🌀 The Ancient Magnus Robe (Private Project)


In the time when legends walked the earth, a mage of unparalleled might shaped reality’s very essence. As his final act, he forged the “Ancient Magnus Robe,” a relic resonating with his alchemized soul. Hidden within an enigmatic dungeon, it awaited a worthy seeker.

Chosen one, as you grasp the robe, you bind your destiny to its ancient magic. Your spells gain potency, reality bends to your intent, and the arcane becomes your ally. But heed this: the robe demands balance and responsibility, for great power comes with moral tests.

Embark now, for the Chronicles of The Ancient Magnus Robe unfold. Your journey to arcane supremacy awaits, a saga of ethereal might and legendary ascent.


MAIN FIELD ONE: The Ancient Magnus Robe
Crafted with a fragment of the soul of the legendary mage, the Ancient Magnus Robe embodies the true essence and energy signature of the fabled sorcerer. Possessing an intelligence, personality and will of its own, the robe selectively chooses which mage it deems worthy. Upon acquiring the robe, the user is immediately set upon the “Magus Best Path in Life.” This signifies that the robe shall steer the user toward complete success as a mage, transforming every magical endeavor, shamanic journey, and psychic pursuit into an orchestrated symphony of mastery, all under the enigmatic guidance of the Ancient Robe. In succinct terms, it bestows upon the user the “Magus” version of the Best Path in Life field, orchestrated to forge the most formidable mage conceivable, referred to in modern times as the embodiment of the psychic and shamanic arts.

  • 1a. Sub field: The Magician’s Flow State
    From the depths of the subconscious to the outermost reaches of the world, the user is propelled by the utmost potency into synchronous alignment with triumph in every magical undertaking. The cosmos conspires in tandem, propelling the user forward along the mystical path, an unstoppable surge driven by divine will, the mage’s version.

  • 1b. Sub field: Alchemical Revision of the Supreme Mage
    To facilitate transformation regardless of the user’s age upon acquiring the robe, the sentient attire endows the user with prodigious magical alchemy. This compels the very universe to rewrite the past and present of the fortunate mage. In this altered and revisioned history, from the moment the user first set foot upon this realm, an innate affinity with the very essence of magic was woven into the fabric of their being. Raised and refined while waltzing with the primal meaning of magic, envision the mindset, attitude, and the boundless potential a mage possesses with such a history and core connection to the arcane.

  • 1c. Sub field: The Ancient Magnus Soul
    As previously elucidated, the ancient mage crafted this legendary robe using but a single fragment of their boundless soul. This process imbued the robe with an astute sentience—a “smart artifact” endowed with personality and an aura signature that resonates with the mystic energies of the Ancient Magus. This distinctive trait endows the robe with intelligence and activity. Among its passive functions, this smart ensemble bears the treasury of all knowledge concerning the history of magic, its lore and its intricate journey. It is intrinsically connected to all that encompasses understanding, embodiment, and the history of the magical realm. Continuously, it floods the user’s subconscious and conscious realms with notions, knowledge and instructions. The user is as if granted access to the mind and wisdom of the ancient, legendary mage—a repository encapsulated within the fragment of the soul residing within the Ancient Robe.

MAIN FIELD TWO: The Supreme Mage Vessel Embodiment
This second main field is designed to transmute the physical and energetic structure of the user into the supreme and ideal form befitting a heir of the Ancient Magnus, in possession of their legendary robe and embarking on the path to becoming the greatest mage of all time. It aims to render the user’s energetic system perfectly functional, potent, harmonizing chakras, meridians, energetic centers, the energy body and even the physical form itself—spanning from the nervous system to the pineal gland, brain, and beyond. The body now functions not merely as a vessel, but as a conductor bridging the ancient arcane energies of magic and the user. Therefore, it must be restructured and remodeled to prove worthy of this monumental task.

  • 2a. Sub field: The Magus Brain
    The Ancient Robe continuously stimulates the regions of the user’s brain responsible for successful psychic activity, connecting the conscious and subconscious realms. It assists in forging new neural pathways, establishing fresh connections and even activates and decalcifies dormant pineal glands. In essence, it orchestrates a complete overhaul of the brain, once an ordinary mortal’s, now transformed into the quintessential cerebral apparatus any mage would yearn for. Aligned entirely with everything magic and psychic, it becomes a psychic powerhouse.

  • 2b. Sub field: The Magus Nervous System
    This facet ensures that the user’s nervous system is perpetually primed for optimal conditions, ceaselessly driven toward enhancement and evolution. Sensitivity to energy experiences an exponential surge and the ability to operate within, interact with, perceive, and dance within the realms of the mystical and the unseen is granted an unparalleled boost.

  • 2c. Sub field: The Magus Energy Body
    Chakras and meridians undergo refinement, activation and expansion. The flow of energy courses more smoothly than ever before, obliterating blockages. The energy system continually grows in robustness, capability and potency. The capacity for storing energy within the energetic centers escalates, swiftness of replenishment improves, resistance against energy drainage heightens—every aspect of the perfect energy body for the aspiring supreme mage flourishes.

MAIN FIELD THREE: The Sheer Power of the Legendary Robe
The Ancient Magnus Robe carries within it the very essence of the fabled mage. Upon being donned by the user, it instinctively begins to absorb and store ambient energy, holding it within as neutral energy. This stored energy can be subsequently alchemized at the user’s conscious volition, tailored to specific needs corresponding to the objectives being pursued at a given moment. The Ancient Robe seamlessly adapts to diverse contexts and situations, providing steadfast support throughout the user’s ventures. Possessing a fragment of the alchemized soul of the ancient mage, it boasts an intelligence enabling it to follow specific commands and accommodate the user’s will. The Ancient Robe offers three primary modes, switchable upon the user’s command, or even capable of operating in autopilot mode—thanks to its intelligence, it adapts based on the task the mage undertakes.

  • 3a. Sub field: The Arcane Mode
    Often enveloped in the aura of purple, this mode embodies a form of magic centered on the direct manipulation of energy. This mode is dedicated to the most intrinsic, profound and primal essence of magic. It establishes a connection between the user and the very wellspring of pristine, ethereal arcane energy. In this mode all psychic and magical activities undergo manifold augmentation, including perception, alchemical pursuits, energy manipulation, and reality influence, to name a few.

  • 3b. Sub field: The Healing Mode
    Within this mode, the robe magnifies any magical endeavor undertaken by the user with the intent of healing and protection. It imbues the user with a natural affinity for spells involving rejuvenation, anti-curses, recovery, and defense—ranging from regenerative incantations to protective shields and wards. In essence, it supplies an imposing boost when in the role of a “healer.” Every facet of healing and its expansive domain thrives under this mode.

  • 3c. Sub field: The Elemental Mode
    When engaged in this mode, the Ancient Robe imparts upon the user a profound affinity for all practices relating to the four elements—air, earth, water, fire. Whether the user seeks to realign their internal elements, engage in specific elemental endeavors, or establish communion with entities tethered to any of the four elements, the robe stands ready to facilitate this connection. This mode enhances the user’s capabilities to work harmoniously with the elemental forces, supporting endeavors in elemental mastery.


Amazing , congratulations :tada::clap:





Definitely on my list.

Great job man.


Looks nice, congrats!


Thank you very much everyone. I suppose this is officially my first NFT of the new season.
Personally i couldn’t have chosen a better first one. As soon as I have some time, i would like to share some thoughts and considerations about the NFT.

Let’s say it’s a nft concept that had been created for a long time and was left in the wating room. I always thought that there was a need for those of us who are really on the hardcore side of living a magical life in the truest sense, or in better terms, this is my own take on it, a powerful and definitive creation for those who actively practice these arts and have chosen to dedicate a significant part of their existence to them. Anyway, maybe i will try practicing my “fireball skill” or something like that on my way home (joking, but not completely…). Until later,

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Looks great! Covers a lot it seems, probably a must have for everyone who wants to experience more magical experiences.


Indeed, as part of the blueprint of the project, the ‘Magician Best Path in Life’ version, along with the ‘Magician Flow State’, the revision and a few more tweaks, should truly bring about an almost reality shift for those using the Robe.
It will likely start gradually and adapt to the user and their current level, but I firmly believe that unexpected shifts in the world around us can be achieved by delving deep with this NFT (even some big ones…). As I said, this was designed for those on the hardcore side of magic endeavors and commitments, and remember this robe will adapt to each one differently


I got the nft a few days ago and so far I feel a lot less energy draining on my daily life but also my objectives on the magical path are very much connected to healing and protection but also cloaking/ invisibility at some given times. Regarding all that I notice subtle shifts as if they manifest somehow effortlessly… given the automated features present I’m assuming.

Im thrilled about what is to unfold!

Thank you for the opportunity, it’s an opportunity of a life time for sure.


I too am one to wear the robe since a few days. In the event of it’s release, I was actually going through quite a detoxing phase since some day and for another. This made me not get it during the weekend, as I had this strong call to be in full senses when approaching the robe. At the same time, it felt like it was the actual robe itself that subconsciously prepared one by it’s entrance, and I was re-paid in attention to it’s Healing mode, and bodily preparations.
By it’s release, I was truly mesmerized, and to be honest, the feeling was quite nostalgic, comparable to the event of the first ever NFT project I partook, that of Sekhmet, which actually is a realization during this writing. What I did priorly notice was my affection to the robe’s mystical sense, like that of Egyptian Magic and Medicine it highlighted the awareness in presence. A release that actually potently shifted the air around by the second of our merge. Obviously, these to felt affiliated by the mediating self, enter to center with a sense comparable to the sense of first feelings of waking up of a lifetime’s slumber into an actual world of magic so far beyond resonating fiction it self-oscillates within-without, binded. :open_book:

By the actual introduction to the robe itself by the start of the week, I felt an urge as in call, to stay home from work another couple of days, of actual necessity of calibration. Those days I once again, after half a year of passivity, came into touch with music and composition again, a core in life’s score. There was a spark within the comforting yet constant push forward spiraling with child-like and curious creativity. I actually were in a trance-like state for almost 2 days straight, barely sleeping. When I later came out of this mystical mist, where physical necessities of the modern world slowly faded, I found myself carrying my body in a new sense. A feeling of floating through, barque-like, with the robe clearly there as the keeling mantle, electric and magnetically blanketing the back by the mind-heart coherent imprint. I have been working on sensing-in the bodily back lately, and all of a sudden, the back felt like the front; head cool and hooded in comfort. It’s like the robe itself carries one by the propelling hover.

This echoes as an apparent “ease” to the everyday. What’s almost supposed to be interpreted as a stressful situation breeze’s through, still swooshingly centered as apparently as being picked up upon by the surroundings… a mystic ease-breeze comin’ through…
At the same time, I felt like, and did take on stairs with 3 steps by each step on a regular stroll, just for the fun of it, feeling as much within mental as of physical propulsion. I registered those quite simple yet deviating glimpses of the now. When I the next day returned to work, the childlike was still all there, all-throughout. I never felt as welcomed and welcoming oneself to being in that exact physical realm. And by the end of the day, the energy-drainage was not there, but rather inverted and boosted. I bounced back home like within the sense of being in touch of a teenage self’s days of a fling-thing.

The next day, the same. To self, the deviation is so clear it seems to fade into norm, and the form which brings forth this testimonial words are too quite a deviation by itself. There’s a push to, detached from illusional worries being delusional hurries. I really looked forward to the aspirations of sensing further beyond while being in senses. And while this has been highly apparent, it has been of a backgrounding experience to a much grander show in a very aware display. Which this time around feel even less like a scheme but rather a play. Like a push-pull between an uplifted orchestration to the attentive admirer, it shows all bodily to-and-through, realms so too. Also being much more coherently aware to the interactions of the self-imprinted affirmations as much as their manifestations of the every-now present, even in situations that (would of usually) derail one’s coherent attention of a magical touch in a sense or even by the dueling two.

Oh, also, I’ve been completely fascinated by the recall of last nights dreams. With intonation on the plural, yet all threaded and binded…
And I was handed Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone when heard of never reading the books the other week (obviously a weird thing to front), now this is today… let’s just say I was suddenly allowed to let myself two chapters in, so in the moment I did, and in tribute to the details there’s obviously this, to the point of being hilarious, fine-tuned timing within the directing yet directed quantum of life :slight_smile:

Just the beginning, still well-allured. And too very grateful for the opportunity! :prayer_beads:


The robe is fun!

Feels like being covered in a warm blanket, that just so happens to be very magical that takes care of the user nicely with its magic.

Firstly, i noticed its removing the junk energies from my energy system, so there is a nice blissful feeling to it that comes after grtting energetically clear.

Then i think i am noticing it expanding my meridians’ flow through my legs. (I think these are Yin meridians, they also govern kidneys etc. ) So its pretty cool they’re working on that, usually I’d play Negentropic Jing to put things in order there, however I do like the new ways of the Robe going about it with its own Magnus Intelligence!

Excited to see what it does next :gem:.

And the music is :fire::fire::fire:.

Even wizards be vibing on it :mage::mage:!

While performing their magical feasts :jack_o_lantern:.


Listened to the Robe audio overnight and had a lucid dream.

In my dream I was like:

“Hahahahaha I am dreaming.!”

And then i started goofing around, like oh let me fly up the sky, and made a big jump in the air.

Them i also did some other stuff that otherwise i wouldnt dare to do irl.



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These are exactly the experiences i expect this creation to offer. By working smart and adaptively on the energy system, chakras, brain, but above all by being intelligent and deeply connected with the user, it has been able to tap into your desire to have lucid dream experiences and most likely has stimulated the specific areas that allowed you to achieve awareness during sleep. As of now i’m setting it in healing mode during sleep hours, and i’m actually waking up full of energy. The old pains i had, morning fatigue etc are disappearing and i’m noticing how my body feels better and is gradually regenerating.

I’m also noticing a significant increase in the power of my psychic endeavors and magic work. What used to take more time and require more effort now connects several times faster, with precision and immediate readiness. I’ll conduct further experiments in the coming days


Hi guys!

I know this is a bit of an old thread but I’d be really interested to hear everyones experiences with the NFT after all this time? I’ve been looking for my first NFT on the trading thread and this stood out to me in particular. What’s working with the NFT like and hows it changing your life as a whole?

Very curious to hear everyones story!

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