Superhuman Genius field

  1. How long do the effects of this field last? is it 1 day?
  2. By how much do you become smarter? would it raise your IQ by 15-25 points temporarily or somewhere like that?

Alright thanks!
So the longer I listen to this audio the more permanent it will become just like to cognitive enhancement audio?
Thanks for reply!

It’s probably individual, but the effects typically last around three to eight hours for me.

Superhuman Genius gives your brain a lot of growth potential, so it’s good to use before any brain related task to form new connections with that potential. You will form the most new connections in your brain in relation to what you’re using it for. You can also use it prior to listening to Permanent Brain Enhancement.

From the video description:

Its Good to use this before a brain related task, like studying, active learning, thinking/imagination.

@Philip_Weiss also had some great tips in this discussion thread.

Superhuman Genius should not be listened to more than twice in one day according to Dream’s instructions.

From the video description:

Use twice a day at most, do not use overnight. Do not overuse.

You could listen to it more often, but you may cause damage.


Yes it could be counterproductive if prolonged listening is probably acarpous.


> Superhuman Genius = SUPER-GENIUS

“It’s like taking Michael Jordan and making him a SUPER Michael Jordan ,” Deheng Wang, MCG graduate student and the paper’s first author, says of the large black and white rats already recognized for their superior intellect.

"This adds to the notion that NR2B is a universal switch for memory formation," says Dr. Joe Z. Tsien, co-director of the MCG Brain & Behavior Discovery Institute and co-corresponding author on the paper published Oct. 19 in PLoS One. Dr. Xiaohua Cao at East China Normal University also is a co-corresponding author.

NRSB = synaptic plasticity =SUPER-GENIUS learning and memory.

Children have higher ratios of NR2B, which lengthens the time neurons talk to each other, enabling them to make stronger connections, thus optimizing learning.

work by these researchers has found that mice genetically modified to have an excess of NR2B became Supergeniuses =‘Superlearning’.

By modifying a single gene, scientists have made Hobbie-J the smartest rat in the world, a new study says

When we learn something new, the neurons in our brains make strong synaptic connections to ‘cement’ the memory. But it can be difficult to get rid of strong old memory connections to make way for new ones, suggests a mouse study published earlier this year in the journal Scientific Reports and reported by the New York Times. The researchers looked at two proteins important for forming connections in the brain, called NR2A and NR2B. Compared to adult mice, young mice have higher levels of NR2B in the brain, while adult mice have increased levels of NR2A. However, when the researchers induced young mice to produce more NR2A (making their brains more like those of adult mice), the young mice had trouble forming new connections and making new long-term memories at the expense of old ones.
Overexpression NR2B
= Overexpression of new novel connections =Super Genius learning and memory
=Limitless NZT 48
= Superhuman Genius.


Rat Made Supersmart

The lab rat can remember objects three times longer than her smartest kin, the study says. Thanks largely to this memory boost, she’s also much better at solving complex tasks, such as traveling through mazes using only partial clues to find rewards—a key method for measuring rat intelligence.
When Hobbie-J was still an embryo, a team led by Joe Z. Tsien at the Medical College of Georgia injected her with genetic material that caused the overexpression of the gene NR2B, which helps control the rate at which brain cells communicate.

The change allowed Hobbie’s brain cells to communicate for a whisker of a second longer than those of normal rats. This, the researchers believe, is why she’s the smartest ultimate supergenius than the average rat.

Eddie Morra
Carl Van Loon:

Eddie Morra: You don’t think some smartass on NZT
might have two or three
or even four labs?

Carl Van Loon: So what? You’re not making any more.

Eddie Morra:
That’s right, I’m not.
I thought better of it.
See, once you know what’s in it,
you can tweak it, re-engineer it.
Get the bugs out. Taper off.
I’m off it, Carl.

Carl Van Loon: Well, on it or off it, there’s no scenario
where you’re not working for me.

Eddie Morra:
How you gonna pay me?
In cigarettes?
Last year you traded inside information 17 times.

Carl Van Loon:You threatening me?

Eddie Morra:
Blank checks from Dubai.
Dumping in Chile. Disappeared officials. I mean, you shed a spot light…

Carl Van Loon:
Do you want to go to war with me?

Eddie Morra:
And trust me when I say this,
I’m not even being creative.

Carl Van Loon: There’s no way you can be making accusations like that
and be walking around alive.

Eddie Morra:
That you would even think that shows me
how unprepared you are to fight me.

Carl Van Loon: You’re no longer equipped to fight me.

Eddie Morra:
- I may be off it,
but you think I didn’t learn anything?
That my synapses didn’t change?
That I kept absolutely nothing?

Carl Van Loon:You have no idea what kind of enemy I can be.

Eddie Morra:
That van’s gonna rear-end that taxi.

Carl Van Loon: What?

Eddie Morra:
The driver’s distracted. He’s texting.
He’s going 30 miles an hour.
He has 60 feet to stop.
He doesn’t have room.

Carl Van Loon: What van?


Eddie Morra:

I see everything, Carl.
I’m 50 moves ahead of you
and everybody else.
What makes you think I don’t have a guy
with a bead on you right now?
How do you know you’re gonna be alive
this time next year?

Carl Van Loon:What are you doing? You get your hands off me…

Eddie Morra:

Something’s pumping half-mass in there.
The walls of your heart are dilated.
Your aortic valve’s steno. So you’re
gonna need to get that replaced.

But you already knew that.
You know, you should
really be glad about this.
'Cause me working for you?
You’d end up as my btch.*

#canicular #lattinforlittlebtchdogstarcanicularis


> If so, scientists at some point in the coming century will jump at the chance to inject a gene with the biological blueprint for the NR2B protein into the nucleus of a human mother’s fertilized egg. The embryo would then be implanted in the mom. In no time at all her human Doogie, while still spitting up and learning to crawl, would be considering the nuances of irregular verbs in Sanskrit!

The rat in the study is also named after a super genius for the character could " Within days he becomes a super-genius, learning a dozen languages, easily mastering the most difficult theories in mathematics and, of course, winning the affections of his social worker, Claire Bloom.

Previous work by these researchers has found that mice genetically modified to have an excess of NR2B became ‘super-learners’ supergeniuses!

Esemplastic with Permanent BE morphic audio for LTP: long-term potentiation =

NZT-48 Limitless


Just keep learning all the time and expand your horizons like a renaissance man =DAVINCI.

And you will change the world! SMARTEST SUPERGENIUS SEMPITERNAL!!


Supergenius Gene Nr2b !!! Everybody thank!!! @Captain_Nemo



What’s your language of origin @anon64768676?

I love seeing the google translate and/or your word choices.


Urdu/Hindi but omnilingualism in words the went out with the ark :wink: #NICTATE

But I’d love to be Shakespeare reincarnated haha redivivus.

acarpous is sterile. fruitless. antipodal to autofructiferous.






Be better!

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Haha yes nonesuch I am :sunglasses: bar none bro. no roland for an oliver here. sui generis.

No emulous epigone here! ( undistinguished follower of an accompished master. imitator born in a later-generation. )

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Haha man, I love it! Keep going hard!

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I’ve been slacking bro, a lubbard for the Iron Man nisus and all.

But this is the best yet:

Go to and start your training!

Not much of a brimborion/cumberworld my man.

Look DaVinci was 500+ years ahead of his time, now imagine if he was here now in the advent of all this tech! Now imagine the possibility of an Iron Man, who surpasses our boy DaVinci.

Look we Alex Lab Iron Man Youtube channel files x Lucid Dreaming (my process of coming up with trillion dollar ideas) x Iron Man education = Real Life Iron man.

I never bothered to listen to those cloud cuckoo land " plausive scientists" lol reminds me of the scene in the movie “box of scraps” but that’s just simply the flip side of the obverse how can i be iron man coin - if we had the ingenuity, then the modern Tech would not be so bad in figuring it out = reality.

Iron’s man brainpower is all that’s needed. in fact i think if Iron man came right off the comic book pages he would be a trillionaire genius playboy philanthropist haha.

Circumstantiality parlambing of my ratiocination natheless,simply put we just need his brain to build the suit that’s all.


Haha don’t want to be the snoutband but that’s easier said then done lol. We can’t know that until we had a 270 IQ+.

The arc reactor technology is already here the only problem is that it’s incompossible with being “compatible” with an actual exoskeleton suit down to the miniaturized level of Tony’s invention.

Anyway that’s what I’m going to be studying at MIT but here’s a course to check out

Google the CERN Switzerland research on energy sources.

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I think it’s best to sleep on it. Again that’s why I’m trying to lucid dream on it, because the conscious mind can only ideate so much then the actual subconscious.

I just can’t wait till my C&M arrives haha! Then I’ll probably be able to rationalize this idea better lol x SLR no doubt I can make it happen.

Icarian motivation

"I am Icarus.

“You do know that the point of the story was that he flew too close to the sun, right?”

“You know who thinks that way, Reed? The people who’ve never flown”.


It’s all love man, I’m just trying to save the world and disabuse the people to believe in the very possible impossible.

I just finally know what I have to do . And I know in my heart that it’s right’







I have to out-herod Shakespeare!