The Requests and Fields

its true but its 10% at a time
to save calories

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Try the superhuman genius audio. It’s like NZT.


Serotonin it’s actually bad in high quantities snd it’s very missunderstood and a field that lowers serotonin would help many people. Serotonin is a complicated neurotransmitter that, contrary to other neurotransmitters, has an influence on everything in the body. It’s currently believed to aid in anxiety, depression, impatience, impulsiveness, anger, etc. One of the main reasons for this is that the metabolite of serotonin, 5-HIAA, is low in people with these symptoms. The research is thus based on an assumption that brain serotonin is low, because 5-HIAA is low. However, low 5-HIAA is actually a sign that very little serotonin is being broken down and that there is actually an excess of serotonin in the brain.

Here are some of the most common high serotonin personality traits:

  • Tiredness/lethargy , easily tired and even chronic fatigue syndrome (due to elevated 5-HT2A receptor)
    • Inhibiting TPH prevents this fatigue. However, serotonin isn’t the only neurotransmitter involved in fatigue, but also cortisol, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, the serotonin:dopamine ratio, kynurenine pathway, etc.
  • Overexcitation – ADD, ADHD, get distracted easily, anxiety, impulsivity, restlessness, overthinking, rumination, etc. (due to elevated 5-HT2A receptor)

Depressed, sadness, feeling down, reduced desire to do other things like go out and have fun, social anxiety and withdrawal, etc. (8,
Rigid thinking and mental inflexibility (8). Some studies actually say that activation of the 5-HT2A receptor (via psychedelics such as LSD, shrooms, etc.) reduce rigid thinking, but this is actually because it stimulates glutamate release, which then stimulates dopamine release via the NMDA receptor and dopamine is involved in creativity and flexible thinking Plus, after psychedelics exposure, people usually feel a kind of “bliss” for a week or two afterward, and this is due to 5-HT2A downregulation.
Overly analytical , with a negative bias
Cynical , negative, doesn’t look at the bright side of life

  • Feel “icky” – often just want to be left alone.

  • Non-assertive – rather rude and aggressive dominate, which might come over as assertiveness, but is totally the opposite (5-HT2C is inversely correlated with assertiveness)
    OCD (5-HT2C activation increases compulsivity and lowers dopamine and noradrenaline)
    Emotionally unstable – very sensitive to emotional triggers (feels like you have to walk on eggs around the person), get easily triggered emotionally due to a traumatic experience with someone in the past, emotional and argumentive about their beliefs and views, etc

  • Fearful – scared of losing, low confidence and assertiveness.
    Suicidal – thoughts and even attempts
    Easily agitated , argumentative, violent, aggressive, intermittent explosive disorder

Mood swings – bipolar mania.Antagonism of 5-HT2A (which lowers excess glutamate) and the histamine receptor H1 and agonism of the 5-HT1A receptor (which lowers serotonin) helps.

  • Psychopathic behavior
  • Non-likable – It is shown that males find high serotonin females less attractive and act more aggressive towards them However, high serotonin people do attract others that are similar to them (who also have elevated serotonin).

People with high serotonin will obviously not always have the exact same personality traits; so you might know someone who has some or a lot of the traits but not all of them. This is because of a difference in receptor expressions, as well as other hormones, which levels vary between .

About SSRI:research shows that it’s not the boost in serotonin that’s beneficial, because the SSRI drugs only become effective after a few weeks, which casts dought on if serotonin is really the missing link here. The main hypothesis for why SSRI drugs only start to work after a few weeks is because SSRI drugs, such as Prozac, increase neurosteroids in the brain (such as allopregnanolone), that has pro-GABA effects. And it’s actually the GABA that has anti-depressant properties. So it takes a while for the SSRI drugs to increase allopregnanolone and when it gets high enough, the anti-depressant effect kicks in.Additionally, it’s not only due to the increase in allopregnanolone, but also because some of these anti-depressant “SSRI” drugs also increase noradrenaline, dopamine and BDNF, antagonize and downregulate certain serotonin receptors, block adrenergic receptors, block the effect of cortisol, modulate acetylcholine, etc.
I really hope Sapien will read this.


Yeah I was wondering if we could bring custom items back by giving a sigil in PDF form to create the item field ourself, and have it be programmed for one time usage then the PDF is deactivated. Made so it can only be used one time

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I was thinking a upgraded version of the radiation sticker. Where you simply stick it on the electrical box and all the electrical equipment plugged into the house give off negative ions. But not only that it will infuse the house and earth below with unconditional love!

Just imagine infusing the earth with love 24/7. The compound effect it would have in the environment and in general.

Just a though I don’t know if it’s possible to create such a thing! Guys please feel free to add on ideas here!!



This would be an experimental field. Used at our own risk. Maybe released only on Patreon if there is concern about people attacking you for releasing this.

I’ve never created a morphic field so bear with my attempt to describe how I think this could be created please.

It would have two components. One, it would hold the belief and concept that moving things by our will alone is possible, and that it is a legitimate goal. I don’t mean that the field would need to instill that belief in the listener, I mean you would have to hold that belief at least temporarily yourself while creating this field.

And Two, you would believe, or at least act on the premise that a certain configuration of neural pathways is conducive to people having this ability.

With those two things, you could create a field that would work on a listener’s neural pathways to reach the configuration best suited for moving things with their will alone.

You wouldn’t need to know what that configuration would be, just program the intent into the field of bringing someone’s neural pathways into the configuration that would give them this ability.

It could work by means of two principles, “hot and cold” or “warmer and colder” Plus something I’ll just call “dream training” because I don’t know what to call it. Or call it “subtle changes”.

I have learned real world skills from being taught them in dreams and in dreams alone, I’ve heard of others doing this as well. What this tells me is that the brain can find the way to do something at a subtle level without having to form large and hard-set neural pathways. This is not the same as the pathways formed over years of practice. It just puts something together loosely and goes, “does this work?”

So the field could move someone’s pathways gently and slightly towards one configuration without drastically altering the person, or without altering them too much, and then the field can get feedback as to whether the person seems closer or farther from having the intended ability (warmer or colder). This subtle process could go on for a while until the field notices success or that it is getting warmer. Then it would create pathways further (or deeper and more hard-set) in the direction of the sensed success.

The field has a finished picture in mind, a goal, it does not know how to reach that goal exactly, but it creates novel connections in the brain and keeps looking at the sum total of the brain’s abilities, and then comparing that sum to the finished picture it is moving towards. Does this have more or less of the quality I am working to bring into full being?

And in the end it may find a specific combination of uncommon connections between parts of the brain that brings the desired state.

Worst case scenario, no such configuration exists, the goal is never reached, and people merely experience subtly different modes of perception over the period of time they continue listening. But I am fairly convinced it does exist.

Build a 3rd thing into this field if you would like, where the field is always looking at its results on all the people it is working on. Then over time things snowball in a positive direction. If it sees a certain combination works for most people, it tries that first on a new person instead of randomly going through every possible combination, then it begins to work faster and faster for everyone.


I would like a “stay cool under fire” type of field. Like the ability to be unreactive and operational when faced with pressure

Physiologically, you could put a hard cap in adrenalin and such stress hormones. Thus you will feel enough stress to know you are under pressure but the hormone levels never go high enough to make you freak out

Existing fields that could be mixed in: confidence boost and unstoppable will

I think the fearless pendant does what you described.


Hi there! Seconding any request that may have been made for permanent jaw and teeth alignment malocclusion repair. Maybe this is more an entire skull thing? I developed an overbite (and gummy smile) from years and years of mouth breathing (that being caused by being born premature and having tinier airways than a normal person… BUT ANYWAY, that’s a whole other hot mess.) Overbites, weak chins, and that sort of thing are not only aesthetically… not great, but this also means parts of the skull and jaw haven’t developed properly, and this then leads to a host of other problems, like increased cavities, breathing issues, and enamel erosion, all of which I can confirm. It really sucks and I’m tired of having problems with my teeth despite brushing and oil pulling. (Yeah, using Teeth Regen as we speak… thank god for that.)

As to how I think this could be done, well… that’s a good question. There’s that whole mewing thing that suggests proper spine posture along with proper tongue posture and pressure consistently applied for a long time might help fix the jaw alignment. I wonder if a field could somehow place pressure in the right places? You have already created fields for spinal/postural adjustments so I assume there might be some similarities there.

From Googling around, I think growth hormone can positively affect jaw development, esp. in kids? I don’t know if it helps at all but I also found this article touching on the role of genetics in malocclusions:,Bolton%20type%20tooth%20size%20discrepancies.

I’d really appreciate this and I can’t be the only one. Thanks for considering!


There is a lower cortisol field you might like to know.

Stress Relief (energetic and psychic/morphic programmed energy)

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Yellow Sapphire
Golden Apatite

These 3 crystals in 1 audio field.

I think a lot of people would benefit from and enjoy a field like this. I chose these carefully from all the crystals that work on the solar plexus, and I think they would make a wonderful combination.


excuse me do you know anything for attracting money wealth or getting jobs with handsome sallary etc either from Sapien or anyone products if you ever used it or heard from someone

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Alien Intercession mandala on instagram would be great.

We have higher self, angels, elementals, the only thing missing are the “alien” friends.

SapienMed’s instagram needs more love ;D



An item/tag that captures any field of one’s choosing among the free audios posted on Youtube so that they can wear it instead of having to listen to the audios. This will be really helpful for people who regularly listen to some of the YT audios who would pay to wear it instead of having to listen to them every single day. Also, some people have grown sensitive from listening to too many audios for prolonged period (ear pain, tinnitus etc.). Would be nice if the tag is modestly priced so customers can purchase multiple for different audios.

An item/tag that makes people not racist towards the wearer, but see them as an individual/person rather than their ethnicity. This would help a lot of people to avoid racial discrimination. Maybe this can be done by minimizing the perception of differences or otherness and make people see similiarities between themselves so they can relate to the wearer as regular people. But Dream have better ideas on how to go about to achieve this diminished racial discrimination.

Grounding audio in the form of a mandela so people can hold it when outside or in situations where they need it but cannot listen to the audio.


I strongly agree with you @Samurai that an Alien intercession mandala image would be so Amazing. Can you imagine combining the Lucid dreaming Dreamweaver card and Alien intercession under your pillow?

We can potentially have vivid lucid dreams with our Alien friends having full recall and control!! :grin:


Yeah exactly, you would be connecting 24/7 because playing the audio 24/7 is a bit difficult.

Let’s make a sacrifice to the Sapien Gods @Captain_Nemo @SammyG


an audio that lowers serotonin can also potentially help people with serotonin syndrome. Most resources out there are for people to raise their serotonin level so an audio that helps to lower it will be immensely helpful for people who developed serotonin syndrome/sensitivity from SSRIs or other drugs or supplements. It also helps people with carcinoid syndrome (a type of cancer) that has tumor that secretes serotonin which causes fibrosis of the organs (from my understanding). In addition to what the poster said, there are also a lot of other people who are trying to lower their serotonin levels, for example people who follow Ray Peat (see his forum), a prominent adviser against serotonin.


yeah, a separate tag for each of the self-realization part would be great.

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I am for it also please @Dreamweaver if possible alien mandala lol for communication with them to they fullfil our wishes and goals lol

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Also, this isn’t really anything new so much as it a request to combine fields you’ve already made, but man, for those of us who need healing and have a lot to fix but don’t have an ‘empty slot’ on our playlist for one more physical change-related field, it’d be a godsend to have teeth regeneration and gum regeneration packaged together. You can’t go wrong since they really do go hand in hand.
