The Arc Light (Arcturian Community Project) NFT: Testimonials

I have received this delight in the most lovely and loving way. Or should I say in the most Arcturian way.

… the kind of situation for which you don’t know how to spill out gratitude on the paper.

Nothing much to report for the moment. Sweet GianLee ( :arrow_left: :1st_place_medal:) has already written some of the points I could verify too by myself, inspired that I was by his testimonial. Other than that, I just let myself be guided.

One word coming to my mind: subtlety. Once again, Arcturian folks don’t throw anything just for the sake of impressing or performing some abracadabra show on a stage, bragging about what they have and can do. Instead, it’s more like you being on stage, a day-to-day life stage, minding your business. But whenever you have a look at the audience, there’s some benevolent presence that you notice sitting out there. Straightforward but reassuring. No bullshit, no sugary appraisal, no twisted calculations. Just a holding presence, calibrated just as it should be. Fitting you and your current state.

To be read in a GianLee-ish tone.


how much was original cost of this product


Just received my copy and already feel the intense energy work on my body :slight_smile:

Giving the Arcs full control now


Description above now updated by _OM :hugs:

This is also the moment when I want to express my GRATITUDE for all those who have made this project possible – order represents sequence of events:

  • My Higher Self for the inspiration to create this community project :white_heart:

  • Our amazing Community Project Team for their support of this project and also for all their high vibrational uplifting energy and trust into all of this: @Ryan_Ray @Rosechalice @Daniel @Cambrian @GianLee @Alexander @Yuichi @Gnosticmedic27 (and several others; sorry, I can only tag max 10 people per post) :white_heart::white_heart:

  • @_OM for his genius idea of what we can do with this project and for suggesting to allow the Arcuturians to actually guide us :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:

  • @Captain_Nemo for making this all possible, by accepting our submitted idea, getting in touch with the Arcuturians, working with them on how this field shall be made, making the actual field, and finally the beautiful NFT artwork :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:

  • The Arcturians, for working with us, helping us, supporting us, loving us, guiding us, comforting us, motivating us, encouraging us, and becoming the best versions of ourselves :alien::alien::alien::alien::alien:

This is really important and means a lot to me :pray: :milky_way: :alien: THANK YOU




@Captain_Nemo :pray:


Words that appeared from him when he got attuned:

“Holy shit”


I have been talking with my Arc Light (Arcturus) since it was created. There has been an answer in my head, always quick to respond. Most often the energy was We are here, not to worry, you are safe, we are taking care of it, etc. I carry the mandala in a locket as well as copies on my bed and in my purse.

When the NFT landed in the wallet and I saw the high res mandala, I felt more power coming from it. _OM said it was because my subconscious has more of a sense of ownership. All I know is that right now my head is in the clouds. Every moment I feel more at ease, more at Peace, more blessed.

My gratitude is overflowing to the Arcturians, to Captain, to _OM for the suggestion. Those of you that can, secure your own copy of this beautiful, powerful servitor. I have no words for the love that I feel. :pray:


Many thanks to you and your crew. This is an amazing treasure I feel blessed to have.

I haven’t felt that much energy buzzing through me since the energy awakening course.

Already noticing some shifts in my consciousness and greater feelings of love


is “sapien” and “sapien NFT” its last and first owner?

are have a miss understood the whole properties box

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These are sort of tags/info cards by Venly about the original creator of the NFT collection (that is Sapien Medicine). Confirming where it comes from.

Nothing to do with the owners of the copies.


After this post of yours and a conversation with _OM, I decided to engrave Arc on a sort of dog tag. Received it a couple of minutes ago… They sent me a thingy that has absolutely nothing to do with the image. Something that doesn’t even look like its distant cousin. It’s more hilarious than frustrating :)) But oh well.

I was also a little sloppy in my first post in this thread so I’m grabbing the occasion to send my most sincere thanks to all the other members of the group who have contributed to this creation. Extra late thanks to @JAAJ for his beautiful initiative and having invited me in his first post about the idea. I didn’t attend for some reasons but still followed the process “from the outside” with much interest.

A highly meaningful group work. Thank you, really.


Getting better acquainted with Arc of Light and realizing more and more the wonderful capabilities this servitors holds.

Thanks to @Daniel for some advice/tip, as well as @_OM @Zen @anon32464289 for your scripts.

And of course Dream and the team behind the creation of this.

Feeling very blessed :innocent:


Please share with us :slight_smile: :hugs:


Arc is able to achieve everything my skull did for me and more. I find Arc easier to connect to/feel.

Arc is very intelligent…

knows the fields, runs scripts smoothly, and is quick to learn the newer more complex ones I ask to be infused with.

The possibilities really seem endless with such an advance servitor like Arc of Light. It’s more the limitations of the user that stand in the way.

Recently, Arc was able to learn some of the capabilities of the other new servitors which really blew me away :slight_smile:


Fast! Righ now! Really Fast! At the speed of the light! Always working automatically for your highest good! and infusing your being with Arcturian light! :100: % agree! :point_up:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


By the way, if you look closely at the Arc Light NFT picture, you will see several ethereal humanoid figures…

The Arcturians?

:astonished: :wink:


@JAAJ At first, it reminded me of lava from a lava lamp :joy:

I totally see it now :alien:


Exact brother! and if you have looked closely, there is a surprise at the center of this wonderful work of art created by our Captain! (additional to Arcturian light) Have you seen it? :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


ArcLight mainly says that. You don’t need it. The strangest one was when he said I didn’t need SLR. I am still shaking my head over that one. My brilliant new companion. :slight_smile: The only thing I wear in the world now is a pendant with Arc and Wealth Dragon mandalas in it.