Supplements Thread

If anyone here has Milia they are bumps on the skin that aren’t quite pimples they are hard and white or pink (they aren’t blood blisters or cherry angiomas) they look like pimples that just won’t pop. Anyway, try castor oil on them. Mine are getting flatter


Do u have oily skin?

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No it’s dry most of the time- I know oil can sometimes cause breakouts for some, but it never bothered me. How about you?

I gotcha well I will keep on the lookout for more natural stuff that might help!

In addition to fields of course!

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How are milia treated?

Milia don’t need treatment because they’re not harmful. If you don’t like how milia look on your skin, talk to your healthcare provider about removing them. Treatment to remove milia could include:

  • Application of over-the-counter adapalene gel or prescription tretinoin cream.
  • Surgically removing the milia in your healthcare provider’s office by using a needle to puncture the milia and squeezing out the contents.
  • Cryotherapy to freeze the milia on your skin to remove them.
  • Using medicated creams or the antibiotic minocycline to treat milia en plaque.
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Cool! In the event the castor oil actually shrinks em down to nothing I will add pictures

However I’m also using a bunch of fields in addition and they will also get the full credit

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After trying over 100 supplements , this is my daily stack :

  • vitamin D
  • magnesium Glycinate
  • calcium carbonate
  • b vitamins
  • small amounts of t3

It’s nothing special (except the t3) but this is what works for me.

And then there’s a bunch of stuff I take irregularly, that’s a longer list .


Does anyone have any recommendations for good quality natural multivitamins, or just any herb powders or minerals for all around good health?

I think a teaspoon of olive oil is the easiest thing to do right. Then an avocado a day is a fail safe me.

Ray Kurzweill (Google him) takes 150 supplements a day, but made a list of 3 that are indispensable: Coenzyme Q10, phosphtidycholine, and vitamin D3

Additionally, I like the Country Life Coenzyme B-complex. If you’re concerned about dementia, cardiovascular health and blood clots, you might want to look at Nattokinase.

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Hey,how is it going?

Has anyone here had experience with Resveratrol and Lion’s Mane? I would like to start on them plus Quercetin…to clean out the rest of the muck.