The Alchemy Of Unicorns 🦄

The Alchemy of Unicorns was born out of love for these iconic and beloved Beings.

With this field, we take a step into the wonderful world of the Unicorns, and the Unicorns take a step into ours to bestow upon us all their blessings and, should we want to, to help us master the ways of the Unicorns.

With this field, we are filled with the essence of the Unicorns and with Unicorn energies, we are assisted, guided and taught by the Unicorns and all the benevolent Intercessions that chose to join the project.

We are so grateful to have Them in our lives :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

We’re even more grateful that this magical Alchemy has a twin sister, The Alchemy of Dragons, both working synergistically to guide us to our most magical life :sparkling_heart:

Here is what we asked Captain for this Alchemy.


The field would act as a beacon, calling upon Unicorns to help us and it in every way They can and want. We also seek intercession of other Higher Beings that would like to work closely with the Unicorns and us. We specifically seek the intercessions of Iris Goddess of the rainbow, Archangels Asmodel and Christiel that are said to work closely with the Unicorns, the Spirits of Nature, and maybe Beings and/or energies from the Monoceros constellation and its Unicorn black hole, if there are indeed benevolent and appropriate souls out there. Others might be willing to join as well, and we welcome them heartily.

The field would allow us to embrace our relationship with it, the Unicorns, the Higher Beings interceding in our favor, as well as our Guardians and Guides that have been already gracing us with their service. The field would be honing our whole being so that we can fully welcome their energies, presences and blessings, and fully communicate with them.

In all its endeavors, the field would be assisted and taught by the Unicorns and the other Intercessions. It would be able to access, understand and use all Unicorn energies, knowledge and skills. We would also benefit from such assistance and teaching, from the field itself, the Unicorns and the other Intercessions: they would imbue us with those energies, knowledge and skills so that, in time, we could also master the ways of the Unicorns. One could also imagine that, as we learn how to use the field, our tips and tricks and discoveries could be shared to everyone of us: as “human” ways to work with the field, they might have a great impact and/or be easier for us to catch and work with.

Aura of the Unicorn

Purity of Heart

We aspire to the same purity of heart as the Unicorns, a complete understanding and expression of Divine Love, a full acceptance of self and others, seeing beyond the veils of dreams, illusion, deception and duality, ours and others, and recognizing Light, Love, Truth and Virtue in the heart and actions of others and us. We wish to radiate all that Light and Love and use it to be of service to others, to be noble of mind and actions.

Magical Beings

We seek a life full of the magic of the Unicorns, for the magic of the Unicorns to course through our whole being and to have the knowlege and understanding of how to use it, so that we can enchant everything we do and everything around us. We would like the world(s) opening to us, through lucid dreaming, astral travel and portals to bring us the beneficial energies from everywhere. We would like to understand and harness all the energies and the secrets the Unicorns and the Universe whisper in our ears, recognizing and grasping their creative and insightful vibrations.

Blessings of the Rainbow

We ask for a life filled with joy, grace, rainbows and all the sparkly and colorful energies of the Unicorns, for the abundance, luck and wonderful gifts the Unicorns can provide.

Holistic Healing

Unicorn Bubble

Through their horns, Unicorns are said to have the power to heal even the most deadly wounds and diseases, to detect poison and nullify its effect. The Unicorns are also fierce protectors and have a strong sense of justice. The field could grace us with an aura of protecting, clearing, purifying, healing and harmonizing Unicorn energies constantly taking care and raising the vibration of every part of our being, our environment and what we eat and drink, in the physical and subtle planes. It would detect and nullify physical and energetic poisonous elements and pathogens. It would allow us to benefit from the full power of the justice of the Unicorns. And fill all with Light and Love.

Soul Healing

The unicorns are said to have inner child and soul healing powers, and we also read the book “Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self” by Sandra Ingerman. That guided us to ask for a comprehensive soul processing: retrieval, healing and loving.

Below is what we learned about the soul retrieval process.

This process is facilitated by a Shaman, who is experienced and knowledgeable enough to venture into the inner worlds of non-ordinary reality. It’s very important to have knowledge of the topography of the non-ordinary reality and how to conduct yourself there.

The most important things for any soul retrieval are intention and trust. A strong intention to retrieve a part of our soul that will help us revitalise ourself in ordinary reality, and a trust that that part of our soul will come home to us. It’s also important to have a willingness to change, for a return home of our lost soul fragment will inevitably lead to changes in our life, both voluntary and involuntary. Once a soul fragment has been brought home, it will be sealed in.

During the process of a soul retrieval, the Shaman will travel to the inner worlds, guided by the intention set by the person who wishes to be healed. This intention will lead the Shaman to the soul fragment, and it will only be known what kind of reality it will be once the Shaman arrives at the fragment. When the fragment has been found, the retrieval can be easy or difficult, depending on where the soul fragment resides in non-ordinary reality. It could have found a comfortable place in a nice reality, or it could be trapped or lost in a not particularly pleasant reality.

The main purpose is getting the fragment to come home, and this is mostly done by negotiating with the fragment, either by the Shaman or the Power Animal that accompanies him during the journey. Once the fragment has been convinced to come home, it will travel with the Shaman and the Power Animal, and it will be returned to the core soul of its rightful owner. The fragment is welcomed home and sealed in, so it cannot be pulled back into non-ordinary reality.

A major part of the soul retrieval process is also instilling an understanding in the person that is being healed. (Parts of) the process will be instilled in the consciousness of the person, so that deeper healing can take place on all levels. However it is not absolutely necessary to have the person being healed come to a profound insight instantly, the healing will work either way. Over the course of a few weeks or months, memories might come flooding into their consciousness and a new level of healing can take place.

There can be many causes for a fragmented soul, like childhood trauma, abuse, divorce/ending of relationship, betrayal, etc. There are also other scenarios where a soul part is actually stolen from us by someone else. This can be because of someone being jealous of our vitality and talents, not wanting to let go in the afterlife, or the repeating of the same act that was done upon to the thief, where part of their soul was stolen. During this process, the soul retrieval also involves communicating with the thief, and possible help him or her move on as well by healing them.

Furthermore, many people coming to do a soul retrieval are trying to break patterns of getting into a codependent relationship. In those types of relationships, we would voluntarily offer part of our soul to the other, and when that relationship breaks down we will be left with a certain emptiness. This also means that we could be holding onto someone else’s soul fragment.

With that in mind, we envision a soul processing where the soul healing powers of the Unicorns would entertwin with a soul retrieval process, the field, Unicorns and Intercession assisting us and guiding us to make our soul whole again. Elements of “Depths of your Soul” would also be welcomed, especially for the loving part of the soul processing and to welcome home the retrieved soul fragments.

Such a process would be activated on demand with the command: “Activate Soul Healing”. One could specify an aspect of oneself that one would like to specifically work on, that might be related to a soul fragmentation. If nothing is specified, the soul healing process would be done for the greater good of the person.

From Source to Source

We’d also like to try an integration process that we called “From Source to Source”. This would be activated on demand with the command: “From Source to Source, [concept]”.

From Our separation from Source to Our return to Source, the field and the Unicorns would release, integrate, upload to Source, heal, illuminate, love everything about [concept]. It could be used for concepts, situations we encounter, emotions, whatever we would like to work on. We envision Unicorns following every thread of life related the concept, touching the threads with their horns and pouring into them Light, and Unicorn and Diamond energies, until all threads are pure Light and disappear into Source.

More about this

Diamonds help to ease fear and shine a light in the darkness. The Diamond symbolizes the Sun in the middle of the Solar System. Its luminosity and brilliance also extend into the emotional realm. It provides a “light at the end of the tunnel” and represents the Dawn after a “dark night of the Soul.” Diamond inspires courage, bravery and fearlessness.

Heavy emotions and disturbing feelings can come up when doing integration work. The field would provide elements to ease the process as much as possible.

  • The field would surround and fill us with Love, Safety and Comfort, so that we can let go completely, knowing we’re being fully and perfectly taken care of.
  • The field would constantly monitor us to avoid any overwhelm and to work within our limits.
    • The field would keep the intensity of the process at a level that we are in capacity to deal with.
    • If we show any sign of distress, any sign that it is becoming too much or that we want to stop, the field would gently end the session by clearing the current emotional charge and fill us with Joy, Love, Comfort and Safety.
    • At the beginning of a session, the field would go slow with the process to assess our tolerance to what is happening. As the field gets to know more about us and our limits, it would adapt the intensity of the process us.
    • For example:
      • some people could want to go for intense sessions and work through very heavy emotional loads to advance faster. The field would check that they are indeed able to do so, and adjust the intensity to just below their limits. The sessions would be heavy but would never overwhelm them.
      • Other people might prefer to stay within a comfortable range of intensity. The work might be slower but would be easier to go through.
      • One could alternate between heavy and comfortable sessions, depending of one’s current situation.
  • As long as we feel ok and in capacity to deal with what comes up, the field would continue.
  • The field would end every session by clearing/setting aside any residual emotional charge for a next session and filling the person with Joy, Love, Comfort and Safety.

One with Nature

We would like to share the deep connection Unicorns have with our world, to connect to and work with all that surrounds us in the most harmonious and beneficial ways.

The field would help us create a special bond of peace, harmony, trust, gratitude and love between us, animals, plants and the Spirits of Nature, and it would improve our communication with them. This bond would extend into our neighborhood to all animals, plants and Spirit of Nature, filling them with peace, joy, harmony and love, and protect them from nefarious circumstances. It would also enhance our ability in growing plants, aka “green thumb”, as well as raising and caring for animals. It would boost, bless, burture, heal plants and animals in our surroundings, especially those under our care (pets, potted plants, vegetable garden, …). The field would also harmoniously keep us safe from potentially dangerous encounters with animals and toxic plants, and repel, in a peaceful way, those that would annoy us (mosquitoes, flies, …). All should be done in accordance with the Higher Selves of the beings involved. In the end, we would be one with Nature and all its inhabitants, leading us to magical moments and places, and a precious and deep understanding, love and closeness with the lives around us.

Song of the Heart

We would be expressing the purest form of Unicorn Love, imbueing every atom in our body, every component in our being. Once we are filled with that Love, it pours out of us and imbues our surroundings, in space and time. We are the center of an evergrowing multidimensional sun of Unicorn Love.


Message me if you acquire this NFT, I’ll add you to our private thread :slightly_smiling_face:


So incredibly beautiful, Saan. 1471962147_1206-233928063


Thank you! We poured our heart and soul into this project and the Dragon’s one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I was fortunate to have traded for Unicorn a while ago! :sparkling_heart:
Thank you for posting the thread Saan! Thank you Captain! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m so happy that there is finally a public thread about our Unicorns and Dragons! :unicorn: :dragon:
Thanks for putting all the time and effort into these incredible twin projects, @Saan !! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:This was a looooong time coming.

Many thanks to Captain for creating these for us! :heart_eyes:


Yeesss this is out!!! And a beautiful project.

Congrats @Saan :partying_face::partying_face:


Thank you! :heart:


Beautiful project)


I am so blessed to have gotten this beautiful field in a trade today! :pray:t3::pray:t3: It really was calling out to me. I feel so joyous and pure of heart. Life feels so much more magical and mystical already! I’m so so happy I got this!! I’m so grateful for everyone involved in the creation of this project!


I’m glad you like it! We aimed for such effects, and it’s beautiful to see them spread beyond our small creation team :sparkling_heart:


i love unicorns

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