The Advantageous Brain Plan

Hahahaha well me two

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U know Japanese ?

Yeah, I used to read manga and watch anime pretty easily. Also had some convos in Chinese.

But I didn’t touch either in years, I mean years before I started sapien medicine.

If there are Japanese texts some places I’m still surprised at how much I remember but that’s not fluent anymore. I’d need a dictionary pretty quick I think.


O3 is order by 3. I want to learn math again too. I got as far as linear algebra in college but didn’t really quite understand it. Maybe I’ll need to get the Manhattan method soon too. Let’s see if I can make some more money trading with this new brain lol.


Lol well math is a complex and weirdly annoying subject that takes your whole day. And you be thinking like i swear I would have rather played league of legends. Well, that was me back in the old days. But still not understanding ordering by 3 of what fields?

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Lol I used to play that game. Now I feel too lazy to lol.

Order by 3 Order by 3 (Black Label Item Series)

I think it stacks with adv brain by bringing in energy for the brain to transform physically. Just my hunch.

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Oh hahaha well I quit that game ages ago as well, now I don’t play games anymore. The latest game I played is probably old school RuneScape. The most I do is watch anime or sometimes Korean drama while listening to dream’s fields.

Oh the black label I see.

How about this stack?

1)The advantage brain
2) plasma light with bio active beach
3) plasma mitochondria
4) plasma flaunt
(Note I think these fields would be absolutely necessary)
5) Orgone accumulator (for the energy)
6) oh forgot maybe use torsion field after the advantage brain maybe the field will tell the torsion field to speed up the process.

  1. the brain fields would be used next day. Or following day.

I’m bookmarking this and will give it a try. When u say 6 brain fields another day do u mean like the ptsd types?

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I was thinking more of maybe like enhance visual processing, with BNDF, and those ones. But I did use the lateral scolosis and multiple scoliosis fields as well. Since they also use build nerve endings. Which would also mean I would maybe have a strengthen nerve ending for specific muscle groups or I would be able to utilize my body parts a bit better. However, pretty sure dream has a field for building neurons specifically especially the permanent brain ehancer and genius one. I think those will work finesse with this mythical field.

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Got it. Makes sense. Everyday feels like a discovery again finding this space. God bless!

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God bless!:blush:

Oh forgot to mention the best one probably the most important one would be enhanced brain hemisphere connectivity. That has BNDF and it makes neurons. Also the super genius one.

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So I played this about 5x today along with Order by 3 5x and Plasma Flaunt 3x and a bunch of other ones… I went for hiking and was super thirsty. Everything felt surreal, vivid colors and the landscape looked more 3D. I was calm and had essence of faith playing in the background while hiking. It was really nice… like in heaven… I came home… started drinking water… mouth still feels dry… and had a nose bleed… I guess take it easy… drink more water…


BTW, according to this post, Plasma Flaunt has plasma brain in it… The Plasma Flaunt - #225 by Beltloop

I’m gonna buy the smart stem cells anyway since that one is not in plasma flaunt. I wonder if smart stem cells can help you lose weight lol


I’ll drop this here, not a reply to anyone.

it’s not hard to make your mind this clean and sharp. What is hard to do is making it so permanently. It’s not a boost.

I can foresee a situation where some people fail to notice the overgrowth because this will make their mind clearer. It would end up compensating and not amounting to much or they may not realize 100% of the benefits of this one since much of the improvement would be offset by the overgrowth. Making people careless in a sense.

So, be careful


What do you mean by overgrowth? How should we use this to have safe long lasting permanent results?

This is what can happen when one abuses other brain fields (not this one), specifically brain wiring fields.

There already is a solution: plasma brain. It’s like brain hygiene.

I said that because I assume many people here also use other brain fields.

This field does not cause overgrowth or other symptoms, it doesn’t.


Ok, got it. Will use Adv brain only with plasma brain. just to be safe. Is overgrowth what causes things like autism?


It’s safe to use with other fields as long as you don’t abuse the other wiring fields (beyond 3-4 listens).

If you abuse, get the plasma brain supplement and there is no limit per day.

Again, I was just anticipating some issues that may arise for some people who don’t anticipate.


Just did 1 loop of plasma brain… feels… yummy for the brain… if that makes sense… also brain feels tingling… what a day!