Supplements Discussion

Discussion about Supplements.

What are your favorite supplements?

Are there any supplements you feel help in the healing process of some audios?


Can we say names? or not allowed? :skull:

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Linking to my post on the Plasma Flaunt thread:

Also additionally to what I wrote there:

  • Magnesium (because of sport)
  • Zinc 25mg a day
  • Vitamin B12 (because I am vegan)
  • high doses of Vitamin D3 in the winter + Vitamin D field
  • from time to time Chlorella for detox
  • Vitamin C mostly from daily listening to the Vitamin C field
  • Tonic No. 31 Sapien Proprietary Blend field
  • Astaxanthin Aspartic Dsup field
  • Acetylcholine field
  • Antioxidant Formula field
  • Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant Ver 2.0 field
  • When available, raw cacao beans (for magnesium)
  • And a ton of raw flax seed oil (3 big spoons in my daily salad) for the essential fat acids

You mean brand names? I’m not sure. Maybe just stick to the general name of the supplement without the brand name e.g. Multivitamin, Creatine etc.

Nettle leaf, holy basil

Lots of ginger


ok then to have a generic view and a recommendation for everyone to read. I can say that getting what you specific need is the best first of all.

You need zinc? you take zinc, you need magnesium? you get magnesium and so on

then for something general multivitamins are the most safe and effective thing you can do to change your health without any effort at all, If you want to make an effort then go for a walk after a meal or 1 hour after it so the vitamins can circulate.

Multivitamins that have 4000% of vitamin b12 mostly are crap, still better than nothing though but to choose a good multivitamin there are rules.

  1. Timed release. If your vitamins stay times release you will absorb more of them and continually for 6-10 hour after you take them so more absorption better energy levels all day
  2. chelated minerals. If minerals are bound to amino acids are way better absorable in a multivitamin but the thing is that the amino acid they are bound takes the mineral to a specific place, I will not say all the names because i do not want to but taking different magnesiums are having different effects.
  3. Retinol. Do not take beta-carotene, yes I know it works but you have to take heavy doses of retinol to get toxicity for a year or so. Also beta-carotene is better take from fruits, you don’t have to do chemical reactions for it.
  4. Ascorbic acid in multivitamins is really nothing. And will only take excesive calcium from your blood stream. Takin calcium ascorbate is better in my opinion, or zinc ascorbate or another for etc.
    5.Vitamin E. It’s better to take tocotrienols than tocopherols and there is no need to take only one form because there is alpha-beta-gamma-delta tocopherols, this is really tricky for a vitamin because you need all they all do specific jobs. A vitamin that has only one form is not bad but in time will make an imbalance

and that’s all, electrolytes are good also but not recommended if you eat good enough and what I do now that works good is take a b vitamin complex, a mineral complex and cod liver oil with for A,E (and a little D)
also vitamin D is not a vitamin but a hormone so keep that up with 10k UI or 4k UI, a little bit of both it’s good in my opinion every 2 months for 1 week take 10k and the other days 4k to maintain. If you were also deficient for a time for vitamin D you will be surpised that the body uses it like it’s water you need more in the start.


It was NMN, now it’s OptiNAD+ (NMN + NR + NADH + Apigenin + Quercetin + Trimethylglycine)

Centrophenoxine comes second. If I were to suggest a cognitive supplement for life, after NMN, would be this one.
Next on the list are things that improve sleep: a great source of Magnesium, Zinc, Lemon balm, and Oleamide.

Then Pramiracetam (huge booster for other cogniton related supplements).


Fermented Cod Liver + Concentrated Butter Oil
Dessicated Liver
Vitamin D


My daily stack is vitamin D (25,000 iu), zinc (50mg), creatine (5g), and magnesium sometimes


wheatgrass JUICE powder
Barley JUICE powder
chaga powder
Dandelion root
Gold Coin Grass
Cinnamon extract
Curcumin (real deal with bioperine)
Milk thistle
Black sesame seeds
Pine pollen extract


what do people think about
Athletic Greens or anything similar,

Which beand sells 25,000 IU of vit d

Idk mine is of 5,000 IU capsules so I take 5

My recent fav supplement

Available in India, could be in other countries

I’d rate 4.5/5

Peak energy levels, robust digestion, absolute rejuvenator overall. Something like chyawanprash but they tweaked the formula and expensive relatively for a months supply.

Even few extra grams of this could cause bathroom runs, so potent it is as they mentioned in the product.

Authentic , powerful, definitely recommend!


I am a huge NMN enthusiast and trouble is brewing…


I barely know anything about NMN but since the pills are so expensive I have started using these fields almost daily:

  • NAD Precursor NMN (Using NMN to improve NAD+ levels along with sirt1 activation) (Sapien Medicine patreon)
  • NADH Boost (Psychic University patreon)

I spend over $100 on nmn powder. I was very surprised the field felt similar… magic

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