Superhuman Genius field

Like a Joe lol not the joe coffee definition.

Start listening to Permanent Brain Enhancement 365/24./7 and get that Broca’s and Wernicke’s area in overdrive my man!! :speaking_head::bulb::brain:

PBE = Chrysostomatic Deinosophist.= Omnilingualism


Yes like or of a parrot/ psittacine (PSITTACEOUSLY) and their echolalia. Such verbigerators!

Hear for accents = sprachgefuhl :grin:



:smiling_imp: #apollyonemoji



Genetic Enhancement of Memory and Long-Term Potentiation but Not CA1 Long-Term Depression in NR2B Transgenic Rats (

Eidetic Memory - Neurowiki 2014 (

.1 NR2B subunit

The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is the molecular switch for controlling synaptic plasticity and learning and memory.[[11](javascript:;)] The NR2A and NR2B subunits that make up the NMDA receptor are predominant in excitatory cortical and hippocampal pyramidal cells. It has been postulated that the shortening of NMDA currents and increased threshold for synaptic plasticity induction is due to the drastic decrease in the proportion of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors. [((bibcite13))] This led to an experiment where transgenic rats were generated that overexpressed the NR2B subunit in the HC and cortex. The transgenic rats showed enhanced recognition memory when they were tested on three tests: novel object recognition test, hidden platform water maze, T-maze spatial working memory testwhen synaptic properties were measured in the Schaffer collateral-CA1 path, single titanic stimulus was able to evoke significantly larger long-term potentiation (LTP) in transgenic hippocampal slices. This enhanced LTP was found to be NMDA receptor dependent because LTP was blocked with application of selective NMDA receptor blocker, AP-5. NR2B-selective antagonist Ro-25-6981was then used to block NR2B-containing NMDA receptors and it was found that NR2B subunits are required for LTP.

One major theory in learning and memory posits that the NR2B gene is a universal genetic factor that acts as rate-limiting molecule in controlling the optimal NMDA receptor’s coincidence-detection property and subsequent learning and memory function across multiple animal species. If so, can memory function be enhanced via transgenic overexpression of NR2B in another species other than the previously reported mouse species? To examine these crucial issues, we generated transgenic rats in which NR2B is overexpressed in the cortex and hippocampus and investigated the role of NR2B gene in NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic plasticity and memory functions by combining electrophysiological technique with behavioral measurements. We found that overexpression of the NR2B subunit had no effect on CA1-LTD, but rather resulted in enhanced CA1-LTP and improved memory performances in novel object recognition test, spatial water maze, and delayed-to-nonmatch working memory test. Our slices recordings using NR2A- and NR2B-selective antagonists further demonstrate that the larger LTP in transgenic hippocampal slices was due to contribution from the increased NR2B-containing NMDARs. Therefore, our genetic experiments suggest that NR2B at CA1 synapses is not designated as a rate-limiting factor for the induction of long-term synaptic depression, but rather plays a crucial role in initiating the synaptic potentiation. Moreover, our studies provide strong evidence that the NR2B subunit represents a universal rate-limiting molecule for gating NMDA receptor’s optimal coincidence-detection property and for enhancing memory function in adulthood across multiple mammalian species.


That’s what I’m afraid of.

Warning for the people who chase the brain pump.

Be careful with acetylcholine. Too much will give you problems below the neck.



Have you had a chance to test the new (ISIRB and RBM3) field in relations to previously recommended brain stacks yet?


I never posted a brain stack before :flushed:

But if I had to give an uneducated guess, I’d say that the plasma audio is a good enough substitute for HGF and (ISIRB and RBM3) as long as you keep brain regeneration and BNDF.

Now, if someone was overdoing the M-state audios alone or in combinations such as acetylcholine, superhuman genius, Gold & silver for hours to get a nice brain pump. ISIRB- RBM3 would be a nice add-on to take care of the nervous system outside of the brain.




Can confirm yesterday I played all M states 3-4 times (or more? I was in thought) and I was feeling overstimulated. Before sleeping I got the idea to play ISIRB-RBM3 and I calmed down significantly.


This overstimulation kinda fade after a few days.

I forgot to share my latest experience. The plasma audio took the overstimulation away. I can try as much as I want, I can’t get overstimulated if I listen to it half-way through. I don’t feel the “pump” when I’m on plasma and I tried.

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This goodd field lol

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What this does is actively place energetic simulation that create an effect of the overexpression of Klotho and NR2B while also saturating your entire brain with Nerve growth factor and CoQ10.

And finally a mild electrical stimulation of the entire brain. ( 1.5 mA )

NR2B will excite neurons, klotho and coq10 will help protect them, the nerve growth factor and electrical stimulation will help them form new connections.

So what this does in the simplest of explanations is create a very charged brain with a lot of growth potential.

(while minimizing any neural problems)

Its Good to use this before a brain related task, like studying, active learning, thinking/imagination.

That's where active growth will happen.

Use twice a day at most, do not use overnight. Do not overuse.

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