Superhero Inspiration - Future Sapien Shop Items

You don’t have to like it philodox, this is for those who do. Horses for courses
Petulcity aside, glad you like spirituality! I will be adding concept art for you then in the offing!


Bruce Lee tag Please! :wink::wink::wink:


How do they work?

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It is only art my friend, Mayte in the future its can be used for tha Sapiens Shop! A hug!


Ok, so can you do one like Eddie Morra (Limitless)?


Limitless tag would be an awesome idea!!

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Where is Owl tags?

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Owl Experience (Energy And Intercession)


After Limitless-Eddie Morra, what do you think of 1 for Lucy, from Lucy movie?

Me too, superheroes are unnecessary for the world

A limitless tag is more preferred and realistic wise man

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What is it it with you crepehanger people and your de trop opinions?

This is a superhero thread - if you’re just going to be a rudesby or clatterfart and exeleutherostomize your personal opinions like a philiodox for the ueslessness/ floccinaucinihilipilification of superheroes then aroint/begone. I don’t need to be buttonholed by you attaccabattoni breedbates every time with petulcity comments on what you personally feel or think, especially for such a previously created concept.

Enow. Nantee palaver.

So for you handful of yarra-bankers, don’t dringle and faff with your soap box bushwa and vilipend what this thread was for the other members who are in support for the very idea in the first place- as cut and dried obvious as it was from the title but it clearly went over your heads.

It’s “unnecessary” for sharing how much you care, think or feel for being “realistic” or “necessary”.

This is not the place for you kibitzing railbirds to post deflating off-topic doxy.
Aposematic, chin-wag your yenta bavardage somewhere else on the forum please.

**Now for the midas-eared forum ephemeromorphs that snool me for more smart drug concepts, you need more than just quick fix for your problems, forwhy certes Nzt-48 won’t help you.

This thread was last touched a sennight ago or two weeks back.
Sapien already has it in the bag with attaining ultimate intelligence and the category of creating absolute supergeniuses.

Have atleast a scintilla of appreciation for Dream’s work you canker-blossoms.