Surrounded by the best people

Hello dear and valuable colleagues, I am looking for an audio that helps me surround myself with good people, who are related to my interests and tastes and also keep bad people away or who are not in my tune. something like being magnetic of the best friends and partners that you always dreamed of and keeping those who do not contribute anything to my life. thank you very much and all advice is well received.


I like this : :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

We live in a world where people are often jealous of your successes.

How about instead of those kind of people, why don’t we inspire and attract those who are willing to help or to willing to start mutually beneficial successes together. Sometimes being aligned and having that help can take you levels beyond what you are normally capable off.

:fox_face::handshake: :wolf:


Check out the Alchemy of Love album!

There’s also Plasma Flower!


Spiritual Growth States of Being

Consider this a lucky or a luck and probability enhancement for spiritual growth,

Watch as you get into a flow of spiritual growth and have synchronous meetings of like minded people. knowledge and understanding comes easier in often coincidental moments.

From Patreon


The King of Wands represents pure fire energy in its masculine form.

The King inclined to take an idea and then enlist others to help him actualize it.

Thus, when the King of Wands appears it is a sign you are stepping into the role of a visionary leader, ready to direct your people towards a common goal.

Having this energy can help you in a myriad of ways in your everyday life, Instead of hoping to see this card in a reading, why not simply have it and enjoy the benefits.