The Alchemical Revision of Childhood

Yes, it was at the same time. I usually am not up to date with the YouTube list, Patreon is my go-to place for new fields. I check new releases once in few days but since I got the notification when I needed something like this, thought of posting here.


One question to the Sapien team. How is this alchemical though?


Thank you Captain nemo for this precious field :relieved::pray::heart::sunny:
I think this field will bring me a lot of positive change :heartbeat: .


I donā€™t know but if you noticed, Sapien Team release the most needed fields for free. The paid ones are usually optional and can be replaced with free ones.

You have such a big hearts @Captain_Nemo and @SammyG :heart:


For that my friend you have to know that Jung has worked on alchemy. From his collection, book on Psychology and Alchemy, alchemy is about converting darkness into light. Eckhart Tolle calls something similar alchemy is about turning pain or suffering or unconsciousness into presence or light. Same words, different masters.

This field would help people to do their shadow work.


i read jung but nothing alchemical he did, maybe point me to somewhere I can read that?

I thought from the first time I saw that there are aspects from alchemical crucible. But I donā€™t know how to determine that, I donā€™t feel something from this field, maybe I had a good family I guess

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Not directly the shadow work (integrating the shadow self) but more Anima/Animus Integration. Shadow work here can be done by healing the traumas and repressed aspects of personnality due to abuse in childhood.

If these changes occurs (shadow, anima and animus integration) the persona will automatically change, bringing the individual closer to their true self.

Iā€™m not an expert in Carl Jung psychology so I could be wrong.


Alchemy is about transmutation/transformation, to put it simply. From one substance/energy into another, an emotion into another, mental state into anotherā€¦any sort of psycho-spiritual or energetic transformation/transmutationā€¦so this field absolutely is alchemical if it is revising experiences, mental/emotional states derived from them, etcā€¦ into new outcomes. From a certain perspective, I see many or most fields as alchemical.


Omg thank you! For those of us that had a bad/traumatic childhood and selfish parents this is invaluable!!! Iā€™m trying to heal from narcissistic parents and this is right on time!!! Thank you thank you thank you! Captain and Sammy you guys never ever miss!


:100: trueā€¦.DESNA audios, Ojas, Manaā€¦etc.

Personally Iā€™m using this as:

Alchemical Childhood ā†’ Rite of Passage

Adding Unbreakable could make for an impressive trifecta

Thank you!


Another great gift from Captain. Tackling the mental state where the majority of issues are stemming from is such an invaluable thing. Imagine revising your childhood patterns that is full of parental and sibling love and support? Magical!

Thank you! Truly a blessing! :purple_heart::pray::purple_heart:


Damn, Here i was thinking NFTs are better then the audios. Damn this is good. I have so many theories.

But damn dream ur just showing off now. :laughing: :raised_hands:


Captain is such a Great alchemist. :muscle:


If this is complex to dream standards u bet ur ass its complex.

am so happy


This release is exactly what I needed. Thank you so much @Captain_Nemo


Thank youā€¦


Wow, this field is incredibly powerful. It brought up traumatic memories and then invited me to change them to the way I wish they would have been. It worked very well because the whole experience (scene, thoughts, emotions, etc) felt very real. Itā€™s like an automated Neville Goddard revision on steroids. Incredible. Thank you so much.


It brings up to the surface a lot of sad emotions, but no memories attached, so don t know what it is about. I think it is working on deep levels, probably even before i had language. I do own Point of no Return as well and it brought me a lot of healing and recovery, but this one targets childhood stuff from a different angle. Great combo with PONR though. I forwarded this one to some of my friends with bad childhood issues, who could not afford PONR. Many thanks for this great idea and free gift.! :heart_eyes:


My deepest gratitude to you Captain for this gift!!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


Without going into too much details, Captai has been innovating in the field of Alchemy - picking up aspects of traditional alchemy, and enhancing them with various things - there was the Crucible series, then the Planetary Oils series, lot of exciting stuff happeningā€¦