SURVEY: Questions, asking for opinions, answers, thoughts and feelings. Thanks!

Best place to stay up to date, read the most interesting stories, often involving fields, and relating that to my experience and work with fields. Acquiring knowledge, and it is a huge morale boost. On my own, I wouldn’t be as motivated to use fields or as much experimentation. There are many great people here. It’s inspiring. Always gives me hope to keep going.

I’m also not going to get certain insights on my own, and only by reading others experiences can I get a glimpse of what is possible even.

Sometimes we get blessed with pearls of wisdom by The Captain himself…takes me decades to even begin understanding but it’s good. He’s also a big boost to my spirits.

Whatever isn’t earthly. I know often the most advanced people would tell us that accepting mundane life is the most spiritual thing. But I want some special effects some times.

But it is mosty knowledge of the truth and as such, our true position. So I guess I see it as a restoration of what we have lost along the way.

Gradually settling into truth to get relief of the pain of illusions.

Not anymore. After some NFT and servitors…given my usual underwhelming results, asking servitors to do stuff is way more fulfilling. So my practices have been switched over to long chains of requests made to my servitors.

And I’ve also given up on getting real-time feedback, so I ask for different things and with full trust there, as they do what I ask and go even beyond that.

But I want to answer:


Existential fear, sorrow, distrust, disillusion, oneness, extinction…many and they’re all connected.

Right now, sort of, not a discipline.

Asanas make the body process emotions, and work on the body too, simultaneously. Pranayama is purely emotional. It does have some physical benefits but it changes chemistry. Just like pills do and they usually don’t solve anything. Asanas change nervous system and fascia. But I do like breathwork for the energy or easing into meditation, and cause it is a more tangible thing to focus on than the mind.
Btw I don’t do asanas xD…it is just “bodywork”. The wisdom of the body. Very similar to yoga in the end.

Spirituality is my hobby…which is the problem actually. But outside of different topics (e.g. I like all the guilds, all those topics interest me) discussed about here…I have a knack for escapism. So yeah…the sci-fi genre (in video, cause SFX) is my thing, though I can use even dramas for the purpose of pure escapism and Idk what else I’m even attempting when I consume any media…definitely several coping mechanisms.


1. What are you here for?

I am here for (another) Speed Run.

I.e. going from the entropic low vibe state of maximum trauma and maximum limiting beliefs to being completely negentropic and manifesting “the impossible”.

Maybe also becoming the next Sun :sun_with_face:

Why this website?

This place has a very high ROI with regards to spiritual wisdom, tools and people.

2. What problems do they hope to solve?

To finish the Speed Run.
Then move on to another game lol.

3. What do you consider as spirituality?

Everything that is touched by self-aware consciousness.

4. Do you have any spiritual practices?

  • Journaling
  • Astral Projection
  • Manifesting
  • Conceptual Realizations
  • Astrological Optimization
  • Decluttering
  • Sleeping
  • Connecting with Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Angels, Aliens, Higher Beings etc.
  • And other above top secret ones

What do they feel is missing in their spiritual practice?

Time and Energy

5. What are their biggest spiritual pain points?

Everyday life distractions, even basic things like physical body wanting to go to the toilet lol

6. Do you meditate or do any form of yoga?

No, but many of those things are automated through various means


I used to lurk around a lot so I could keep track of Dream’s work but I have found very insightful information on many other topics so I’m just looking to learn now, I don’t have specific expectations.

Nothing specific either for now.

This term has been used and misused in so many different contexts that it doesn’t make sense to me on its own. I have come to strongly associate it with New-Age woo-woo that include cultural appropriation or pseudoscience because of how much misinformation is provided on the Internet. So I’ve become very cautious whenever someone mentions it but I think my distrust is justified.

But to me actual spirituality has to do with aspects of existence that transcend pure reason and science as we know it today, that cannot be understood through it. In practice it means connecting with these aspects, becoming aware of them and possibly harness them.

I’m also very curious about other people’s answers to this question.

Nothing I do on a regular basis due to of lack of time and stress over other aspects of my life but luckily I’ll have more time very soon.

The impossibility to rationalize my spiritual experience. Not that it can be solved.

I medidate sometimes for example while stretching but I don’t really have a routine. I don’t do yoga.

Hiking, cycling, just walking around in nature, mathematics, theoretical computer science, books regardless of the topic I’m always willing to discover new things.


What are you here for? Why this website?
the forum has no much knowledge and knowledgable people, i like to read and ask questions and have discussions.

What problems do they hope to solve? by participating here in the forum or just using Sapien Medicine fields or dream seeds?
I feel i have a lot of baggage from the past that i would like to remove so that i can thrive in life. I would like unwavering confidence, commitment, stability, joy and connection in my life. Sapien Medicine is some kind of miracle that can boost me into this position. Also it’d be nice to not suffer from most of the issues that people inevitably face when they get old (weakness, cognitive decline, limp sausage)

What do you consider as spirituality?
Spirituality to me is the recognition of greater planes in existence, outside of what is immedietely obvious to us; the physical world, science, galaxies etc. To truly recognise spirituality is to also let go of non-spiritual pursuits, like convincing others of the legitimacy of spirituality. If the himalayan gurus are onto something, they wouldn’t be on a stage like Degrasse Tyson.

  1. Do you meditate or do any form of yoga?

Also what topics interest you in general ? List anything or hobbies
(you could even say golfing or kite flying, reading sci-fi, or makeup, comedy, anime, magic, video games, or watching Youtube videos
i am interested in psychology so i watch youtube essays or anything else on it. I like to learn about history and some science on occasion.


your first kundalini awakening, congratulations! :zap: :fire: :rainbow:

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It happened only once to feel it that strong.

At the moment I can paralise myself at will trough Imaginarium Divine (in matter of minutes is the only field that get me in the zone) but like that time naaaahh

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