also please make an audio to get rid of stomach and digestion issues (had awful cramps after eating sweetcorn in the past too).

I have not seen any rowing projects on the forum. We will have to find a solution.

β€œI’m Mr. Wolfe, I solve problems” (I can imagine Cap saying that with any morphic field we ask for).

Smart field (Β± mandala) to simulate glasses/lenses or permanently protect from / adapt to
. blue/screen light
. UV radiation / sunlight damage
. glare
. possibly other kinds of needs (e.g., driving glasses, night/red light)

Basically the effect of computer eyeglasses (blue light filter) + polarized lenses with UV protection + potentially other kinds of protective/enhancing glasses – or physical adaptation


Something similar to Vinpocetin simulant, in particular mimicking its PDE1 inhibition effects.

Calcium Synthesis

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There is a revision of childhood already but perhaps a specific alchemical revision for early childhood, the first 2000 days of life (from conception to age 5.)

This is not likely to be covered by alchemical revision of childhood since i think it requires a different, multifaceted approach

this concept is being pushed by the australian government nationwide, emphasising its profound importance.

the following paragraphs expand on this concept. i took it from this government pdf

A healthy lifestyle helps to protect us from the onset of disease and improves our quality of life. But, we now know exposure to particular stressors before birth, and exposure to adverse experiences in early childhood, increases the probability that an individual will have poor health and wellbeing later in life. The higher the number and significance of stressors before birth and the higher the number of adverse experiences in the earlier years, the greater the risk to long term health and wellbeing

We know that people who have been exposed to these risk factors have poorer social, emotional and cognitive development. A child’s development at just 22 months of age is a powerful predictor of their educational outcomes at 26 years of age. Australian data shows that children who are behind on their development when they start school rarely catch up to other children, and their development at school entry is an excellent predictor of their educational achievement at the end of school.

We know that someone who has experienced a multitude of stressors and adverse experiences will be more likely to have unhealthy behaviours as an adult. They can be more likely to smoke, more likely to misuse alcohol and other drugs, more likely to be above a healthy weight, and more likely to self-harm. These behaviours can be difficult to change because as evidence has shown, these behaviours were not the real problem. Rather, they were the protective solution that people had adopted to deal with problems from childhood that they had never before spoken about to anyone.*

The result is that not only are people who have adverse childhood experiences more likely to experience chronic disease - their disease is less likely to respond to treatment. The strong, graded relationship between the number of adverse childhood experiences and chronic disease is true not only for physical disease, but also for mental health.


Pied piper inspired field


A portal to Stars Hollow, CT


White skin gene 2.0