The Alien Thread

It doesn’t seem like you actually read what I wrote, or else you, like OM, are willfully interjecting your own presumptions over what I have stated is my good faith effort to read and engage with the text which was presented to me.

If someone writes something with the aim to convince others, especially if it is meant as a “primer for the masses” as OM claims, then (as I have said again and again) it ought to present a logical argument to the reader, step by step. That is the respectful and effective way of convincing an audience (unless you just want to appeal to their emotions or preconcieved biases). It is further not uncommon, and often helpful to answer possible objections ahead of time in your text.

If someone wishes to convince others, the burden is on them to make an argument, not the reader to go hunting around or post questions to a forum.

Furthermore, I never asked OM or anyone here to explain or give proof. I pointed out the poor quality of the paper’s argument. This had little to nothing to do with the conclusions the paper drew (I disagreed with one conclusion, but I was not closed to the possibility), and everything to do with how poorly presented and argued it was.

And, even if I had asked someone to explain it, or invited discussion of it… this is a discussion forum. The paper was presented as a resource. It is reasonable to exchange opinions and if one wishes to give explanations or alternate views.

I took the time to start reading the paper, long enough to taste the quality (or lack thereof) of the writer’s style and argumentation. It does not take reading a whole paper to do that.

And, again, as a reader, especially of a “primer for the masses” it is not on me to go digging around for evidence to support the author’s point he is trying to convince me of.

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Perhaps the miscommunication has arisen as a result of that paper being part 6 of a long series.

Maybe reading this chronologically would be better and do more justice to the author’s intended order of reading it?

I am currently reading the series now. Starting off with the first ever paper (the uncommitted investigator) gives you a broader view. Starting with part 6 (part 2 of the anthropology series) makes you dive into the crazy stuff without giving you the background context. And is unfair to both the reader and the author.

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Yeah exactly, this is why I linked the main page with all the pdf, there is clearly an order.


The way I look at it is it rather helps you see who you should be spending more/less time with. You don’t have to be friends with everyone.

As for the patient part, I think that could indeed be quite draining, I would consider buying the shielding tag (though I’m not sure it is available now).
Also I think the energies in hospitals are not the very best anyway (only personal opinion - the only places where I feel worse quicker are big museums like the Louvre and British museum lol, no idea why), so could also be useful for that in general.


I hate hospitals. I mean I respect what they do but the people there have this toxic draining effect on you. To where, just a few hours there (even a mere 4 hours) of just standing around and talking to patients, can get me drained to the point where I need a nap.

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Real fucking convenient when you can treat people who disagree with you like shit and then blame it on them having “emotional issues” that you can’t point to a bit of evidence of other than your intuition.

Sounds like you’re trying to set us up to be “divided and conquered”. I thought that was supposed to be taboo and the sort of thing emblematic of the “evil” Draconians?


Are you fucking kidding me right now?!

A) I KNOW absolutely nothing about losing a son. NOTHING. WE’VE never talked about that EVER. You have me confused with someone else. And I never MENTIONED your son in ANY post as I didn’t know anything about it.

B) I literally get “attacked” every fucking day on this forum.
But you want to play the victim card.?

You literally posted passive agressive comments like I’m FORCING you to use Sapien’s stuff after I recommended ONCE that ESS servitor might help you with some issues you discussed…

Good lord! that is TRANSFERENCE plain and simple
as you had a whole diatribe in the Servitors thread about it
like I was mentioning every day and/or you would go to Hell if you didin’t buy it…

Actually read this thread…
All I originally said was that blocked poster needed to READ all daniel’s stuff before jumping to conclusions.
Even told them WHAT to search for…
Plain and matter of fact with no drama.

Literally that’s it!

Some how I’m a shit bag for defending someone I worked with and KNOW that whatever “conclusions” that blocked poster was coming to are actually a complete 180 understanding to what “daniel” taught and believed in …INDICATING that that poster was indeed getting triggered and misunderstanding what was said.

“The first thing that really got under my skin”

(FFS…what does “got under my skin mean”??) And I"m the triggered one??

C) I’m always amazed AGAIN how everyone wants to share THEIR story and “be” heard but when it comes to me sharing MY story…
Everyone’s TRIGGERED! Every. single. time.

That’s NOT self-introspection… at all.
That’s plain old “projection” …clear as day.

If you’re going to leave, then be HONEST about why you’re leaving.
We aren’t playing the “_OM” was mean to me after you pulled some passive aggressive nonsense on me over several posts and THEN OM finally said something about it.

Like I said…
You and others want to project your unresolved traumas onto me as I’m bringing up some difficult topics then I’m not having it.

Stay or leave… but don’t go out of here with more muddy trauma that’s gonna need to be resolved …the sooner the better.

Now, you can interpret this as “_OM being mean and lacking emotion” all you want but I’m not taking your baggage…
I’m giving it right back to you…where it belongs.


“We”. Are you saying you are a shape-shifting lizard man?



I was never here dont mind me


Im sorry for this.
The life can give us sometimes very difficult experiences where we just have to go through, people with hard life situations always profit afterwards they develope much faster and gain a lot of wisdom
I’m not rlly good at cheering people up
But I whish you all the best
Stay strong sister :muscle:


Dude’s got the biggest ego in this thread, what are you talking about?

Try reading up and see who came into this thread and started belittling me (and eventually others), while puffing himself up. I always go out of my way to focus on arguments rather than people, and am extremely honest as far as the limits of my confidence in any particular belief / idea.

I’m not the one sitting around saying, “I’m the judge and jury of your heart and mind because I claim to be “empathic”, so any argument you have to the contrary is invalid. Evidence be damned.”

If you can’t see the difference in discourse, I don’t know what to tell you.

And I never have had an IPF tag. You must have me confused with someone else. Maybe Samurai?


Actually I also was in that position (though I wouldn’t argue, but I had this point of view) around age 20, so I recognise it / relate to it as well.


While I do value my freedom highly, I am not some punk rebelling to just rebel or whatever. I at once itch under the yoke of some authority, and yet happily work with those I respect.

If you have observed my posts in general on this forum, I have always been respectful, especially to people that seem to be “veterans” here, even when a couple of them have been rather callous. I have always tried to focus on addressing people’s arguments rather than themselves, and assumed good faith while offering the same in return.

That’s a nice way of excusing someone who behaves in ways you would not accept of anyone else.

I am not going to pretend I lack for an ego. Maybe you are right that in some ways at least it is a bit fragile. As I have said above I am sensitive to being misunderstood / misrepresented / dismissed… having what I said twisted. I do probably care more about how others perceive me than I should.

But I stand by what I said about not being the biggest (or probably most sensitive) ego in this thread.

Edit to add
(this is not addressed solely or even primarily to you Owl)

I do not understand why it is so hard to be taken sincerely, at face value, by you so called “enlightened” beings here. I say exactly what I think or feel about something, without guile or deception. I regularly qualify what I say, exposing my weaknesses so you random strangers can see. When I talk to people (here and elsewhere), while I may factor in impressions I have of them or experiences I have had of others, I am open-minded enough to consider that what they may be saying is sincere and true, and I might be wrong.

But from most respondents in this thread (and especially OM), they are not addressing what I have said here (which again is my sincerely held position) but instead their interpolations of what I “really” mean, who I “really” am. I am replaced by projections and stereotypes.


Or patience for that matter… which I believe at least one early saint asserted was the root of all other virtues.

As someone that has been communicating with OM for a bit and grown tremendously in the last 50 days due to it (actual palpable results)…

The guy just puts things from the perspective of getting to the goal as soon as possible. That speed however is not everyone’s cup of tea as you would need to decimate your ego. Something most are not open to do.

I would disagree on him having a big ego, an identity that holds direct truth and that means it challenges the nature of our dualistic reality/thinking…? Sure… but ego in the sense that people are beneath him? Nah.

Edit: Fast track to growth 101

  1. Your emotions are bullshit stories.
  2. What creates them can be changed.
  3. Who you really are is better than the good emotions you entertain by eons
  4. Get to work

why did these gods not foreseen the deveopments of the internet and its possibility that I and you could read this paper?

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This is addressed in one of the papers.

I was thinking about writing some questions related to the papers in a new (dedicated) topic on this forum, but now I see that is really not a good idea.

Anyway… Do you guys want to go back to the alien topic?


Yes please. Talking about Reptilian Shapeshifters is a lot more interesting.

How do you get rid of the emotional baggage that you have accumulated and suppressed that is weighing you down and preventing you from progressing spiritually though? Trauma Release and Healing?