The Alchemical Revision of Childhood

What a gem!! :gem:

Thanks!! :pray:


Me bro. :raised_hand: I want to sink into my mattress and sleep. But I have a lot of assignments and stuff from uni.


:heart: :orange_heart: :green_heart:


the crystal garnet before this helps, and also listening the trauma and self love audio from the new series before this will do wonders.


I am wondering, why do you think it will be better the trauma and self-love audios to be listened before Childhood Revision and not after? My Idea was to use childhood to recall the experiences, then trauma to clear the traumas and than the self-love and inner support to form the new beliefs.

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well the audios work a while after listening and make the experience after alittle lighter.

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Start with ego dissolution, and then childhood revision for a much deeper experience. Just tried it when suffering from an unexpected loss, and this combination does a much deeper purge this way. Ego dissolution sets your ego and defense mechanism temporary aside, so childhood revision can do its work better. Works as well with trauma revision, this way.


So in a hypothetical stack:

  • Ego Dissolution x1
  • Child Revision x2
  • Child Wonder x2

ok like this?


I did this one:
Ego Dissolution x2
Child revision, until i felt cleansed ( about 3 to 4x, but depends on your experience)

Child wonder i don’t have much experience with, but could be a nice addition. as well


Thanks for tips!


Did one loop.
was lying down and few secons in my back started to release tension. It was calming, not in a warm, fuzzy sense but more like a neutral protective bubble.

I got this image of me lying in a room and a masculine figure staying in the front door, patiently guarding me, armed with spear and shield.
Some other impression was this entity walking around me along a line that represented my boundaries.


Using my experiences from using this field and others together with suggestions in this thread, here’s a little something:

  1. Ego DissolutionRadical Emotional Change
  2. Forgiveness and Release The Journey of Forgiveness
  3. Your Self LoveSelf Love and AcceptanceThe Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
  4. Trauma Release and HealingThe Alchemical Revision of Trauma
  5. The Archetype of Parental LoveThe Alchemical Revision of Childhood
  6. Memories of JoyInner Pillar of PowerInner Beauty Reflected Outwards
  7. Guided Journey: Unlock Full Potential

Each number is a session and I’ve put them in the order that makes the most sense to me. Feel free to take a break to breath and process things between them. No need to do all of them, just the ones you resonate with, but giving them all a chance might bring a nice surprise.

The fields in each session are all free as far as I know. The reasoning behind their order is to approach change from present then irradiate to your past, starting the changes there that way, and complementing that with the alchemical revisions working on it directly, in the things you can improve in each topic.

I’ve yet to test it myself, but I felt like sharing these thoughts here.

Asking for the support of beings you work with during this could be like a nice idea.

If you’re in a though spot, Remove Unconscious Clutter, Emotional Release, Subconscious Limits could be used as a session 0.

Also, Gratitude for blessings is something I’d use at the end, but that’s more personal.

Corrected for non-linearity of time.


This field is slaying me completely, feeling fatigued and “off” as hell playing this 4x on JAJAs self love stack

Most likely doing a lot of work on me so i’ll hang in there, but damn.


Perhaps you could add a few more loops of The Internal Alchemical Crucible to your stack?

That and emotional release are my go-to when a trauma release field hits a little too deep. :blush:

And congrats for hanging in there!


If you own it, crucible of the past might work too. However most likely you will experience complete peace soon, even while playing this field again. I had just one evening a dark night of the soul, next day all peaceful, but that evening a lot of hurt was coming up. Congrats on yout victory soon.


Ive heard so many good things about it, way too broke to get it now though, but i’m definitely getting it at some point

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Day 2 of this heavy gloom, jesus i’ve not had a field do this to me. Thought it could be just a bad day yesterday, but it really puts a really heavy, wet, filthy blanket over me. @JAAJ is relentless putting 4x of this almost 15min per listen field in that self love stack.

I’m not even close to crying, it’s just my face and everything about me looks like someone just killed my dog or something. I wonder if I should try meditate to two of the runs for faster progress - even if perhaps more painful


Bro, go at your own pace a do not overwhelm yourself.
Maybe you should go a little bit slower?


It should be fine, might put on an armor of light and glory x2 before those fields tomorrow, going in full armored lol. Either that or split them up 2x → emotional release , then at late evening 2x → emotional release. I’ll experiment some


I mean I’d consider myself having quite a bit of mental fortitude but this field does not stop slaying me. It’s almost comical. What the hell is in this field that just turns my whole aura , vibe and mood completely dark and gloomy for hours?

I’ll just use this before I sleep from now