Supernatural power subliminals

can we have superpowers with subliminals or frequencies(telekinesis, aerokinesis maybe omnikinesis)? Is there a limit or is everything possible

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Welcome to the Community!

I wonder the same thing and don’t know of an official answer from Dreamweaver or SammyG.

You can see this request I made here:

I see things differently. Equalization of power ensures freedom.


I would be glad if someone specializing in subliminal informs us whether we will get super power with subliminals.

With what subliminals? & & & I know these subs are very childish, but subliminals even change you physically. According to science, this is impossible. Can it not lead us to divine, angelic power? we can imitate their powers, like telekinetic or other abilities.

No. But Sapien Medicine morphic fields can give you superpowers… It depends on what you want… How long you listen, what fields you listen and if you wanna buy fields…
Just read articles on enlightenedstates and youll see…

Everything is possible.

I dont recoomend subs tho… :slight_smile:

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I myself am curious about this. I once saw a post of someone which was a video of himself charging his phone using his finger and he said he used subliminals to develop this electrokinetic power


From Robert Bruce‘s New Energy Ways V2:

If you long for psychic abilities, as people often do these days, practice regular trance meditation and work daily at filling your Sub-Navel centre; and using other energy circuits given in this tutorial. Make trance meditation and energy raising a part of your daily life and your energy body will safely and progressively develop in a natural, balanced and healthy way. Any dormant psychic abilities will begin to manifest when they are ready, when the energetic conditions which allow them are created.

So use Sapien‘s Brainwave mp3s, practice Pranayama and listen to Chi Compression in Lower Dan Tien.

Ideally you listen the whole Internal Alchemy series / the whole Ancient Arts EP.

Azurite will help as well: