The Acquisition of Abdominal Definition (N/A)

This works very well if one sticks to a good plan. I used it alternatively with MBL for a week with a good progress , but didn’t stick to any particular diet … If I maintain good diet I am sure I could be flaunting my 8 pack now :grin:
But still sticking to the plan to get that hidden solar 8pack Muskles out of the fatty clouds.
It’s not far, atleast for me.
Btw I follow only Sapien Gym, ++ eat and digest everything kind of diet now.


Nice :+1:t5:,So how did you alternate between this and MBL ? For example you played this on , let’s say Mon, wed, Fri and MBL on Tues,Thurs, and Sat ….kinda right ? Sounds legit cause I’m thinking maybe playing both together back to back on the same day might be counteractive due to each of their way of mechanism working on fat . I might be wrong to assume though.

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You are absolutely right about alternating days and the logic. My experience on day 1 is , I played both on same day and I felt it’s draining. So experimented like this and seems working good.
Because of the reason we can convert fat into muscle, I am on ‘eat all’ decent diet with no particular restrictions. But Most of the time I listen to my body what fuel it needs.


Not sure yet, but Let’s see If I can flaunt my abs here in the forum sometime this year :partying_face::partying_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::mechanical_arm:


Thanks man , will try that from now . I too felt very draining playing both for the recommended times each back to back ,and the weird part was ,felt alittle bloated and actually fatter around the tummy and sides . Will experiment with your method . Thanks .

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All the best and share ur experience. Just to add, I did also take breaks in between , nothing like planned schedule. It’s just like whenever I feel like I cant fuel enough I wasn’t playing either this field or Mbl.


About 30 days using this audio, there are the photos from 30 and 60 days ago in the core thread.


Same brother, definitely eating whatever I want with this logic due to MBL and this one. Mutant Soldier mandala by Maitreya also makes me carry this mindset

-Never store fat, instead use as energy
-Weight gainer elements, but triple calories and 100% to muscle.


Looking good bro, definitely see the chest development :mechanical_arm:


Appreciate it’s been my weakest link this entire time, now close to the most powerful.


I’ll see myself out :grimacing: :sweat_smile:


@Zen preparing for that Universal Soldier program! :sunglasses: Great work, bro!! Looks good!! Did you experience some kind of draining as described by others, combining it with MBL?


Someone asked this earlier:
Can this be used to reduce belly fat?

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Nah tbh, but the other day I was doing muscle ups and for the first time I felt a strong contraction of my core muscles, a couple days later I still feel it. Maybe it was this audio maybe not but I played this audio for a couple of hours and didn’t feel any hard burn.


Some of these fields can be felt differently by others. If i listen to both MBL and this one back to back in the morning i feel kinda drained in the evening, but i have a feeling it depends on how active i am that day. For example if im at home, really not moving or doing anything for the day, i can play both in the same day 6-8 times and not feel tired or drained.

Not to mention if i play just this field beyond the 2-4 times recommended(like 6 or more) i really start to feel it in the core area.

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Please read the description;

Not bringing up this negatively, as you did list someone else asked it. But the description is not as nebulous as others have been.


Hey @Dannyg267 we don’t share audios here.

It’s also against forum rules asking people for them. Just wanted to let you know that.

You have to buy the audio.


Adding to what @pranic_climber said

If you are choosing not to buy it, there are many free fields you can use that have enough testimonials for you to know that they work.

Core Strengthening
Muscles hungry for fat
Stomach Shrink


@anon22855873 thanks for adding that bro :pray:t3:


We got each others backs no worries. 🧞‍♂️