Teespring sales!

hmm! I didn’t use any for years, but I have gotten into a lazy mood of using them every now and then, I love a lot of the energetic alchemy ones, and the music for the dragon one, even the little dragon roar I put in the back ground, i really like.



I love this one too and the music, but the video is also next level stuff!! Its hard to stop looking at the screen!


Thank you.
There is a mistake in the video,
but not too noticeable lol.
I didn’t fix it cause… rendering times.


@Captain_Nemo gratitude for these, may I ask any plans about our Moon, I know it’s not a planet but the negative effects during Full Moon are insane :sob:


You could easily start new thread about this issue, and how others cope with that… and maybe we already have field for that but we unconsciously didn’t yet use it or we don’t know it yet

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I think teespring may discontinue the jewelry,
not sure why, maybe too much returns or reprints.
I have been waiting a few weeks for new designs to be added.
I finally contacted a manager there, and they said at the end of the month they are sending out an email and all submitted designs are on hold.
(Not saying to panic buy or anything, but I will start looking elsewhere just in case, suggestions are welcome)


I’m getting an Error 502 from teespring.com was just about to order some tags :sob: :sob: :sob:

It says like there’s some error when trying to enter to your teaspring website

Oh no! I know people have had issues with Teespring overseas, but I have almost all of Dream’s tags and never had issues with Teespring!

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Last month my last 2 tags arrived less than 2 weeks for Europe delivery, was shocked when I got them that quick :exploding_head:


Wow that is a record indeed!



I Second Zazzle! In my previous workplace, we used to get all kinds of stuff (a whole lot of “Best Boss”, “Happy Retirement” kinda things) from Zazzle and never had any issues! Super professional and they are right in the Bay Area so I will get my shipments super fast :laughing:


Shineon makes the jewelry for Teespring.


You right there, so teespring can only be using dropship from Shineon, or could be the other way around, the tags design looks exactly the same even the box

Dreamweaver, I don’t know if you have heard of these shipping fees that Teespring charges, even when the products are shipped in one go they multiply the shipping fees. I know you have little control on what they do, but it seems a bit annoying for them to do that


20% discount in teespring only for today!


zazzle is nice, doesn’t have much of a jewelry wearable section, they do have pocket watches, which I like lol.
Checking out shineon.
and what do you all think of café press?
they have a lot of wearables and affiliate section, but I will have to check out the options available.

The last email I got from them when I asked for clarification, they said they are unsure of the future of jewelry, which I assume means, its going.


it should be fine until they remove it.
May be end of month. or later.
or they could make another decision.
but it works as normal for now.


Would it be a bad idea if you were to send your designs to ShineOn since that’s what Teespring is using, get it printed and send them to Amazon, Etsy or just open your own Shopify store, ShineOn as a plugin to Shopify.


I must say the quality of ShineOn dog tags jewellery is top notch, for all the POD sites I search for couldn’t find any this close.