Terrence Howard

Dropping morphic field knowledge on humanity

at 1 hour 29

Get ready for the wave…



I saw him going on about morphic resonance, did get get into using the same concept to influence epigenetics and provide set instructions?


I had NO IDEA Terrence Howard was awake like that. I just went and watched some of the videos of him talking about morphic resonance. If he’s YouTubing these kinda things, it’s hard to imagine that he hasn’t come across Sapien Medicine before. Maybe he actually uses fields.


Say hi, Terrence!


He was a good cast in Iron Man

I don’t think the other guy makes the same duo with RDJ


I remember downloading his book about 1 times 1 equals 2 from his website but have only skimmed so far



I’m going to find out :relaxed:

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not too sure bout him


I don’t know about others, but I’m not too sure about most people. Separate the message from the messenger. If it resonates, don’t get hung up on who they are or what they’ve done or haven’t done, hell, even what else they’ve said. By all means, still consider the source, and where their understanding of the message may have led them astray, or they may have abused it, but I try to use it refine my own understanding.

Imagine it as the difference between looking for someone to save you/someone for you to offload your own personal responsibility to vs. looking for signs as to how to save yourself.


I’m not hanging my coat here, there’s just a lot that resonates. And there’s a bit I still need to piece together and cross reference over time

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My opinion of course.

But messages and knowledge always gets twisted with interpretation.
the ego will colour the output based on the personality.

but all things are indeed a valid observation and interpretation.
(personal to the person)
They are still based on ‘something’


You can learn something from everyone if you know how to listen. The world is always speaking.


Yes, but your time is limited.
And so is also your attention energy.
So it makes sense to choose to only to listen to sources that promise or provide a high ROI.


i watched the podcast. we will see in the coming weeks or months about this guy.

He has drawn enough attention for proper physicists to analyse his theories.

not all scientists are completely dogmatic and will be open to him

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I watched to some of his math videos. I don’t think his ideas will be picked up by science, as such. It’s better to listen to him the way one might consider an Alice and Wonderland character who came alive on YouTube. He’s bending words and concepts to make Escherish arguments. It’s really quite something when combined with his presentation skills.


I did end up listening to the entire podcast.
It’s kind of interesting. I’m not sure what to think of it though


This inspired me to watch it as well.

The part where “government” sabotages the devices makes me laugh.

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from description,
"Terrence Howard’s recent appearance on Joe Rogan raised a lot of questions and a renewed interest in alchemy, energy, and the works of esoteric and technical visionary Walter Russell. There is a lot of speculation about Russell and the viability of his ideas, but several things are certain:

  • He succeeded in alchemically transmuting Oxygen and Hydrogen into Nitrogen at the labs of the Westinghouse Corporation in 1927.

  • He worked on a secret free energy project with the Raytheon corporation for the Air Force and NORAD.

This presentation on Russell’s theories and their use in non-destructive technologies is from the Museum of Tarot’s archives and is something we acquired 10+ years ago from a VHS collection of a deceased scientist and radionics practitioner. We believe it is a presentation from a Tesla Technology conference but there were no specifics included with the tape. "