SURVEY: Questions, asking for opinions, answers, thoughts and feelings. Thanks!

Before I begin, thanks for clicking here, intending or participating here, I want to give my gratitude for your generous time in advance.

  1. What are you here for? Why this website?

  2. What problems do they hope to solve? by participating here in the forum or just using Sapien Medicine fields or dream seeds?

  3. What do you consider as spirituality?

  4. Do you have any spiritual practices?

*if yes explain, and answer What do they feel is missing in their spiritual practice?

If no, just skip.

  1. What are their biggest spiritual pain points?

  2. Do you meditate or do any form of yoga?

If yes, why do you? (What do you hope to solve through spiritual practices like these?)

if no, just any reason even one word or N/A or skip, its cool

Also what topics interest you in general ? List anything or hobbies
(you could even say golfing or kite flying, reading sci-fi, or makeup, comedy, anime, magic, video games, or watching Youtube videos

I will delete this thread in a few days time, so it will be temporary

Kind regards,



Nobody? Want to volunteer lol

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Hey, cmon man, give us some time to think it through and figure ourselves out :joy:


Okay great, we got one amazing member and more to come hopefully. Thank you for your commitment


I will think this over calmly and try to answer these questions. Thanks :pray:


Let’s roll with it

I’m here for the fields, I was blessed with luck to find this things in my path and realise they work, and that they make my life much more interesting.
I fixed health problems that I had, I’ve unlocked a few tricks and tools in my mental toolbox.

Why this website? Because I’m a loyal person and not soo much explorative, I like the vibe here and the new friends I’ve made, no reason to expose myself to try new stuff from new people with the risk of taking energetical “STD”

Physically I’m working on hair/scalp/skin related factors, mentally I’m working on dissolving the trauma baggage, and the rest of the time I’m working on thing’s which never were problems, I’m making my good sides even better, and I’m finding new sides along the walk

Being aware of what you are, and why you are here doing what you are doing.

I do meditate, and I do work with fields if this can be consider as a spiritual practice.
I tried Pranayama but it makes me a bit dizzy, maybe I should start slower.

Yoga, I don’t do any yoga but I’m pondering to sign myself to some yoga classes, the socialising aspect it is the primary driving force.

Sometimes some decisions on what I do are totally ego-driven, power-seeking, impatience, speeding stuff instead of strolling and enjoying the walk.

Meditation it’s really nice, and few times I hit quite deep points in which I can percieve things, and be much more receptive of communications which usually get lost in the mental traffic of the conscious mind

Why do I do it? It feels good, I’m relaxed afterwards, if I’m lucky that I go pretty deep I can have a funny experience (couple of times it was not funny thoo, I paralysed myself and felt like some too strong rushes of energy like a waterfall upside down my back and seeing white sigils, which kind of freaked me out and I’ve screamed full lungs for help)

I’m a noob lol ahah

I play card games, strategy games, I love history and geography, cooking, wine tasting, cigar tasting, I play football and I like going for mushrooms and berries in the forrest or at the restaurant.

Perhaps a bit shallow reasons to play this game but I find it enjoyable till now


Thank you again much appreciated, I will await your reply and thank you for your participation


@GamiroCFC Thanks for all this very useful information and for taking the time to fill it out. I greatly appreciate your participation, it has be dually noted. :slight_smile: Very good insights. Sometimes it’s good to write down these things, it kind of puts thing back into perspective and sets forth a better vision of the days to come.


Oh yess absolutely, it is worth to ponder on the why’s and where


As far as I know, it is probably the best place overall, considering both my health issues and needs, my online social needs and my need to learn more about self, Spirituality, energy, fields, etc.
Also, this forum is quite open, we can discuss about lots of subjects, including history, random stuff, conspiracies, entertainment, etc., besides topics focused on the main part (fields).
So, overall, it’s an amazing place.

As Gamiro said, fields were/are the main reason why I also joined this community.

I got quite a lot of health issues, yet I’ve got rid of some of them or at least greatly diminished their scope.
I talked a lot about those issues, so I rather not do it again.
I should just mention this: viruses are cleared in a day or two at most, with fields, and it took me 2 weeks, up to a month to get rid of them.
Mentally, I’m quite smarter than how I was years ago and fields have opened the way to new perspectives for me, including better possibilities, jobs, etc. (potentially, for now)

Whole existence is a spiritual thing, everything is spirituality to me, although I don’t like lots of things and I thoroughly dislike or even hate a few persons (not from this forum).

Life and everything that it encompasses, it’s all deeply spiritual.
I would guess that more awareness and self knowledge and self improvement, enjoyment (joie de vivre, happiness, joy), love, our relationships, our bonds, freedom, those are the highest spiritual things, at least those interest me.
For me, I put a heavy emphasis on me and my ego, thus I simply don’t care about others ’ values , I’m focused on me and my journey, my evolution and well being, thats my spirituality and my religion.

Far less nowadays than I used to, but I still practice some energetic stuff, for my chakras, plus some autossugestions from time to time.

I want to reintroduce them as daily practices though.

I felt a deep connection to everyone and everything a few times in my life, due to yogic type exercises, I felt tremendous joy, bliss, calmness, etc.
And everything was working better, including my movements, my speech, my interactions, how my days were going, they made everything more colorful, peaceful, and effortless.

Lol, I do need them back, but I’m such a lazy guy…

Fields are amazing because I don’t necessarily need to engage with them lol.

Anyway, I’m deeply grateful to Captain for creating them and I’m deeply grateful to Sammy, you the moderators and to Everyone who ever helped me, including everyone who shared great tips, Advices or knowledge either with/to me or on the forum or through the webinars.

I don’t watch almost nothing, except some reaction channels, small YouTube shorts, documentaries and some cheap entertainment.
Sometimes I watch Anime, movies, or shows, but quite rarely.
Also, sometimes I am a gamer lol, grand strategy games, gta or mobile gaming, sometimes other genres too.

I don’t have lots of hobbies, I just want to chill, listen to some fields, some music etc.

I need to drop my eating habits, I am quite fat.
It’s a huge struggle to lose weight, even with fields.
Now I’m studying for something (work related) and I’m quite busy lol.

Someday I won’t be so poor and I’ll buy new stuff again; I also want my own house, a family, etc., I got some plans for my future, but it won’t be that easy to accomplish them.

Edit: sorry for any typos.

A sort of Conclusion: I’m very grateful for Sapienmed, for this forum and for all the healing, learning, improvement and fun this place provided me.


@SoulStar33 Hey, great feedback, a lot of detailed info, and thanks for Joining us in the Trenches :slight_smile: Anymore Volunteers? @Nice2knowU
Perhaps you could too, you know say a little something.


Is this mostly for people who want to join your guild?

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No, it’s just for everyone on this forum, you can even say random things that do not apply and just provide feedback about your experience of the forum and what you want to see and a bunch of other comments.

I am leading to something, im not just starting surveys and things with no reason behind it :slight_smile:


I’m here to learn and keep up to date with everything going on with this community also some nice people here I chat to on occasions fills my spare time in as well.

The way I see this question is this past year and half nearly of using fields I have grown rapidly and now I have worked through a lot of blockages I’m making more progression in days then in weeks back when I first joined which is beautiful to watch unfold. I hope to be able to get more people around me into fields as well to heal as many people as possible however one as to be ‘selective of who I choose’ (so far this has gone well my closest mate is very active with fields and my girlfriend is about to start using them soon, mum is harder to convince as well not everyone wants music playing in their pockets all the time, my dad will listen when ever I give him then and has seen results)

I believe spirituality is life it’s self everyone is on a spiritual journey whether it’s living a life full of pain and suffering or a life in the Himalayas.

Meditation, star excercise, pranayama and I want to start doing the 5 Tibetan rites soon and I want to take courses on more advanced spiritual practices through my life

Realising you have so much more to work through but now i see this as a pleasure that i have so much more to work on and gives me a daily drive to listen to fields and do the self work needed. An people not understanding you anymore with what your saying as you don’t see things the same anymore can be a pain sometimes

‘Get rich or die tryin’ lol nah but just progressing as a person every way I can I love and the few people I keep close keep my time busy Harry Potter as well is my fav


In a way I manifested this.
Couple years ago, maybe 5, I was looking for a place to feel… Home. A place where I could grow and have like-minded peers who have these same ambitions to grow and upgrade on all levels.

Very roughly I recall finding quadible integrity on YouTube and then sapien medicine. I must’ve lurked for 1-2 months and then joined the forum.

I am here to become my best self.

Well, any.
I like that anyone can ask questions and receive advice. I have been helped numerous times by very kind and generous people here on the forum. I personally wanna give back and hope my any advice helps anyone on their journeys.

For me, spirituality is everything. Once you recognize spirit, any further action is spirit-ual. My typing here is spiritual, my drinking tea is spiritual, my playing soccer is spiritual, etc.

Based on the above, it’s all I do.
But taking a step back, I meditate (recently less, and it’s noticeable). On the other hand I practice mindfulness more frequently. I consider communicating with servitors also spiritual, I do that constantly. Also letting the mind roam.

Consistency. For sure.
I’m currently doing an experiment with the unbelievable Resilience Max field and I’m close to the finish line.

Consistency is most important. You cannot meditate one day and then think the rest of the month you don’t require it. That will not generate a lasting change. However, any tiny meditation imo is beneficial, so better one day out of 30 than none.

This applies to any habit.

I would think patience.
Patience is a virtue.

I’m not on any traditional spiritual path but I’ve read some books and the common denominator is usually that practitioners at some point become impatient and frustrated (because they believe they already should have a certain level after X amounts of hours of said practice, etc, kind of entitlement).

As mentioned, meditating less frequently recently. But I’m not concerned. When my mind is in trouble, I will get pushed by servitors or guides to get back to it ASAP.

Yoga I’ve only really done the Tibetan rites, the longest time was a month. But I never kept it consistent. I know Sammy does it daily. I noticed great benefits from that month alone.

I simply love the clarity of the mind afterwards. It’s like someone went in there with a vacuum cleaner, then mopped the mind floor, then used an air purifier. Everything is sorted and neat. Plus in that state you can let the mind receive answers to any current problems.

I really like video games, especially with beautiful storytelling (Nier Automata:)), I love anime due to the creativity and also marvelous storytelling. I love cartoons since a young age. I love good books and audiobooks, particularly those that you can’t put down or can’t stop listening (I recall reading Stieg Larsson’s trilogy quickly or the final Harry potter book when it was released within a day). I also love great movies or TV shows especially if they can evoke emotions in the viewer (game of thrones for instance). I also like poker, fitness, tea, podcasts… Actually podcasts I really love because it gives the people a chance to understand other people. Plus they often give great book recommendations or interesting movies to watch on the specific topic they’re discussing. I also love travelling and exploring. Big fan of the east Asian cultures. I do love YouTube too but try not to use it too much. Sometimes I enjoy good music, especially rap with sick beats. Comedy is great too, I find it very impressive how for instance Dave Chappelle, whatever he says sounds funny.

I have many interests and open to pretty much anything.


Very interesting thanks for sharing rocket wow great that you utilize your fields for the betterment of your loved ones, I found it quite hard to promote fields to most, but its not like I have tried either lol. You already on a great track too, pranayama is where I began. A crucial practice. I would say that is necessary to integrate fields and do other spiritual magical work.


Why are you here? Why this website?
To enrich my experience in this incarnation, spiritually, economically and health wise, also to share with people who are on a similar path to mine.

What problems do they hope to solve? by participating here in the forum or just using Sapien Medicine fields or dream seeds?
I hope to solve my lack mentality, I hope to develop my spiritual evolution and I also hope to renew my energetic system mainly, for so many years I have been feeling so tired.

What do you consider as spirituality?
Every experience can be spiritual when approached with mindfulness and awareness in every action we take.

Do you have any spiritual practices?
Mainly my spiritual practice is based on mantras and fields.

What are your biggest spiritual pain points?
Concentration in meditation and also my ability to withstand high vibrational levels (I need to work on that).

Do you meditate or do any form of yoga?
Meditate sometimes, not yoga

If yes, why do you? (What do you hope to solve through spiritual practices like these?)
I hope to grow in all aspects of my physical, mental and spiritual capacity. First of all to have an energetic system and a robust aura, it does little good to have a lot of spiritual practice doing yoga or meditating if you get tired. Eliminate intrusive and harmful thoughts within me. Then increase my vibration, I have noticed that when I increase my vibration I lean towards compassion and service to others. Then have a great mental capacity to continue expanding my knowledge

Thanks :pray:


:eyes: :sleeping: @Powren

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It’ll be done today, dw :smiley:

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