Superhuman Genius V.2.0 Advanced Field and Morphic Audio Request

ECCE! Satori/Ideas for +Sammy G and Dreamwaver and Sapien Medicine!

** SUPERHUMAN GENIUS V.2.0 morphic audio and advanced field request.idea**


What it contains. :

Absolute Memory + Superhuman Genius Morphic Field.
Permanent Eidetic Memory, Photographic Memory, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Audiographic Memory, Videographic, Superior Autobiographical Memory, etc. /Hyperthymesia; Total Recall + Superhuman Genius + Absolute Verbal Fluency/Vocabulary, and being Omnilingual (languages through Pimsleur, Duolingo overnight, including enhanced superhuman language learning of all languages in the entire universe, etc and include fields such as your mandarian and japanese heart of language series; limitless movie nzt 48, Anti-aging. Superhuman learning and speed reading. Et hoc genus omne.


  • morphic audio /field item increases IQ beyond 300 (estimated IQ 300+) supergenius futurist permanent brain enhancement (see relational skills training)


Amygdala healing and fearlessness test taking ability super genius (SAT1600, ACT36, GRE, etc)

Include morphic reprogramming benefits of Underwater breath training


  • Creatine Nutrition Induced

Research out of the University of Sydney showed that if you take 5g of creatine daily, you can lift your IQ by a full 15 points over a six-week period. Said study leader Caroline Rae, "Creatine gave a significant boost to brain power.



  • Gray matter/white matter, Neurogenesis and Birth of embryonic stem cells (induces billions of neural stem cells over time) Stimulates/Active neuronal and glial cell growth in the entire brain; specifically the following brain areas: Hippocampus, Wernicke and Broca’s Area, Working Memory, Enpp6 Fluid intelligence( your fluid intelligence – your ability to reason and problem solve which is the core of our intelligence.), Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, Basal ganglia for being the most productive super genius (absolute habits), parietal cortex for lucid dreaming (see photographic memory/eidetic memory area brain regions) Superior cortical thickness in D1 Dopamine receptors and serotonin levels ( abolish addictions, weakness etc.)

image streaming corpus callosum benefits for the IQ 300+ -

Your IQ level is not fixed

(Working memory and general intelligence both share the same brain circuitry – part of the frontal cortex of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. (‘Dorsal’ means up, and ‘lateral’ means to the side – hence ‘dorsolateral’).)
The logic is simple:

  • If you can improve your working memory capacity by training it directly, you can increase your intelligence level indirectly.
  • There is a ‘transfer effect’ from working memory training to intelligence and IQ.

But evidence shows that intelligence can change over time as a function of a person’s learning and life experiences (for reviews, see Flynn, 2000; Nisbett, 2009). This evidence is supported by research on neuroplasticity showing that the brain is highly plastic and changeable in its circuitry.

Brain training – rapid neuroplasticity change

In 2008, for the first time in over 40 years of research, a team of psychologists at the University of Bern in Switzerland and the University of Michigan in the USA, led by Dr. Susanne Jaeggi, demonstrated to the scientific community that a simple brain training exercise, practiced for 20-25 minutes each day for 20 days, could substantially improve both working memory and intelligence.

“Increasing intelligence is possible after all …with more training leading to greater gains …across the spectrum of abilities.”

Robert Sternberg, Professor of Psychology

It is only due to recent insights from cognitive psychology about the functioning of working memory – a short term memory system for processing information – that cognitive scientists have been able to succeed in developing an effective brain training exercise for increasing IQ and memory.

How much does IQ improve from training?

In the Jaeggi study, the measure of IQ – a time-limited version of Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices – increased by over 40% in just 19 days. There was a training effect on IQ level for people of all starting intelligence levels. This graph shows the IQ gains over number of daily sessions.

This is an enormous effect, and has excited the entire scientific community.

Synesthesia + Unlimited Creativity (sexual energy super genius = creative energy so induced jing, sheng, and chi)

3. Practice Brahmacharya for INSTANT photographic memory

Are you willing to sacrifice sexual pleasure for incredible physical and mental power? If you are, the path of Brahmacharya might be exactly what you’re looking for. This is the path of complete celibacy, both in mind and body. What that means is abstaining from sex, masturbation and avoiding any sexual thoughts.

The now very popular NoFap movement is a modern and more relaxed version of Brahmacharya. You will notice many “Fapstronauts” as they like to call themselves report amazing benefits of semen retention and living a life of purity. Some of these include more physical strength, improved mental clarity and resilience, improvement of chronic health conditions and so much more.

But the most extreme consequences were reported by Swami Vivekananda, a famous Indian spiritual guru who practiced celibacy for over 12 years. Thanks to chastity and sexual transmutation he was blessed with an instant photographic memory.

To read a book all he had to do was flip the pages once and all the information stayed imprinted in his mind forever. He could read hundreds, thousands of pages every day and have perfect recollection of all the information. This may seem crazy, but crazy results come from crazy dedication.

Do you have what it takes to be celibate for 12 years in the prime of your life? Try and let me know how it went. Until you do, here’s the forever interesting Vivekananda’s story for you to marvel at:

Eidetic memory is controlled primarily by the posterior parietal cortex of the parietal lobe of the brain . This is the part of the brain through which visual stimuli are processed, and images retained

= Ultimate Super Genius Morphic Field and Advanced Field Item

(more information and links can added by the request of Dreamweaver and Sammy G. )

:wink: PART 2


ADDITIONAL (NOT part of the Superhuman genius V2. request) > dunderwhelp dumfusion

  • THIS IS SEPERATE FROM REQUEST. i dimidate into two parts. this is seperate request from above. anablept looking up from Superhuman Genius V.2.0

MISC for future ideas


*also in the future consider more animal fields on dream seeds channel. I’ve noticed we have Whales, wolves, dragons, but a personal favorite of mind would be that of an advanced field and audio of a big cat like a bengal tiger or just tigers in general like you did with that of the lion dogtag having their physical qualities (courage, night vision, superhuman senses, climbing ability, massive height + imposing physique, stealth, strength etc.) but also Tigers would help with the super genius coupling since they have a short-term memory (i.e. absolute fluid intelligence benefits) ~30x greater estimated better than humans! Argal this probably is why they’re so vengeful lol against those who do them wrong. Justice for all haha. But yes a tiger dog tag :))))) I WOULD BUY INSTANTLY ANON! fluckadrift yessir. oniomaniac oniochalasiathis would be my dream!!! oneiric advanced field SAME GOES WITH SUPER GENIUS HIGHLY DESIRABLE EXOPTABLE BOTH of dogtags wanted.

** this goes with superhero advanced fields and morphic audios (thor redux?) in the offing. Including superhero series DC+Marvel+etc: Superman, Doctor Doom/Iron Man, Captain America, Doctor Strange, etc.




with time travel + teleportation and breathing in space, ty
and underwater, I want to look for atlantis

and pls let me shapeshift into spongebob squarpants so I can cook krusty krab hamburger and make campfire with patrik

I want to turn into this pls

this is for campfire kapitan but dont mind step nr 8

this is for breathing but pls let me skip step 1 to 5 so I can breath everywhere :smiley:

I think this is all resource you need on this fields, very easy field to do ty


oh yeah you are right let me pls update my request then


What is this? Seems all over the place.


This is what happens when you transcend duality


pls make field so tags will get shipped faster

this is good resource on how tag will be shipped faster



You see man, how do I know I woke up in the right place?in the right timeline?
This thread is hella confusing…



@SammyG @Dreamweaver

:rofl: :rofl: :joy:


Well we all upped a dimension reading that, that’s for sure.


@SammyG @Dreamweaver

DAMB receptor is key in not forgetting = eidetic/photographic memory


What have I just read? Sweet God, I need to learn so many things!
Awesome info!
Also: I hope that someday I’ll be a genius, to understand all those things and many others! :slight_smile:

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This dude sounds like @anon14224340, but on cocaine :joy:

Really cool research though, thanks for bumping the thread.


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