The Requests and Fields

Haha thanks for your words!


Would it be possible to update the ‘vitiligo’ field?

Updated with additions such as꞉

  • autoimmune
  • smart stem cells that creates melanocytes directed to only affected, depigmented areas on the skin and hair follicles (scalp, beard, eyebrows, eyelashes, pubic hair, body hair, etc). Matching the individual’s skin tone.
  • safe and effective amount of excimer 308-nm UVB light therapy directed to only depigmented areas.
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I would appreciate a field that supports you in orally representing your ideas - something that can be used in debates, presentations and job interviews. Please excuse me if a field like that already exists.

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Field for stoicism would be pretty cool!


One up this!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Book Thread :books:

there is The Power of The Blarney Stone that can be usefull in those cases.


Bad/irregular/malignant Mole removal

Alchemical Revision of Safety


An energetic low-dose naltrexone (LDN) field.

What is LDN?

  • Naltrexone, an opioid antagonist initially approved for managing alcohol and opioid dependence, is utilized in low doses (LDN) for immune modulation.
  • LDN is recognized for its potential to modulate the immune system, with accumulating evidence suggesting its efficacy in reducing inflammatory autoimmune processes.

What is Being Treated with LDN?

  • LDN has been explored in various conditions, including autoimmune diseases (e.g., Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis), neurological disorders (e.g., Parkinson’s disease, autism), cancers (e.g., melanoma, prostate cancer), infectious diseases (e.g., HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C), gastrointestinal disorders, and pain syndromes.


  • LDN’s mechanism involves blocking opioid receptors, leading to a rebound effect of increased endorphin production, which can positively impact immune cells.
  • Clinical studies and patient-reported data suggest LDN may downregulate inflammatory cytokines, reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, facilitate tissue repair, restore immune balance, and inhibit tumor growth.
  • LDN has shown potential benefits in various conditions, including improved quality of life, disease prevention, and immune monitoring.

Overall, LDN offers a promising approach to managing a wide range of medical conditions with potential disease-modifying effects and improved patient outcomes.

There are a number of conditions where LDN could benefit based on clinical studies and
patient data:



• Crohn’s Diseases
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Fibromyalgia
• Melanoma,
• Prostate Cancer
• Cervical Cancer
• Autism
• Ulcerative Colitis
• Hepatoblastoma
• Chemo Resistant Advanced
• Metastatic Breast
• Glioma Patients
• Gulf War Syndrome
• Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
• Pruritus in Systemic Sclerosis
• Gastrointestinal Disorders
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome


• Malaria
• Epstein-Barr Syndrome
• Hepatitis C
• Lung Cancer
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Bladder Cancer
• Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
• Breast Cancer
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Lymphoma (Hodgkin’s and Non
• Wound Healing
• Hodgkin’s) Colon & Rectal Cancer
• Malignant Melanoma
• Uterine Cancer
• Glioblastoma
• Throat Cancer
• Liver Cancer
• Neuroblastoma
• Multiple Myeloma
• Renal Cell Carcinoma
• Ovarian Cancer

For a list of current ongoing LDN studies, please go to the following website:


Healing of the Achilles tendon

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There is a
Tendon and Ligament Repair
submission that was accepted.



A water charger mandala which oxygenates the water, purifies it of pesticides, plastics, dioxane, fluoride, chlorine, graphene, glyphosate, anything harmful to the human body is purified.

The mandala is designed to purify 8oz of water in about five minutes

Love added



An upgrade to the Plant Growth and Enhancement field :evergreen_tree: :leaves:

Applied to the whole eco-system would be great


There is Resilience - The Antifragile, Detached Resilience (Patreon Shop) and Detachment for Spiritual Growth.

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An Ikigai field would be magic :sparkles: thanks !!


I was able to find an affordable alternative to the stoic field I was requesting earlier which is by @anon54275726 called as The River Of Life, looks pretty promising will certainly try!!

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Wow, extraordinary !
Imagine that every person in the world would be shielded from malefic influences of all kind.
A golden age of harmony would start.

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"Baku ( or ) are Japanese supernatural beings that are said to devour nightmares. They originate from the chinese Mo. "

Would be nice to have a field like this.

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perhaps an audio for a more feminine bone structure of the body? narrower shoulders, narrower ribcage and a wider pelvis?