Telepathy and Subconscious Communication

We are already telepathic beings, but the conscious mind has a hard time translating the language of the subconscious into imagery, words and emotions.

This file is designed to help you translate this conceptual information your subconscious receives from interactions throughout the day into pieces of language your conscious mind can understand. It will guide and train your mind to think more in conceptual terms, creating the necessary connections and developing them once created.

This file also contains templates an Arcturian helped me with, for covering some parts of the process and developing Clairaudience. There’s also an Arcturian Shield that is installed into your consciousness preventing entities from disrupting your communication.

The File contains a Subliminal based on these concepts to make changes easier and faster


This field is quite old compared to his others? Anyone got this and what is review on it. :upside_down_face:

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What a coincidence i was also looking for review on this product! :hugs: i haven’t bought it but i am looking forward to some reviews on it first :sparkles::relaxed::hibiscus:


This one has such a beautiful music :heart:


Bump. Super underrated field. Perfect addition for Conceptual Conglomerate.


How was your experience with this. I am planning on buying this until I can get my hands on conceptual conglomerate

I cannot really tell because I am using many fields on the same topic in parallel. But my intuition and inner knowing are telling me that this field is a very strong contributor to my progress.