🎭 The Actor NFT (Private Project)

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Crafted by the one and only @Captain_Nemo


Congrats :muscle::+1: :rose::rose::rose::rose::rose:


Is there a copy left?

Actually, I’m a little sad today. But I have to share this result. This evening, our organization company organized a new show. The character I was given is the main character who gets the most time on the show. But this character is a bad and ugly role. I think they gave me the main bad character, trusting my acting. But this wasn’t the role I wanted. I’m a pretty handsome guy, and my teammates who were less handsome than me were given some pretty cool roles. Now I have to carry this team.:slightly_frowning_face:


Maybe this “ugly” character is harder to act and thy see you as bigger potential than just physical handsome actor :thinking:


Today, I am about to resign and leave the organization company. At rehearsal, they made fun of me because of my costume and make-up. Also, this is a female character and I’m a man.No woman in the team was given this role and it was given to me. This is the main character and the one who gets the most time in the show. I can’t understand this.

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Did you ask them way thy give you female role to play ?

Maybe it’s a test somehow for you or thy just are not so nice and professional.


I think that’s exactly it. Because the potential of this NFT is Oscar-level. If I’m going to deserve this success, I don’t have to care about such amateurish role choices.


I’m not actor but my feeling tells me that actor should be able to connect to character he is playing if no connection than what is the point to do it.
Maybe around corner is that better suited play.

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Are you ready? I will act the character of a witch. This universe must have a message for me. I have been busy with spiritualism for a few years. It’s no coincidence that this role was given to me. I will also earn 3 times my salary. This witch character was given to me… Even this show was based on me…:grin:

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How is that?.

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The costumes and scenes look very familiar to me. It was like I knew everything by heart. Maybe parallel universes or previous lives, I’m not sure. I don’t have the psychic ability to understand this.

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So you will not play it or you will ?!

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I will act this role. I don’t want to be unemployed for now.

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Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


You got me thinking now :thinking: form the start you was telling us what is going the story :fearful: way ? :astonished: who? :flushed:what :roll_eyes: !?!
Was almost as a short movie :popcorn::movie_camera: the beginning, twisted middle and the happy promising end .

Truly you got it also you might have talent in screenwriting or directing :smiley:

Almost as short Thriller :popcorn::movie_camera:

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I appreciate your encouraging words and guidance. Since I don’t have any explanation about this NFT, I have to figure out some dynamics myself. “The ability to literally create a movie” I’m sure this is one of the effects of NFT. Screenwriting, acting or editing. I know that I’m have all the potential and I believe that one day I will become a very successful, world-famous actor. I’m also passionate about this topic. Before, I was performing in animal roles, now I will act a psychopathic witch. I actually started to be thankful. Hehehehahaha.:grin:

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Sounds great :smiley: wen you do :star: remember to send me autogram :man_dancing::dancer:

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Definitely, inspired by you.:pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:

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