TagHelp Teespring

Which tag do you think is the most worth it
Intercession 2.0
Best Path in Life


Intercession or BPiL

But at your age. BPiL by a landslide!


And it’s only 40$!!!


Respectfully seconding @_OM’s opinion on this. BPIL is quite underestimated.


Do u have any experience w it

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I’ve been using it for a couple weeks consistently. Probably months combined over time. It seems to lead me to make better long term choices. It could be doing more than that too with synchronicities, that is hard to tell. It leads me to the lessons I need in order to have a better life. I think those lessons are always there, it probably helps me to notice and pay attention to them.


I’m going to stick with what I told you before, and that’s Intercession 2.0. I felt a strong push from higher guidance that this tag was the right one for you.

Without wanting to sound harsh or judgmental, I think it will help if you take a second and realize that you are a guy full of questions, asking all the time on the forums about various topics or what others think works best. I think there’s wisdom in using a tag that ensures help is always nearby, at least for you specifically.


Man I’m stuck between them both

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Robert Kiyosaki has a teaching…the poor choose either-or, while the rich figure out a creative way to get both!


I only have 90$

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hence the need for creativity. :smiley:


I’m having a garage sale next week which I’ll make at least 70$ so I’ll buy intercession this week and BPiL next week

You have access to all kinds of your own higher guidance with a slew of free fields, ie Higher Self, Angelic Intercession, Alien Intercession, Dragon Intercession, Michael, etc etc etc

You could learn muscle testing in about 5 mins and ask that way.
Use one of those fields, or simply ask your own subconscious as you go to sleep and sleep on it, expecting the best answer…


Man, I can’t imagine how much better my life would have been if I had tools like these when I was 15…which is now making me realize I should probably buy them for my nephews. Damn.

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You sure are a cynic, aren’t you? He asked for my opinion in a PM conversation we had, and I gave him the best information I had access to. He’s a young kid just starting out and I’m someone that’s been practicing for decades, like yourself I’d imagine.

Why would you ever discourage someone from seeking council from those experienced in the subject in question?


You sure you wanna do this??

Because I don’t trust anyone who’s “higher guidance” also has them listening to feel-good mumbo jumbo channeled nonsense like “Kryon.” (and I’m phrasing this “nicely”)

That’s like 4 strikes out of 3 on the “listen to this person for spiritual advice scale”

And exactly what would be the problem with him trusting his OWN higher guidance?

As I said in that now infamous deleted thread, something about your “energy” is off…like waaaayyy off.

From your first post and every post since… you know my “higher guidance” is saying that and all…


Chill out guys lol

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One of the options is to go to a photo studio, print the mandala of St.Michael on a chain for keys, and purchase a BPIL. save money :)


Were those lessons more of a painful nature i.e. forced life changes, or were they more like something coming into your awareness and then you acted upon them by your own choice?

I YouTubed Kryon to see what it was and saw this “Lee Carroll” guy’s pic and immediately cracked up. His energy immediately screamed “fraud.” :rofl: