Thank you Sapien Medicine

So I have been living in the shadow of Sapien Medicines amazing work for a long time. Although I didnt always perfectly receive what I want. I do realize that I have been blessed. And to put this in perspective. My parents were rather cheap. But one day I listened to a bit of your fortune audios until it felt good for me. My mom started buying a Ton of amazon packages, along with high doordash ordering. Then that abundance that I saw after your audios came to become transitioning from a good house to what most people would say was a AMAZING house. (Its in the outskirts of the state). And I do think that I wouldn’t have recognized the amount of guidance and self reevaluation I needed if I didn’t move here. Your audios have also had a definite impact on my body, friends, mindset to also mention. And none of the effects were negative so I say thank you to that.:star::star::star:


Hi @Trey!

Amazing manifestations - Gratz!

Nice 2 C U


Thank God for Dream!


Hey Trey, that’s great to hear! Add this to your stack Dissolver of Mental Limits (Gratitude to Captain). More abundance will flow! :clinking_glasses: :100: