Testicular Cancer

Hey everyone. A very close friend of mine has just found out he has testicular cancer. He is hoping to have an operation in the next coming weeks to remove the tumor and we are hoping that it hasn’t spread any further throughout the body.

He has never used fields before but I’m hoping he might try a few out to hopefully help with what he is going through.
Besides Anti Cancer 2.0, are there any other fields which would be beneficial for him at this moment in time?
Psychic University also has 2 fields for it, I’m just not sure would playing Caps Anti Cancer and both of Psychic University’s be too much together?

Anyone from our Caladrius family, have ye sent Caladrius to a person who has cancer and found an improvement with it? I would like to make him an item which he could wear which would be beneficial in stopping the spread and hopefully removing or at least help the tumor to go smaller before the operation.

I would be very grateful for any advice please :pray:t3:


Hi Seamie, first of all I wish your good friend all the best. I know how this feels. Cancer shatters everything, not only the world of the person itself, but also of the family and the friends. All the best man…
For me personally I had no problems using Dreams Anti Cancer 2.0 and both of PU‘s Anti Cancer fields. But that was me and not your friend. Maybe it’s best to start slow.
It‘s also worth it to have a look on other things like:
Vitamin B17
All this can help. Also a tip from my side…search for Jane McLelland

Edit: think also about the mental aspect. Better sooner than later


Thanks man I’ll send the fields to him, I hope he will use them. I’ll mention tk go slow with them.

Thank you I’ll look up Jane McLelland now :pray:t3:

I hope you are doing ok man and starting to feel much better :pray:t3: :crossed_fingers:t2:

Will do, thank you so much for the advice.

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Do you know if this was followed by some kind of emotionally traumatic event?

By all means what happens in the body needs to be adressed, but it will not hurt to look into possible emotional causes like traumatic events, or history of trauma, in order to gain a better understanding on why it has happened.

Dr. Gabor Mate has several interesting studies on this corelation. Most of his work can be found on Youtube if anyone is interested.

Best wishes to your friend. I hope he finds his way out of this and heals at all levels.


Any of the trauma release fields & plasma fields(go real slow)


Nothing at the moment. He has probably been the happiest and in the best shape of his life over the last few years. Everything was lookig up for him, feeling much healthier, eating much better, a lovely girlfriend, building their own house, loves his job, gave up cigarettes, doesn’t drink alcohol anyway near as much as before, all was looking so promising for him and then got this terrible news.

Thank you Anya I’ll check it out.

Thank you :pray:t3: