The Requests and Fields

Request field:
Morphic fields of growing adult teeth, .I think maybe individual morphic field for each tooth.
I tried the experimental new teeth without success. That’s why it sets me thinking about morphic fields may work.

Sam, what’s your thoughts on this?

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I also need this.Can a morphic field do this or at least help in this?

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The Theta or Delta Brainwave audios may help in producing the ability to have out of body experiences.

Hi Uial thanks for the response.
Yes maybe the Interconnection field would also work. Only problem would then be the observation part. If we were watching a practical demonstration then yes we could absorb knowledge but what if the lecturer or speaker is talking on stage he/she may not be demonstrating anything but rather talking and explaining stuff to the audience, how then would we absorb knowledge from him/her? I would like to absorb some knowledge from him/her while I’m in their presence. Maybe Sapien or is staff could help clarify this for us?

I see in your reply that the Interconnection field is $49.95 but when I log onto Teespring it shows as $120?


Fields for HSV 1 and 2 and for ezcema relief would be useful to the planet


If you use Interconnection (available for download on Patreon); Telepathy (dreamseeds), Energy expansion/energy sensing (Patreon) you would get so much more information from your daily life. Add “superhuman genius” for potential and “Cognitive enhancement/Permanent brain improvement” for more concentration, abstract thinking and memory and the sky is the limit.
Add Ancestral knowledge to the whole and wait 3 month. You’ll be a monster
Edit: Then you use creativity to create new knowledge and way to think/do


:clap: Oh wow that is brilliant! Thank you Phillip.
I have the “Best Path” field and the “Intercession” field embedded on my ring, I feel so blessed, like I was guided to this forum to help me learn more!
I’m also a member on Patreon so I will be able to download the audio’s you mentioned and those not on Patreon I will listen to them on YouTube.
I also bought the “Enhanced Memory” field that was embedded on another ring so I guess I’m half way there all I now need to do is create a new playlist and title it “A New Me” :wink:
As none of the audios are for physical changes, or maybe the brain ones are? Do you think I could listen to them all each day?


Funny, I am wearing the exact same fields (best path in life, intercession, memory). I also listen to the ones I recommended. Superhuman Genius, Cognitive Enhancement, Memory are affecting the physcial structure of your brain. Now, I can’t recommend a specific listening routine, but I can offer you a framework. I wear my “Enhanced Memory ring” as soon as I wake up.
The first few times I used superhuman genius twice in a row I had severe headache, however listening to brain regeneration every now and then intraday suppressed all problems. Superhuman genius act like a booster, I use it first a few time before listening to cognitive enhancement or telepathy. In total I might use Superhuman genius 1-3 hour a day, keeping in mind that it can and will probably cause some damage when listened that long, I sleep with brain regerenation all night (I don’t listen to it during the day). Fast foward a few month and I had great results compared to when I used Cognitive enhancement alone (wich already gave me good results).
Special mention: If you are trying to study as much as physically possible, you can listen to “hyper state sleep” 10 times in the morning (and from time to time when you drift) then wear Memory, listen to gamma brainwave and put your phone in your pocket with the “perseverance” card.
Edit: Don’t hesitate to explore untill you get right combination for you, depending on your results you could listen to “Slow down the perception of time” If taking breaks is a must and you like a slower pace (the purpous of more intelligence is to learn faster and having more time in one day is one way to do that). Ampk for energy also helps, cafein too. It takes time to see what fields help keeping or even bring you back in the “zone”.


desperately trying not to get jeaolous :joy:
I am curious, did it help with remembering your dreams? I thought combining the lucid dreaming field with enhanced memory may be a killer-combination, but I guess I wont get to try it out now.
Except if it doesn’t matter if we wear 1 item with 2 fields or 2 items with 1 field on each.

Hi Phillip
Wow! is all I can say for the moment. Thank you so much for such great advice!
I have already created my playlist, looking forward to some great results!
Thank you again!

Hi Jonno

I will be able to tell you more about the memory field when I start using it more. Unfortunately soon after I got the field embedded I forgot the ring at my mom’s house when I spent the weekend with her. Just goes to show how bad my memory is, had I worn it longer I probably wouldn’t have forgotten my ring! :joy: I’ll be visiting her this weekend to collect my ring, I can’t wait to feel the effects.
Stay positive, hopefully one day you will get to try out your killer-combination and share some interesting lucid dream adventure stories with us!

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Love your positivity :slight_smile:
Yeah, maybe Sapien will make a “find your stuff”-field for people like us haha.

What I love most about this whole adventure and the technology is that it makes me feel like I am in some kind of RPG and Sapien is the dungeon merchant :joy:


Hi @Racem , sorry to hear about your problem.
But till @Captain_Nemo respond you I suggest you this video from YouTube to try Hearing loss recovery and here you have it on Patreon for download:
“This energetic programming in this video places stem cells and also emits healing energy in the ears to heal the ear and restore it from any damage that has been done.”

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I am sure it will help, since Stem cells are like blanc sleeves for your DNA to work with. Although you are born this way, you hold the blueprint of a perfect ear ingrained in your DNA, so it knows what it has to do.
That’s just how I think it works.
Wish you all the best


Hi Philip I can’t seem to find this audio on Patreon. Do you know when Sapien uploaded it?
I wish it was easier to navigate through Patreon instead of scrolling through each upload. I might have overlooked it while searching, just thought I’d ask

I should have been more specific. It’s a card from the “magic card system”. It’s not too far from the latest post I think, at least in the first quarter. There are some explanations in the description that you should definitely follow as it might seem counter-intuitive once you are familliar with the audios.

@Jennyfire it’s on Instagram and on Patreon too
You have instructions there I think

The lucid dreaming field is beneficial but you will still need to perform reality checks and record your dreams. I bought Memory and Lucid dream at the same time, and although it helped I couldn’t remember my dreams that much more easily. I can remember my whole day, all the turns I took in a full day of driving, old faces and memories. But I can only remember my dreams when I write them down upon weaking up. It’s a lot of work, I was only trying to lucid dream in order to work and get more experience (practice in dream are supposed to be worth 30-45% of real life training). It was not cost effective so I stopped.
I guess I just don’t want you to be disapointed if you stop practicing while you’r awake…
I think the lucid dream field is more effective after you manage to become lucid inside a dream (wich it helps achieve). The dreams are much more stable and longer, the return on each dream is many times greater.
Edit: I still recomend it, if you have time to really practice you will get amazing life experiences. I stopped wearing it one year ago and I still have more control over my dreams.


Mastery of Power

Manipulation, deception, persuasion, influence, indirection, cunning, domination, intimidation, strategy…etc.

Think 48 Laws of Power.

That’s my one request, but of course…

Thanks for all you guys do!


Forgive the giant post, and if this is not appropriate for this forum, I’m happy to delete this. (I may end up doing so anyway, as it’s a bit personal). I debated whether or not post at all…but I need help. I’m in a very dark place, feeling defeated, helpless, and hopeless.

What I want more than anything in the world…and have for the last 15 months…is a “save my marriage” field. I love my wife…she means the world to me. We’ve been together for seven years, and the “seven year itch”, it seems, is a very real thing. A year ago she fell quite hard for someone else. To her credit, she’s been honest about it all along. Rather than cheating (physically, at least), she asked me (and has continued to push) to “change our agreement” and open up our marriage. I’m scared that I’ll lose her if I agree…and I’m scared that she’ll grow to resent me (and I’ll lose her anyway) if I don’t agree. I know a lot of people do this, and it seems to be more and more common these days. I strongly support everyone’s right to choose the relationship model that works for them; I don’t have any issues about it from a moral/ethical/philosophical place. But…it’s not what I want personally, and it never has been. We we were on the same page about commitment. That’s why I married her, and that’s why we started a family. Everything was great. Until she met him. And yes, people grow and change, but navigating an open relationship can be insanely challenging in the best of circumstances. I fear that for us, it would be a flaming train wreck, and that just I, but our daughter, would suffer.

I love her. I will do anything and everything I can to make this work. I have been (and am continuing to) do my utmost to be understanding, empathetic, kind, and loving. I want our bond and our love to be strong. She means the world to me. I want her to be happy and fulfilled, but knowing her as I do, this…it doesn’t feel like the way. I’m at a loss; I don’t know what to do.

I know this is a crazy, complicated situation and an unusual request. Is there any way at all field can help? Something to help us find a way forward? Something to restore or strengthen her commitment to me? Something to ease my (very intense and not at all irrational) fear and jealousy? Something to strengthen our ability to communicate, to empathize, to navigate this successfully and move forward together?

At the moment, I’m using “attract more love into your life” on the regular, as well as “Angelic Intercession”. I’m wearing “matchmaker”, “best path”, and “intercession 2.0” fields. I’m also using “inner beauty”, “clear negative energy”, “depression/stress/anxiety”, “forgiveness and release”, “oxytocin”, “trauma release”, “unconditional love”, “uplift yourself, people, and the world”, and ever since you released it, “Grief Loss Lonliness” pretty much on a continuous loop.

If there’s anything you can do with a field, please help me. I’m grateful for all you’ve done already, and all you continue to do.

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