The Arcane Potion of Clairvoyance

The Arcane Potion of Clairvoyance

:eight_pointed_black_star:Clairvoyance: See, Decode and Apply subtle information received at Inner Levels

Pierce the Veil of the Arcane, the Mysterious . . . even the mystery of your own life, unlimited by the confines of time, space and ordinary consciousness.

The Arcane Potion of Clairvoyance is a most elegant tool of instruction that amplifies your intuitive faculties while providing comprehensive support for your spiritual and psychic development. Learn to receive the answers you desire in your mind’s eye (and decode them).

Please know that Clairvoyance is not a static, “one size fits all” ability. Some may desire to see their Spirit Guides or receive precognitive information, while others may prefer viewing a Heads-Up Display of information (Solo Leveling, anyone?).

Therefore, this ability may emerge in a different form for each person. Often one may find that a measure of the precious skill has always been there, just lurking out of conscious awareness.

Whatever your preference may be, while the Potion affords all manner of astral, emotional and physical protection, it does not allow misuse or harm of the self or others. Choose Wisely!

What this Arcane Potion Can Do for You:

Enhanced Translation of Psychic Information & Integration of Clair Senses:

  • We are constantly receiving psychic impressions, but some internal receptors are inherently stronger. This Potion instructs your strongest ClairSense to enhance your ability to see.
  • Learn to translate a “gut feeling” into symbolic images, giving you greater understanding of the information you are receiving.
  • Delight as your growing clairvoyant abilities begin to strengthen and develop your other ClairSenses: Clairaudience (Hearing), Clairsentience (Feeling), Clairtangency (Psychometry/Touch) or Claircognizance (Knowing).
  • These translated images can be used by the conscious mind to navigate through life safely, effortlessly, and with a sense of peace and assurance.
  • This integration ensures that multiple clair-abilities work together, making you a more proficient psychic, a more aware You.

Concentration and Recall:

  • The ability to receive, decode, and encode psychic information relies heavily on the ability to relax and focus on a target in a relaxed brainwave state. The Arcane Potion of Clairvoyance increases your ability to concentrate on a target and recall massive amounts of information while in an Alpha brainwave state, gradually going lower, enhancing your capacity to access and express deep psychic insights.

Symbolic Language Mastery:

  • Symbols and symbolism are the language of the subconscious realm. Become a student and learn to decode these symbols that may come from people, places, Beings or objects unknown.
  • Develop confidence and ease in working with images and symbols. Learn to process this language instantaneously. As this knowledge becomes wisdom, you will find yourself able to communicate, learn, understand, and manipulate the realm of the mind and the subconscious in a wholly new way.
  • Symbols and images now become as fluent a language for you as your native tongue. Other languages may no longer pose a barrier.
  • Experience easy and automatic recall of your personal symbolic diary, allowing for seamless interpretation and application.

Sip the Potion and Meditate on the new adventures that await as you learn to process information more accurately, deeply and meaningfully

Embrace the Quest for Inner Sight and Integration of your own Personal Esoteric Vocabulary!

The Arcane Potion of Clairvoyance - Your Sight is Clear, Your Mission: Rise Higher!



Awesome :yum::muscle:


I spy with my third eye… :eye:
Thankful :pray:


Interested to hear comments on your journeys of clairvoyance! :mage: :woman_mage: :eye:


Good job :muscle:, sounds like too OP tool for spymasters :smiley:


Added to my shopping list.


Been listening to this one on and off all day, its interesting… I just feel more like me and things seem to blend together much smoother, senses and awareness sounds and thoughts. It’s good.


Here’s the back office image :woman_mage:



:eye: Observations: :eye:

The field is connecting and interacting with myself as a child. It seems to be recalibrating my past to one where I was even more observant than I already was. I see myself as a child being taught by this field [which personifies itself in my minds eye] that I am not alone, that everything is connected, including past present and future. Definite retro abilities. It seems to incorporate itself as an ally through your past. It feels as “home” as the new Servitors. Like a real being or intelligence threaded itself and its wisdom and beingness through my past with me.

It’s wanting to give me a lot of downloads and insights to help form connections and meaning.

I’m also noticing an increased ability to look at an object and receive the ensuing downloads of information more quickly.

Even upon thinking of an object or scenario, the flashes of information in the minds eye is quicker and clearer allowing you understand the past present and future implications of the decision you are about to make.

More will surely come in time
You only need 1 or 2 loops of this one💚


For someone who missed both Psychic Mastery and Empathy NFT’s this looks awesome! ( I still whould like to get Empathy one day too.)