Telepathy block

Hey everyone I have a problem, whenever I practice Morphic Fields, I keep getting unwanted telepathy, what can I do to prevent that from happening ?

Thanks in advance

Kind regards

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Can you be more specific, like

  • Which fields are you “practicing” and how (how long)?
  • can you describe your unwanted telepathy?
  • What kind of input are you receiving
  • are you receiving from certain people only, or is it generic?

It’s more difficult to tell you how to stop the telepathy if we don’t have details I think. :slight_smile:

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I know how to feel energy and do morphic fields but they always telepathy me, for example I do Stem Cells and can’t get the intentions out to the morphic field that i’ve created because they are awake day and night to do telepathy on me

Would you please describe what that means:

I realize it might not be easy to explain your situation, but if you want help, please give more details, cause right now I don’t understand. :slight_smile:

They read my thoughts whenever I meditate to create a morphic field, They are a group of people who wants me to stop making morphic Fields, so they do telepathy non-stop.

So my intentions with this field can’t come out.

You sure they would be that keen to do it non-stop, whoever they are? Have u considered it may have more to do with your subconscious stuff?

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Can you dm me Rose? Thanks! @Rosechalice

Yes, it’s them who are doing telepathy non-stop, do you know how to stop telepathy?

Thanks in advance

Kind regards