well, it is all good experiences.
The first thing that happened is oneness, the timelessness and trueself connection kicked in.
i was urged to read some books by thomas troward. good books. creative process, the edinburgh lectures and master key system by chares f. haanel… those are pdf online you can search google and you’ll get em. then i bought some books from www.galleryofmagick.com, kindle for like 10 dollars… good books…
productivity efficienty also started picking up… ofcourse i have a startup business so i’m always on the move… but things werent working out in business for over 6 years… now things are better, much better.
weight loss is doing well, as i exercise, however due to lockdown i put on like 30 lbs, but i lost 13lbs so far… social mastery is great. i can see that i am more social and people approach me easily… intercession is also great, my intuition has picked up dramatically and i’m now following my hunches with more trust and i know the intuition now… fearlessness is great. i used to fear a lot of things and now fear is gone…
the others are still, i havent realized each one or lets say i dont have an experience to share… i am focusing on my work now, so im sure they are working… i have the items since 3 months or so… like wearing all of them together…
so good job sapien. i really recommend those items for anyone who is willing to change. They work and are amazing.
excellent work