Svadhishthana - The second step (Sacral chakra project)

Hey guys,

continuing the path of mastering one chakra after another, as started with Muladhara:

We are now gonna focus on the Sacral Chakra, aka. Svadhishthana.


Further info


*Svadishtana is often associated with pleasure, sense of oneself, relationships, sensuality and procreation. Its element is water and its colour is orange. It is blocked by Guilt. Svadhishthana is associated with the unconscious and with emotion. It is closely related to the Muladhara in that Muladhara is where the different samskaras (potential Karmas) lie dormant, and Svadhishthana is where these Samskaras find expression.

Svadhishthana contains unconscious desires, especially sexual desire. It is said[2] that to raise the kundalini shakti (energy of consciousness) above Svadhishthana is difficult. Many Hindu saints have had to face sexual temptations associated with this chakra.

One who meditates on Svadhishthana is believed to obtain the following siddhis: freedom from enemies, the status of a lord among yogis, eloquence and clarity (“words flowing like nectar in well-reasoned discourse”), loss of fear of water, awareness of astral entities and the ability to taste anything desired for oneself or others."

" This chakra plays an important role in our well-being, awakening our creativity and sexual energy while maintaining the healthy functioning of our bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs ."

" The svadhisthana chakra is associated with the element of water, says Snyder. The water element is all about flow, flexibility and freedom of expression when it comes to emotions and sensuality. This energy center, when balanced, offers direct access to flow, flexibility, and fun."

This will also include stimulation, clearing, automated yoga practises, targeted intercession, clearing mental blocks regarding Svadhisthana-related traits and aspects, enhancing Svadhisthna-related mental aspects, etc.

Looking for a few more people.

Audio + Mandala - Morphic Field.



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Interested if there is still space!

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Yes, it is.

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Some additional sources and info about Sacral Chakra.

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Ok, we will have 3 more open slots.



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The recruitment will be closed in 24 hours.

EDIT: Aight, time to close this thread. Group to be made soon.

@SammyG @Divine_Lotus please close it.