đź’Ş The Art of Power

Intro to the Concept

There are ancient systems, clearly practically showing how inseparable all levels of the physical body and energy structure of a person are. These systems use the physical body, energy structure and consciousness as tools to achieve the fullness of self-awareness in the human being, also thoroughly, fully and meticulously explore and explain in the not too distant past the highly classified psycho-energetic methods of the art of controlling tremendous Power.

These are not general words about Dan-tians, meridians, lakes of qi, etc., but strict precise schemes, the most detailed descriptions of energy interaction taking place in those or other physiological processes, precise detailed guides to the practice of specific techniques with all the details and subtle nuances of muscular and psycho-technical operations. Movements, stances and muscular work in them, breathing and techniques of controlling the flows of subtle energies in the human body appear in these systems as a single inseparable whole.


For centuries and millennia, various methods of hardening have been invented and tested - from simple physical exercises to the intake of all sorts of elixirs from herbs, parts of animal bodies or some minerals. Those whose methods were ineffective did not live long; those who managed to find a good hardening system passed on its secrets to their students. Thus, over a long period of research and practice, what is called martial or hard (rigid) qigong was formed.

In Chinese Wushu since ancient times there are methods of turning the human body into “iron”. With their help a person gains the ability to withstand without harmful consequences strong blows on the body and head with hands, feet, a wooden club, and even a metal crowbar. No less impressive is the acquisition of the ability to crush stone boulders and concrete slabs with bare hands. The most amazing expressions of the possibilities of martial qigong is “emitting external Qi”, defeating the enemy with his internal energy at a distance. These techniques are a very high level art of combat, gradually evolved from the more “simple” qigong and wushu.

Through long-term training (breathing, chi management, external strike training, etc.), one can learn to control internal force and energy, and mentally perform an explosive release of this power from a certain part of the body, generating a tremendous punching ability or barrier of resistance to any blow (the life-giving Qi energy would penetrate every part of the body, protect it, and the body would release a new stream of Qi. As a result, a closed system based on the circulation of Qi was being created).

A glimpse into the past

The training itself began in childhood, and at first a person was trained not in combat practices and techniques, but in the technique of developing inner strength. This was based on the exercises of conscious accumulation and redistribution of energy (the art of controlling the power of Qi). The basic training lasted for about ten years and only then a person practiced the most basic fighting methods. For example, a single direct “physical” blow could be mastered for three years (several thousand repetitions daily). After that, one had to learn how to combine elementary combat “physical” techniques with energy management (thus “filling them with power”). For five to ten years, a man would strike the water in a spring (without touching its surface) with the palm of his hand thousands of times a day until he finally made it “spurt out all at one stroke”. That is, every day for several years the student spent hours mastering the art of controlling the emission of energy flows from his hands.

Relatively simple external techniques were used to fantastically increase the density of the internal energy system. As a result, the vital organs of the physical body became practically invulnerable to the blows inflicted by the enemy (it is the vital organs that play the main role in the production of subtle energy, there is a vicious circle of energetic defense: Qi protects the organs, organs generate Qi).

After mastering the methods of controlling the internal Power and filling the body with it, one learned the art of being light. For three or four hours each day, he would jump and run in a special way with special weights tied to his feet. Eventually his jumps became like flying. And only after all this (when the art of controlling the power of Qi could be considered mastered), the student began to reveal the true secrets of martial techniques.

As a result, the bodies of ancient warriors were as if made of steel, and with every blow they struck, a powerful stream of energy was ejected from their hands, piercing an unprepared opponent through, tearing to pieces his internal organs and turning his bones into fine crumbs without any contact of physical bodies.


In the modern world, Chinese martial masters also demonstrate their power by bending iron rods on their throats. To do this, they concentrate qi at the point at which the rod is pressing. This effective trick shows that a person has mastered the martial qigong system called “Iron Shirt” or “Cover of the Golden Bell”.

These two legendary types of kungfu (hard martial qigong) help produce protective Qi by absorbing the energy of the Earth, the Human Plan and the Universe, storing Qi in the fascia and concentrating it on the surface of the body (as a result, tendons are strengthened and one becomes invulnerable and able to take a stabbing or slashing blow).

In these systems, the stability of the life energy is increased by rooting it more firmly in the earth and packing Qi energy in the fascia, bones, and certain cavities of our body (the important emphasis is on concentrating Qi in a selected area of the body, which strengthens the musculature and increases the body’s resistance to shock).

Mastering these techniques also strengthen and fortify vital organs of the body, change the structure of tendons, clean the bone marrow, allow to create a reserve of pure energy qi, open (and clean) energy channels (thereby increasing the receipt of even more energy for condensation), put in order yin and yang, harmonize qi and blood, nurture true qi, increase strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility, optimize breathing, digestion, stability of the nervous system, ect.

:ballot_box_with_check: The general psychoenergetic status of a person is radically changed and there is a transformation of an ordinary human body into a powerful integrated energy structure, all elements of which perfectly conduct the flows of Qi force, functioning in an optimal mode (if necessary, always absolutely controlled by the will). The durability, strength and endurance of such a body are truly fantastic, the power of Qi protects the practitioner from any diseases (diseases simply cannot break through the energetic aura that surrounds the body like a shield). No stress can shake the nervous system, it is absolutely elastic and only slightly sags from the pressure of negative energy, not letting it inside.

Full Design with explanations

:black_small_square:Filling internal organs and energizing connective tissues with the Power of Qi. The importance of being physically and psychologically rooted in the earth is emphasized. The user “draws” energy from the earth and circulates it. This field also teaches how to connect internal structures (bones, muscles, tendons and fascia) to the earth in such a way that a rooting force occurs.

Internal energy is directed to the organs, the twelve tendon channels and the fascia, so that internal structures, vital organs, tendons, muscles, bones and bone marrow are strengthened with layers of qi energy, and problems of poor posture and improper energy circulation are also solved.


:black_small_square:System for tendons. This is an ancient art of “ligament education” (as a result, the quality of tendon tissues changes due to the interaction of the will of the mind and heart). They acquire astonishing elasticity and strength, thanks to which the practitioner becomes able to demonstrate the wonders of combining unprecedented flexibility of the body and inhuman strength.

As modern science proves, it is the tendons and ligaments that are the most important part of our body, which is responsible for the strength and endurance of our body until old age. Muscles can be built up quickly, but without daily training they become weak very quickly. Tendons, on the contrary, can last a very long time if they are properly trained for some time.

The user “polishes up” his/her rooting (grounding) ability and ability to absorb and “dump” energy through the tendons (also, uniting the mind, heart, bone structure and qi flows into one moving whole; cleansing the muscles and body joints of toxins accumulated in them. Since energy flows freely through all organs of the body, accumulated poisons are very effectively eliminated from the body without resorting to excessive fasting or special diets). This point allows to change, grow and strengthen tendons, stimulate vital organs and integrate fascia, tendons, bones and muscles into a unified whole.

The power of the Earth rises up and travels to the tendons and infuses them with powerful energy. Training the body to repel the force of blows without muscular effort.


:black_small_square:Bone Marrow Neigong, the Golden bell system. It is a field for cleansing the bone marrow through pulling the energy produced in the genitals into the higher energy centers. The energy system of cleansing the depths, by means of which the fatty tissues located in the cavities of the tubular bones of the adult skeleton are transformed into red bone marrow (the state peculiar to the developing organism of a child is restored).

Emphasis is placed directly on organs, bones and tendons in order to strengthen the whole system beyond its normal capabilities, thanks to which the bone marrow is cleansed and built up, the hormonal background (endocrine system) is restored, etc. Internal energy flows start rushing to the higher energy centers.

As a result, the mode of functioning of all organs and systems changes dramatically, the human body becomes young, and the work of the body’s defense systems acquires a completely new quality. Extremely effective methods of creating vibrations in internal organs allow the practitioner to shake out toxic deposits from the internal structures of each organ by increasing the circulation of Qi energy.

Thank You Captain :muscle:


Killa artwork :fire:


captain drew a picture of me. I look very similar


Thank you Captain! Thank you Ugninis!


Beautiful work! Looking forward to seeing people effortlessly smashing boulders.


Amazing power :heart::heart:

Thank you bro @Ugninis and Captain_Nemo


If there is an extra or somebody no longer purchasing, I’d love to get in on this project


Yes! When I got this nft, I found that my breathing was adjusted smoothly, and I found that my posture was perfect, the posture I liked, and my bowel movements became smoother.

My body feels very relaxed and there is no heavy feeling. I like this body even more.

However, I am not a person who likes fitness, but I found that my chest muscles, abdominal muscles, and buttocks have all changed, and they are better than before.

I will update again in a month :heart:


I can once again confirm that it is this nft that works and my figure is getting better and better.