The Art Of War NFT - Testimonial Thread

‘Know when to fight and when not to fight: avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak. Know how to deceive the enemy: appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. Know your strengths and weaknesses: if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.’ - Author James Clear

Sun Tzu’s The Art of War placed an emphasis on “Winning a victory and subduing the enemy without fighting is the highest excellence ” The best way to win is by strategy in the minds of leaders in the business and everyday world. So, in essence, this is what the NFT is tightly focused on. Combining ancient wisdom from the Art of War, The Tao of Strategy, and Captain’s magic to provide innovative and modern approaches to unlock strategic breakthroughs for various situations in the NFT owner’s lives.

A MUST have field. :crossed_swords:

Words can’t express how grateful we are to Captain for creating this NFT. This is outstanding and the results will speak for themselves. Thank you, @Captain_Nemo !! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


These are the first set of experiences by group members when the NFT dropped last Friday. Thanks to everyone for participating and adding their great ideas to the project! :pray:

I’ll add more later

Before the drop, I was feeling all kinds of anxiety (maybe picking up the collective energies? ) but now … there is an eerie calmness in my body. I call it eerie because it’s new to me.
It’s the feeling of ‘I can handle whatever comes my way’ type of feeling. It is the understated strength and power that I picked up earlier as well. Amazing!

I feel in control And grounded Very calm
Definitely feel a little different already.

A wave of calmness also when first connecting to the NFT.
I can handle whatever comes my way
Same. In a calm, serene and assured way.

I already feel like I make different decisions.
I feel peace , as if I was sitting in front of the ocean.


Nice! Well done Captain and Team! :clinking_glasses:


It’s a great field. Definitely a keeper. Everybody should have a Sun Tzu in their life :)


Will you share the actual description ?


The detailed description is being kept close to the vest and only accessible to the NFT owners. :wink:

BUT I will say that the first quote by author James Clear says it all. Plus some extras :mage:


Amazing job @Starlight As always!! :heart::partying_face::partying_face:


Thank you, @Desiree!! It was a group effort :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


But it’s a secret, go figure :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay, where is this available?


@Oolong_Blues You can either ask for a trade or purchase from one of the members in the project.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks.


My experience with working with this NFT for the past few days:

My first impression that I shared in our private group, was a perfect little example of flow-based living. I’m staying at my parents’ house at the moment, and the morning after we received the NFT, I went down for a cup of coffee and noticed the state of the kitchen. By the time I was drinking my second cup of coffee, I had cleaned and organized their kitchen, doing so without thinking and just moving on the next task until I was done.
The feeling behind it was interesting. It didn’t feel like a compulsive itch that needed to be scratched, it felt more like having that instant knowing of what the completed task looks and feels like, and working backwards while staying connected to that feeling.

After that first impression, I had many more instances of just going with the flow (or in this case the Tao). When it comes to interacting with others, I noticed that people tend to show their best version of themselves as soon as I started interacting with them. Not just strangers, but also friends and family members I met in the past few days. It was really interesting to see how some people just instantly let their guard down, or were very open to being corrected and having their mistakes pointed out.

I feel calm and collected, and I noticed that by bringing that energy into any interaction, the dynamic can shift really quickly. One small example that comes to mind is an experience during lunch with my relatives, where we had some wait staff who were not really in the mood to put it nicely.
My relatives were getting annoyed and voicing their frustration towards the wait stuff. I don’t even remember what I said, but in a short time the mood just completely shifted for the better, and the wait staff was lovely for the rest of our stay there.

Probably not the most exciting examples, but this is just after a few days, and for me it’s given me a great taste of what is still to come :smiley:


Thanks for sharing your great experience, @Jonathan! :partying_face:

It’s not about how ‘exciting’ the experiences need to be to share. They are yours, how you feel in the moment and that’s what’s important.


Sounds amazing!!! Congrats team!!!


Alright! :smiley: where do we start with this NFT btw thanks @Starlight & @Captain_Nemo this has been a massive asset in my life and it hasn’t been much time since acquiring it.

I’m currently looking at buying a house for my family to move into, placing offers, negotiating with sellers and trying to maneuver all the paperwork. I’ve noticed there is little resistance from the counter-party, everyone involved in the process is listening to what i have to say and execute as efficient as they can get it done. Now that I’m writing this it reminds me of the King of wands, but on steroids. People are just inclined to wanting to be a part of what I’m creating, I can’t see the homes myself due to work schedule and other matters but that doesn’t stop the ball from rolling, help is offered and volunteered.

one battle that’ve been thinking about for some time has been dealing with my current landlord. Last year I’ve managed to convince him to not increase the rent in the house, not long ago he sent us a message letting us know he’ll need to increase the rent for the next lease agreement and asked us to think about it and give him notice in case he needs to find someone else. I’m making most of the decisions in my household but gathered the general consensus and based on the fact we are planning on buying instead of renting and don’t want moving to a new place just to move in who knows how long, decided to stay. The next mission was to formulate how I’ll be able to ensure the best possible outcome for the family. I meditated on this NFT for a few days and i just had this sense of pure power, as if I had already got the outcome i wanted. A strong sense of validation with the decision i arrived at. I informed the landlord of the situation and explained we wouldn’t mind paying the extra amount but with the condition of it being a month to month lease and to give him a sense of security had already thought out how I can help him in the situation, told him we’ll give him 2 month notice before moving so he can bring in new tents to view the house.

I want to say it was a battle with high probability of victory with real thought-out execution. Grateful for this NFT and looking forward to see how we can choose which battles are worth fighting at the right time.



Damn, congrats you guys. I’d read the book a few years ago. Gold. :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey @This_Boy_Here ! Long time since seeing on the forum. Thanks!



The energy of this NFT is subtle and powerful. Super grateful to have this. :heart_eyes:

Some additional testimonies from members from our private thread.

I was feeling very irritated for the past week because I misplaced one of my favorite tags and had been looking for it here and there but stopped the search out of frustration that I may have lost it permanently. Yesterday I printed out the mandala and I put it in my pocket. A few hours after that I got a strong inner message saying “the tag is still here and answers for everything you need are all around you, but you need to be thoroughly organized.” I immediately felt assured that the tag was still around and began to see the wealth of resources around me that I wasn’t utilizing. So about 2 hours ago, I just got up and started organizing and found my tag! Then all of the other things I have been ignoring started to interlock, showing how they build off of each other and the randomness started to show a pattern of how it all relates to the path I’m on.

With this field, it’s like an advisor pointing to me what’s necessary for now and what will be useful later on. I got this concept that before we even have an outer enemy to challenge to engage with, it’s important to assess the blockages we put on ourselves with over complexity.

I’m visiting family and as family goes, things can sometimes get heated and explosive. There was an instant when I asked to have something done and could see this turning into something worse. Then I felt the energy shift. The biggest difference was me. I didn’t engage and remained calm, steady, and didn’t push. The other person didn’t keep engaging and just moved on. After 5 minutes, I asked why they didn’t want to do it and they calmly explained their reasons and I let it go. This was a huge change in my interaction with this person. They are quick to jump and attack. These kinds of interactions would have resulted in big fights in the past but now it was pretty smooth.

This is a powerful NFT indeed!

I was meeting some friends yesterday, and they all have small children. The kids kept gravitating towards me, to the point where I always had at least 2 kids joined at the hip hahah. I’ve generally been good with kids, but nothing like this before.
Thinking about it, it kinda makes sense. Having the harmony part from the Tao, that kids definitely intuitively pick up on, and then the ability to negotiate with them and make strategic plays when you want them to be quiet for a minute or have them eat their veggies

field is working very subtle but powerfully. I can see how my decision making is maturing in so that opportunities are opening up for me. How I’m learning to handle situations is getting better.

Personally, I have felt my responses to situations more measured. More deliberate. I haven’t been taken over by emotions. It’s very empowering.


Hey @Starlight I have acquired a copy of this. Can I be given the full description or added to the group? Tried to message you but your profile isn’t visible :sweat_smile:
Very happy to be an owner for this :blush: