The Archetype of Parental Love

I tried saying that but half the world won’t listen :smiley:

The more I get relaxed around them the more I feel it isn’t my natural but at the same time it is THE natural :D … Handling them is a superpower indeed!


Wondering if this archetype extends to the “Great Mother” archetype - feeding/nurturing/soothing - “Mother Shakti”, Kuan-yin, Mother Gaia, etc and the “Great Father” archetype - powerful/controlling/stern etc. Or is this more to do with childhood traumas?


Yesterday I finally got some privacy to meditate and clean mess accumulating for over 3 weeks or so.Used bushman which really speeded up the process,then self love field.At one point I could clearly see kid me besides current me which I know needs love and healing so this is gonna be exactly what I need.Will report of effects later




My soul is finally healed
This field is different , powerful & life changing ! This way it’s in youtube and not for sale :shamrock:

I feel arrived to myself… :pray:t3:


You are so sweet and honest i always smile when i read your posts :blush:


:heart::heart::heart::heartpulse::heartpulse: thanks beautiful


Im not Om but i share the sentiment so imho,

Because sometimes in the effort to give us all the tools (wisdom, lessons, values) for us to have a great and easy life, parents cut wings, uniqueness, skills, dreams, without knowing.

Sometimes they know but they either want their kids to have the life and things they didnt (Thus wanting to see their kids become the person they couldnt be, like making dreams through their kids) or want them to avoid the negative aspects of their lives.

Because sometimes parents are great at being parents and you see that looking back, but the openness to understand the difference between both, prevents them from fully unconditionally loving their kids trying not to spoil them.

Because even if your relationship with them was awesome! The close connection stretches out as we grow up and try to find our own path based on what we want and holding tight to that new gained independence.

Because even if your relationship and connection never changed, for some their parents have passed away and that absence changed the perception of everything the closer they were to them, and theres a sense of losing your ground when they are not longer around.

And because even if they are still alive and the relationship is awesome loving and tight… theres never bad in having more of a good thing for your soul.

Thats why :smiley:


You might think of this like having new/ different parental support in where you are now in this moment and to where you’re going from here. To always be able to tap in to this parental energy.


Zaaaactly :heart::star_struck:


:+1: :grinning:


Thanks DW


Ok, I like this answer, in fact it has a meaning

however, there is Soul Core Restoration which also performs this function well

Why does everyone need this?

Perfect parents don’t necessarily produce perfect children.

I’ve seen amazing parents with children who were, ah, let’s call them… challenging. I’ve seen good kids, just the sweetest, come from broken families.

Whoever your parents are, however well you think you may have turned out, we could always use a little extra love.


Yes, and I think there’s a part of us that needs this throughout our lives. One never grows out of it. Somehow there often is a belief that at a certain age you no longer need parenting.

And yes maybe not that kind of parenting a small child needs or a teenager, but a parenting that fits one’s needs at the time.

Feeling safe and nurtured.


It seems to be a reverse bell curve.

At the risk of being cheesy, it’s one of those Chicken Soupy things, but there’s still some truth in them. I couldn’t find a clear pic, so I’ll type out one version.

6 years old: I love you Mommy!
At 10: Whatever, Mom.
At 16: My mom is so annoying.
At 18: You just don’t get it! I wanna leave this house.
At 25: Mom, you were right…
At 30: I wanna go back to my mom’s house.
At 50: I don’t wanna lose my mom…
At 70: I would give anything for my mom to be here with me…


Haha! Exactly!:+1:t2::grinning:


I think we all might have came across this one pic, but you know what says what Pia says about it?

Just imagine having those parental needs met at the 16-25 age … Do you really think it’d have been the same reverse curve? The curve is meant to happen for growth, but an accordant flow would push for more of it :)

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As I already wrote on YouTube:

This is so important field.

If we all would have been raised properly and with dose of love we would all have grown up as normal and healthy adults, resulting with normal and healthy world.

Cause It’s all coming from parents.
(at least a major part)

So this is in some way opportunity to change our past regards parental love.

This will heal lack of love which is cause of most unhealthy mental states in the world.

Thank You Dream, this is so so clever move.
Very well done as usual.


Well then they probably weren’t such amazing parents. The line getting the potential of the best possible you is a giveaway of why everyone would be the wiser if they listen to it.