The Ascension-naut

Listen to Ego Dissolution :slightly_smiling_face:


This is an irrational fear.
Laziness won’t stop you because it will give you a constant push.
Constant meaning all the time until you give in and surrender to the process.
You cannot resist this with laziness. It will become unbearable after some time and you WILL WANT TO CHANGE your life.

In the long-term you will always be better off.
And what is perceived as “worse” is in most cases only the INTERPETATION OF THE EGO!

And while thinking listen to Amygdala Healing and Ego Dissoloution.

I understand.
But what is the price tag for several more incarnations of pain and mediocriotical misery?
Aren’t you finally pissed off being afraid of something?
Or being limited by something?
Or having a negative mindset?

This NFT is one of the most valuable support tools to improve your life that you can ever get!


But he shouldn’t get it if he doesn’t have the money and well its not what i would call a fun ride because as you stated to be high vibrational well you gotta face everything that is not that, its doable but it takes commitment and persistence.
Imo it wont make you worse it probably will feel worse the more you resist feeling any type of way while you have it on but if its to much you can take it of.
Well and if you are committed to the spiritual process this is probably the fastest way available here.


Spiritual progress or the path in general doesn’t mean to propel you forward only on a “spiritual” level, or more honestly the word spiritual would have to mean more than just your spirit. It is meant to progress your whole life in general. So you could have the vibrational effect in more than one area too, and they could all be under a ‘spiritual effect’

You’d have to also ask people who already own this field to know how the guidance aspect is like, it seems like it would cover the mental aspect, or the fast paced vibrational upgrade, and it would sort of put you together, both of your inside and outside would be the same

However, I do think you should have at least one field of these that help you better with this tag if you decide to get it.

Rite of Passage or Pure Heart Coherence, these should help and bring more of the alignment into balance

Vibes specifically helps with anger issues, but it is not something you wear 24/7

Seems like you have a week to make your decision also? I’d use the time to prime myself up for that, and use spiritual growth field to make the right decision.


There is also a big difference in wanting one’s life to be better versus just wanting to feel better. Those are different things.

If the goal is to have a better life, then this might come with a short-term phase of feeling worse because one has to clean up some shit from the past and from the subconscious mind – but then in the long run, a better life will of course help to feel better and make it easier to feel better.

If the goal is just to feel better, then one has to ask onself, whether one wants to just feel better in order to cover up one’s daily misery and as a means of escape?
Because very often people want to feel better not because they want to really be happy, but as short term numbing down and coping mechanism to forget about their current state of unhappiness.

For just feeling better short-term, there are many other fields available like Positive Power Waves, Outlook Retrainer, VoDL, Serotonin, Dopamine Redux, Endorphine A and B, Oxytocin etc.

For triggered anger there is the Anger Management field.

I am a strong advocate for choosing the “better life in the long-run” path.
Because chasing short-term positive feelings as a means of compensation, is an endless cycle of the dog chasing its own tail.

“I feel unhappy but I don’t want to change” → coping via things that make one feel better for a while → “I feel okay now so I don’t need to change” → “But feeling okay is not enough to be happy” → “I feel unhappy but I don’t want to change” etc.

The cycle is interrupted when one decides that one wants to change!

As mentioned in the Ascension tag thread, after a while the feeling of constantly being lifted up by the field becomes addictive, because the process starts to feel more and more good and pleasant!

One’s raise of vibration is not just some vague spiritual stuff that one is doing or that is happening to one. It comes with improvements in ALL life areas, especially with regards to self-love and self-esteem, which then also sooner or later reflects itself in a better physical and material life!


is Blueprint of Life incorporated in it? Because of the picture with the flower of life background?


When I first got VoC and played it a few times, I was also shaking in my whole body from it, but it was a very pleasant shaking, as if negative energetic debris and dirt was being shaken off me. It even made me burst out in laughter. That was the moment I instantly knew that raising vibration is an awesome thing :slight_smile:

Then, as I continued to listen to it daily (several loops per day) the effect was less and less prominent, because one gets accustomed to it. Also, the shaking in the beginning makes sense, because the field instantly lifts you up from a very low vibe level and properls you upwards to a much a higher vibe.

When I got the Ascension tag, the difference was that I was no longer gently pulled up like it has been with VoC / VoDL / VoT, but that I was pushed up forcefully from the bottom to the top.

And I loved it! :heart_eyes:

Reason why I loved it was because it felt like a guaranteed solution where my ego and lower self could no longer resist with their bullshit reasons and could no longer prevent me from being pushed up vibrationally and becoming a better version of myself.

This is awesome because this way your higher vibe self will win either way!

The Ascension tag with its forced ascension will make you a winner long-term either way! You almost cannot “lose” with it or “fall back”.

With the gentle solution of being pulled up by VoC the lower self still has a kind of veto right, which it will of course mis-use to delay your progress (!), but with the Ascension tag forced push-up it feels like a higher power is picking you up and carrying you over from a low vibe place into a more high vibe place.

The most awesome thing about this is that this process is INFINITE, it can go on forever, until you become source-like :slight_smile:

My advice to you is to loop VoC for at least for 1-2 hours every day and let it raise your vibration as far as possible. Always listen to Ego Dissolution before your VoC loops!
When you feel you become tired of after a few loops and “want to stop”, continue to use it for 1-2 more loops. This is how you push yourself vibrationally up. With VoC you have to push yourself to listen to more of it. With Ascension you are being pushed up either way.

After a while (a few weeks) your vibration should have changed so much, that the upliftng effect of the constantly increasing vibration might become addictive. When this happens and you finally learn to love the process, you will no longer resist getting the Ascension-naut but will look forward to having it on you :hugs:

I wear the Ascension tag every day while I am awake. I only put it down when sleeping so that my body can relax better.


True i seem to sleep easier when i put it aside.
I also do this that i wear it during the time i am awake and put it aside when sleeping not always but most of the time.


I can’t decide on whether I should buy this or light and vibrational guidance🧐


I’d definitely go for this. Just me. Not having used Guidance. But having used the old tag and knowing this is an upgraded version of that. It has to be quite powerful.


Okay I bought this one!


Please share what you experience with those of us who need to wait a little while to get this.

And. Congratulations! :partying_face: I hope you love it. Higher vibes are sure to come.


No actually BoL is embedded in the Eternal and not this. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


We don’t know that. The question was posed but not answered.

And now I see you were responding to the same question I quoted. No one like SammyG or Captain Nemo has responded to this unless they did so on another thread.


It’s been 30 days. Update us please you egoless beast man. Details if you can please.


This feels so good, can this be paired with eternity with a double-sided pendant?


I think it could probably go well with most things. It seems like it may even have a booster effect. it loosens things up with the vibration increase and it seems to bring in new energy (which can help support changes in patterns of activity in the energy body).


Thanks for sharing, future pocket list👍




This is how it appears in my wallet. Is that normal?