The Requests and Fields

@Jennyfire it’s on Instagram and on Patreon too
You have instructions there I think

The lucid dreaming field is beneficial but you will still need to perform reality checks and record your dreams. I bought Memory and Lucid dream at the same time, and although it helped I couldn’t remember my dreams that much more easily. I can remember my whole day, all the turns I took in a full day of driving, old faces and memories. But I can only remember my dreams when I write them down upon weaking up. It’s a lot of work, I was only trying to lucid dream in order to work and get more experience (practice in dream are supposed to be worth 30-45% of real life training). It was not cost effective so I stopped.
I guess I just don’t want you to be disapointed if you stop practicing while you’r awake…
I think the lucid dream field is more effective after you manage to become lucid inside a dream (wich it helps achieve). The dreams are much more stable and longer, the return on each dream is many times greater.
Edit: I still recomend it, if you have time to really practice you will get amazing life experiences. I stopped wearing it one year ago and I still have more control over my dreams.


Mastery of Power

Manipulation, deception, persuasion, influence, indirection, cunning, domination, intimidation, strategy…etc.

Think 48 Laws of Power.

That’s my one request, but of course…

Thanks for all you guys do!


Forgive the giant post, and if this is not appropriate for this forum, I’m happy to delete this. (I may end up doing so anyway, as it’s a bit personal). I debated whether or not post at all…but I need help. I’m in a very dark place, feeling defeated, helpless, and hopeless.

What I want more than anything in the world…and have for the last 15 months…is a “save my marriage” field. I love my wife…she means the world to me. We’ve been together for seven years, and the “seven year itch”, it seems, is a very real thing. A year ago she fell quite hard for someone else. To her credit, she’s been honest about it all along. Rather than cheating (physically, at least), she asked me (and has continued to push) to “change our agreement” and open up our marriage. I’m scared that I’ll lose her if I agree…and I’m scared that she’ll grow to resent me (and I’ll lose her anyway) if I don’t agree. I know a lot of people do this, and it seems to be more and more common these days. I strongly support everyone’s right to choose the relationship model that works for them; I don’t have any issues about it from a moral/ethical/philosophical place. But…it’s not what I want personally, and it never has been. We we were on the same page about commitment. That’s why I married her, and that’s why we started a family. Everything was great. Until she met him. And yes, people grow and change, but navigating an open relationship can be insanely challenging in the best of circumstances. I fear that for us, it would be a flaming train wreck, and that just I, but our daughter, would suffer.

I love her. I will do anything and everything I can to make this work. I have been (and am continuing to) do my utmost to be understanding, empathetic, kind, and loving. I want our bond and our love to be strong. She means the world to me. I want her to be happy and fulfilled, but knowing her as I do, this…it doesn’t feel like the way. I’m at a loss; I don’t know what to do.

I know this is a crazy, complicated situation and an unusual request. Is there any way at all field can help? Something to help us find a way forward? Something to restore or strengthen her commitment to me? Something to ease my (very intense and not at all irrational) fear and jealousy? Something to strengthen our ability to communicate, to empathize, to navigate this successfully and move forward together?

At the moment, I’m using “attract more love into your life” on the regular, as well as “Angelic Intercession”. I’m wearing “matchmaker”, “best path”, and “intercession 2.0” fields. I’m also using “inner beauty”, “clear negative energy”, “depression/stress/anxiety”, “forgiveness and release”, “oxytocin”, “trauma release”, “unconditional love”, “uplift yourself, people, and the world”, and ever since you released it, “Grief Loss Lonliness” pretty much on a continuous loop.

If there’s anything you can do with a field, please help me. I’m grateful for all you’ve done already, and all you continue to do.

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On a lighter note, two other fields I’d love to see are “flexibility/mobility” and “creative flow state”.

I actually bought the audio field and played around with it a little.
It worked just fine, I just did a few reality checks here and there, maybe 3 times a day and I had a lucid dream the first night. I stopped using it though because it is very hard to sleep when it is on, so I thought it’d be better if I wore it as a field, especially if the field is going to grow in time.
What I am also after is this daydream-visualisation-boost, since I wanted to be able to have life-like-visualisation whenever I close my eyes and concentrate on it.

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I also started with the audio version of lucid dream. It worked for me too and I also acquired the field on a necklace. With a minimum of work everyday it’s very effective, but that little bit of work need to be there long enough to automatically achieve a lucid state. I reached a point where I lucid dream but I often forget it, or I just consciously proceed with the same routine that I have whan I’m awake. Lucid dreaming is also more energy intensive than mindless dreaming and you might feel tired upon waking up wich is not good if you have an active lifestyle. There was a time where I was lucid in my dream but I didn’t want to be lucid, I just wanted to sleep. Really, remebering the lucid dream is more of the problem. Good luck, enjoy flying and carjacking ferraries :+1:
Edit: If you find a way to drastically improve your visualisation skills without using brainwaves, let us know (in another category)

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Killing all parasites in the human body!!

Hi Dreamweaver if you could find a way to kill all parasites in the human body and create a audio on your Sapien medicine channel for that it would be much appreciated!

I don’t know how this can be done but maybe a combination of things!


That’s exactly why I want to combine it with memory-enhancement.

Alright, I will!

Men that’s awesome idea. Tell them To create a NZT 48 will be freaking AWESOME


I have an idea, but there are truly so many requests I don’t even know if it will be considered.

I see the type of work Sapien is focused on now, and I think it’s aligned with that.

One has to do with endogenous digestive enzyme production. What I know from my 15 years in raw food dieting, is that eating raw and fermented foods is very important for our bodies. Our bodies’ endogenous enzyme production supposedly slows down around 30 years old. I am suggesting a field that returns enzyme production to years prior, and/or to get all the benefits of a raw food diet while eating a cooked one.

The other has to do with bowel ecology and having excellent gut health. There are medical procedures for this involving implanting feces from a donor into someone else’s rectum to colonize that person’s digestive tract with the proper ratio and assortment of beneficial bacteria. So, perhaps the field works by implanting the good bacteria from a healthy donor?

These two together would ensure excellent digestive health, and health overall.


I think the hyperbaric oxygen therapy might work for that… Harmful bacteria and parasitic organisms cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment. Worth a try

Also @anon2456476

I think Sapien already did that. It’s on the Google Play Store. Subconscious Advice. I don’t have an Android so I haven’t used it.

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I agree with Phillip_Weiss. Get out of there. Use the Matchmaker to find a new partner, one that you deserve and wouldn’t pull this crap on you.

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I hope this will prove to be a good resource for designing the specific mechanisms behind an anti-parasite field. This link does not mention Thujone which is another supposed mechanism behind Wormwood’s effectiveness.

This could be a good place to start at least, I don’t know a lot about what kills parasites, or what characteristics of parasites differentiate them from bacteria, viruses and healthy cells. Other than the fact that they are eating you.


Thank you for the input greatly appreciate it!

Greetings Sapien.

A field designed for ADHD/ADD would be very much appreciated.
I think relief can be achieved by repairing/stimulating these areas of the brain: Frontal cortex, basal ganglia,reticular activating system and the limbic system.
Norepinephrine is also low in ADHD patients, so a video stimulating/enhancing that chemical would be beneficial.

Thank you. :slight_smile:


I wonder if it’s possible for Sapien/Dreamweaver to do morphic field for nose, specifically alar reduction, nose wings reduction. I would absolutely buy it too
Just putting it out there

Thank you Philip
I have downloaded the cards and the instructions from Pateon.

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I never seen field of that name

Thank you KondicDr
I have downloaded the cards and the instructions from Pateon.

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