A) It’s disingenuous because this isn’t a thread where someone was asking for advice from DW as the examples you’ve laid out.
B) It’s disingenuous as there’s this “theme” that has run through many of your posts that some how “majority agreement” with a idea/concept/opinion is somehow a lack of “individuality” or “not accepting diversity”
C) While you often seem to favor your “Orion” tendencies, it is in fact, those from the ORION systems that have been imposing the “Follow the hierarchal rules or ELSE!” doctrine on this and other worlds throughout the galaxy.
They aren’t the “free spirited rule breakers” in the galaxy …they are the ones who would like to enforce homogeny across all those they “rule” to eliminate dissent and “free thought”
It’s quite the cognitive dissonance to want to identify so strongly with the group that seems to stand against one of your biggest “issues” that you’ve brought up several times.
That said, there is the other side of Duality.
Being contrarian, just to be contrarian, IMO
might be one of the most inane things I’ve heard of.
99.99% of everything on this forum is “contrarian” to what the rest of the world believes or knows.
So even if 100% of the threads were “Awe Master” or “Yes Sapien” on this forum…that STILL would be a contrarian concept/idea/opinion compared to the 7+ BILLION people on the planet who would call every single one of us “crazy”
(Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the Arcturians had something to say about this matter as well?)
And I said before in another thread about this topic (of being heard)
As pointed out above… we have 7 billion people on the planet…
Life. on this planet…as it is right now… is NOT about being heard and/or accepted and/or acknowledged.
Sorry it simply isn’t.
That’s for other planes of existence.
Sorry if that hurts people’s egos feelings.
Better to understand that one will likely NOT be heard. …
One will NOT be acknowledged…
One will NOT be valued for their opinion …
and figure what really truly matters on this plane, at this time.
Because EVEN IF one was heard, acknowledged, and understood but disagreed with,
the EGO is almost always going to turn that into feeling
unacknowledged, and
not understood
by the time it reaches the parts of the brain that process those emotions.