The Requests and Fields

Hi Psimindset
Philip_Weiss and KondicDr have cleared up the confusion. It’s not a field but a card that is available on Patreon or Instagram

yeah im familair with Dreamweaver psychic cards system

I try to put those mandala energy images as my iphone wallpaper but they are too big and i dont know how to resize it down. Printing them out isnt really an option for me

u can use this website to resize the images isn’t really hard to do through this website


Hi there you used Fungus audio to eliminate your dandruff… My daughter is fade up of these dandruff flakes… horrified least to say… Regards

oh yes, that’d be great!

It’s available here and here.

Hi Psimindset
Great that you are familiar with the cards!! Would you please share on this page or on the results page what you have learnt/discovered or noticed since using the psychic cards system. Any tips or advice?

Hi @Jennyfire, I’ve always used one main card as mobile wallpaper for months and it became naturally working for me. I’d say just keep on using every now and then and it becomes part of your system. Once it becomes part of you, you can even activate without looking at it or holding it. Hope this helps :)

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Hi Chandu
Thank you for your advice! These may sound like silly questions so please bear with me.
Can I print them to any size? Can I laminate them? When I have the card on me say in my pocket, does the card need to face me? What if I put certain cards in my purse then place the purse in my handbag and keep my bag close by, will they still work? Can I lay them on my bedside table when I go to sleep? Is there a time limit or can we use them 24/7? How many cards can I use at any time? Does using the card count as an extra field or do they work differently to the audios on Patreon?
I like the idea of using a card as my mobile wallpaper, that’s a great idea!


Yes, you can print them in anyy size you want, even in black and white. I have a small picture of Thor’s Hammer in the back of my phone’s case, it works. You do need to keep them close to you (in your aura). You can use them 24/7, it’s best not to use too many fields at the same time. The fields are really like a set of instruction that you are downloading into your “program”. Downloading multiple file at the same time slow down the process, but once it’s downloaded it dosen’t matter. Also, if you didn’t already know the limit is subjective, you might have a naturally higher “tolerance” and that limits increase with time. I now use many more fields than I used to and they are still effective. The time needed to achieve permanent change also depend on the individual. You can think of it as a graduated line with relative numbers. If you think you are ugly of shy and have done so for a long time. It would represent a negative value, the fields need to bring the value up from the negative number to past a neutral state (zéro) untill you reach the final positive value wich represent the state that you wanted. If you are already somewhat confident you don’t necessarely need 6 month to reach it. I hope this analogy helps.


Hi @Jennyfire,

Any size should be fine, Yes - can laminate. I think for at least the starting couple of weeks hold them, see them and say the activation words and it works for 15 - 20 mins once activated as its designed that way. Then once the connection is made, you can freely use anyway you want. Or you can use the sigils (symbols below in card) If you are not carrying the cards with you (same effect). I used them through out day/night when ever i see them in the phone and it’s okay that way. These cards won’t restrict you with the use of audio fields, or at least I didn’t feel intense. You can try and test couple of days, bcz everyone is unique & special :)

I think the crux of this should be what you believe for your self without any doubt while using them :) as per my understanding. I feel we will eventually understand these things once we start using them regularly. All the best !!!

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Hi Philip
Thank you for your reply, I love how well you explain everything, you would make a great teacher!
Your analogy makes a lot of sense!!! I love how much I am learning from this forum!


Hi Chandu
Thank you for your response. I was reading more about the cards on Instagram, yes you are right, I too think that the more we use them regularly the more intuitive and creative we will become in finding ways to allow the cards and the mandalas to help us. I feel so blessed to have all this knowledge and tools available to everyone. It is now up to us to commit to our future and to evolve beautifully.

I view my past life to that of a caterpillar :bug: limited to crawling around one bush and not aware of it’s potential. Now that I have discovered Sapien I’m evolving and becoming a beautiful butterfly :butterfly: full of potential. I have so much to learn and discover about myself! :grin: Super excited!


Does anybody know which field to listen to for hyperglycemia? . Non-diabetes form of it.

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im somewhat sensitive to energy since i had spantaneous kundalini awakening back in 2015 harsh experience for over 3 months since then most of time im sensitive to energy i didnt use them for quite long, print and laminate them and keep and wallet the subtle energy will wrap you and you know that they are working for you, trust your intuition do not use all at once

Hello everyone!!! A big salute from Germany!!! :grinning:
I wonder if anybody could tell me, whether it’s possible to use more than one “advanced field” at the same time or would it create some resistance?

I appreciate every answer, thanks, everyone!!

I wish you all a nice week!!!

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Please read here.

you can use till 4 advanced fields at a time. but while you wearing all these items you should not listen to sapien fields, so one way or an other cause if you do it will overwhelm your energetic system changes will become slow. i wear two advanced fields at a time and use some of sapiens fields

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Thanks for your answer!!!
Which one are your wearing and how effective are they?