Superego & Original trauma

if there’s an original and solid form to locate ALL trauma it’s superego (a somatic & psychic sense of morality/prohibitions).

superego is the result of all condensed traumas from childhood. a never-ending debt with an abstract form of authority that could take any shape (mom, dad, school, institution, work, office, etc).

this debt is created through the subjective effects of conditional love (being loved only if: X, Y or Z) in its 3 shapes:

  • shame
  • guilt
  • disgust

the main goal of conditional love is to make kids obey rules/norms and make them fully functional for society through fear.

these 3 forms of its expression rule all 3 forms of neurosis: hysteria (shame); obsession (guilt) & disgust (phobia).

therefore, the goal of superego is to be loved (by parents first and later on by society/groups of people).

this desire that leads people to get a new car, buy a new watch, create empires & even go to the moon (with the exception of those acting out from their 100% clean/pure/true/authentic/transcendent/higher self motivation, which is pretty rare if non-existent on daily basis).

superego is like a bug in the matrix that only perpetuates itself:

the end result of lack of love that seeks that same love that lacks in a circular motion (like a snake that eats its tail), although it only reproduces more of itself in its attempts to achieve it.