Tengri: God of the Blue Sky (Testimony)

Tengri was the chief deity worshipped by the ruling class of the Central Asian steppe peoples in 6th to 9th centuries. Tengrism also played a large role in the religion of Mongol Empires as the primary state spirituality. Genghis Khan and several generations of his followers were Tengrian believers

Receive the energy, power, guidance, blessings and teachings of Tengri.
Grow our love, connection and devotion for Tengri.

The 36 stratagems: Subconscious learning of every single one of the 36 stratagems.

Divide and conquer: Complete understanding and mastery of “Divide and conquer” wisdom, thinking and strategy.

Empathy: Boosts empathy levels.

Self-awareness: Boosts all aspect of internal and external self-awareness

Humility: Become free from pride and arrogance.

Tolerance: Grows our tolerance and acceptance.

Rapport: Ability to easily build deep rapport with anyone.

Tact: Ability to talk carefully without hurting anyone’s feelings

Leadership: Embrace yourself as the leader.

Voice modulation: Voice quality, emotions, stress of speech, intonation of speech, rhythm of speech, style of speech.

Belonging: Feel a strong sense of belonging and easily develop a sense a belonging toward groups and places.

Mental compartmentalisation: Ability to separate decisions from unrelated emotions.

Psychic restraint: Permanently reprograms your mind to prevent involuntary psychic projections.

Private garden: Permanently set up defences against remote access to your mind/ unreadable mind.

Endowment effect: Eliminate the tendency to overvalue things just because you own them.

Loss aversion: Eliminate the tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains

Action bias: Remove unjustified tendencies to favour action over inaction when it doesn’t lead to better outcome.

Tribalism: Deep understanding of tribalism and tribalistic instinct and behaviours.

Factional politics: Deep understanding of factional politics.

Violence: Deep understanding and harnessing of violence.

Warfare: Deep understanding of warfare and its consequences.

Intimidation: Master the art of intimidation.

Realistic Expectations: Realise how much you can realistically expect from people.

Scaling up Mindset: Inclination toward scaling up.

Over-expansion: Avoid over expansion by maintaining stable growth.

Rules giving: Ability to create effective and harmonious rules.

Capacity: Charges us with an immense capacity to build empires.

Heritage: Deep understanding and appreciation for your own cultural and ethnic heritage, traditions.

Safety and stability: Deep sense of safety and stability.

Honoured family and ancestors: Honour your family and ancestors.


A very interesting and beautiful project. Congrats to everyone involved! :slight_smile:


Thank you @Philip_Weiss


Wow, this symbol and NFT look really beautiful. Almost extraterrestrial.

Who knows, maybe Tengri, as a sky god, literally “came from the heavens”?


Another Beautiful Creation! Congratulations everyone! Thank you Captain! :sparkling_heart:


I can definitely feel Tengri working on me and the connection getting stronger overtime


While this NFT does not come with an audio, it does go well with the Five Elements Balanced (Mongolian Medicine) on the Dream Seeds Channel/Patreon

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As opposed to most NFTs, this does not advance a power or ability in an out loud sense. It’s not love and light so much as it is a capacity increase. The main attribute I’ve noticed is the ease of rank ordering problems and of making decisions with hard consequences. It’s a very good field for these uncertain times.

As I stated before, the 5 elements field pairs well with Tengri. The ego (mine, at least) has no easy hook to the throat singing and goes silent, though little insight bubbles pop up, as if the 36 stratagems are working their way through my subconscious to coming up with advice that is condensed to 2-3 words.

To generalize, this field should give you access a mindset that has scarcity as a primary reality and help you see your way through the attendant challenges of that reality, which is still our world, though it’s more disguised in this era. There is greater abundance of food and shelter, to be sure, but allocating time and attention to other important matters is harder because the temptations of pleasure and ease are so much more abundant. This is a first things field. Almost a Wim Hoff field.


Had no idea about this project, have to get this hehe



got it a while back…shall explore tonight.