The astral/dreams teach us a lot about ourselves

The deeper I’m getting the more I realize how much the astral and “dreams” can even teach us a lot about ourselves and what we need to overcome/work on. PAY ATTENTION NOW. If you have urges that you can’t stop while in a dream or an astral projection then work on that in the physical. THE PHYSICAL DETERMINES OUR “BLOCKS” if this makes sense. I’ve learned the more physical limitations we have the harder it will be to do other “worldly” things.

For example:
I was rich in this travel I had last night and I had this urge I couldn’t resist to buy diamond jewelry. I don’t understand why but I’m learning i have some desires here physically that I keep denying myself rather than working through them. I’m hitting the astral a lot now but due to my limitations I’m not able to explore yet but I am having very good experiences in my opinion and I’m learning a lot about myself and what I need to keep doing


I am also trying to get more into astral traveling recently. What are the most important things in your opinion besides daily meditation and energy work? I feel like I had more success with lucid dreaming, though I have just started using Raduga’s method (Phase)


Hello CardBarry,
have you checked the Astral Travel Thread?
A lot of tips there…

Also, Michael Raduga, confuses “lucid dreaming” with “astral projection”.
Those are completely different phenomena and states of consciousness. Like 100% completely different.
I personally, do NOT recommend his book, his approach and his teachings.
You can read about this in detail here:


Hi JAAJ , I wouldn’t agree with that completely. He says both AP and LD are what he calls Phase, but essentially they are very much different from each other. I had some success with his indirect technique, no full exit yet though. Knowing myself, I get motivated more if I have success in a shorter period. You know, having concrete proof of something existing can immensely strengthen the belief.

Though honestly I know there are much better authors who approach it more from the “spiritual” side. Huge fan of Monroe’s work and currently reading Robert Bruce’s Astral Dynamics.

Also, thanks for pointing out the Astral travel thread, already checked it out a few times, though it would be great to have something more organized to find useful resources easier.


I can’t “explore” yet. I have limitations still but I’m getting past them. I’m getting attacked more too but don’t understand why. I hurt myself not too long ago today while attempting to travel. This being just tried to scare me. It was a weak shadow being and I woke up screaming like a monster I can’t even mimick it it was like I was trying to scare it away like an animal and I turned and twisted my back and when I really awoke in the physical i started laughing so hard for like 15 minutes straight and I even looked around and said out loud what the f was that lmao. I don’t know how advanced you are but just saying don’t be afraid of these beings. I also used to have a serious fear of death and I think that’s why I died 3 times in “dreams” literally felt and heard everything lol.

Here’s some tips that are working for me to get there.

  1. Focus like you would while meditating. I like to focus on my breath and feel my stomach going up and down like a balloon.

  2. Honestly forget about root to crown and focus crown to root. Feel your body vibrating head to toe. Feel it in your hands. Feel your body heavy and dead while your breath is going up and down.

  3. If you smoke thc or anything forget it get rid of it just my personal opinion though. My progress has really amplified since I quit. I’ve tried to quit many times and even flipped in rages panicking due to not having it many times over my years (body ID). This time was different no cravings no nothing.

  4. You need to stay still and keep your mind focused. Do not let your mind wander. I recommend laying on your back as well but I’m seeing results on my side now. I don’t know if it was a mental block but it’s gone now lol.

  5. Don’t get discouraged either. I’ve been attempting this for 3 years to finally get as far as I am. You need to practice and attempt to travel whe your not so exhausted. For me when I’m wide awake and I attempt I remember easier. When I’m exhausted I’m seeing I get attacked more and its harder for me to “see”. I don’t know why but plan to eventually figure it out. Probably another mental block?

  6. Forget all the physical things your attached to. Fight your urges and break the cycles. The key is to become spirit over body. I recommend staying away from bs foods and save chocolate and stuff and treat your body like a kid. I’ll say to my body “if your good and let me do my thing ill give you this”. It sounds weird but our body is designed in our DNA to hold us back. Once your body knows your gaining control it’s going to fight and your vibration will change. BE READY FOR THIS. The alarms will go off and the game is going to try to pull you back in.

  7. These are the best tips I can really give as I honestly don’t know what to say. I honestly don’t know what’s happening to me lately. It’s just all coming natural out of nowhere like when I was a kid. I’m seeing things physically now. Colors even every now and then. I saw this light as if it was exploding like a firework (best way to describe it). I’m running very hot now I sweat like crazy or I’m ice cold and pale especially when I’m around my partner their air and I’m fire and it seems that their amplifying my fire now as I’m becoming more sensitive if this makes sense. I suggest reading matrix by val valerian. I honestly wish i could give better tips but like I said I honestly don’t know what’s happened to me lately. I’m becoming very sensitive to the outside and when I’m crowded even I feel crazy energy entering me. People can feel it too. I’m getting stared at like crazy even people driving by look away from the road to stare me down. I see bad energy people giving me the dirtiest looks but avoiding me even. Weird things are happening lately that I can’t explain. It seems people are getting attached to me too. I hurt this one person’s feelings and I don’t even know how I did it. I didn’t even say nothing wrong. It was all because I said I couldn’t talk and kept walking. No lie I’ve had a few people call me jesus. I swear this one lady pulled her car over to scream “jesus jesus help me” then drove off and these kids pulled a Pic of jesus up and said i look like him and I’m like please don’t compare me to that :joy::joy:. I’ve never had this stuff happen to me before. People used to stare but not like this. I had a staring match with some random guy in the store earlier today he walked past me stopped and stared at me in my eyes and I’m looking at him like wtf and I waved and he did nothing but stand there and i was like that was weird lmao. The best advice I can give for what i do to sum it up is

Focus on breath, focus on vibrations, focus head to crown, stay still I try to not swallow too unless I need to, I find it easier to keep eyes closed, feel that pressure in your third eye and focus on that the most. For me I learned I focus on the third eye, I’ll start to feel like im spinning and twirling and getting sucked into it then I’ll find myself there. So far I’m able to realize im there now and I’ll realize if I’m dreaming for a split second then it’s like just movies as I don’t have full control yet but soon. It seems the more aware I’m getting the more control I’m gaining. I’m starting to be able to speak now if this makes sense. I practice a few times a day. Don’t stop practicing keep it up and believe your able to do it. Since I know im able to now its getting easier before I think the doubts and definitely fears kept me bound to earth if this makes sense as well.

I’m sorry I’m not able to help well. I hope i was able to explain my process well enough. I’m trying to learn how to explain better so I can give better advice to people. The biggest thing I learned though is your the key. Nobody can really help you. Your the one that needs to find the way that works for you if this makes sense. Stay positive and keep your vibrations high. Stay away from people that are trying to bring you down even if its your own “family” nothing matters besides graduating and then you will meet your true family, your soul family 🩷


Here’s another tip for crown to root these are affirmations to repeat. Repeat these from crown to root and let me know how it helps you. Also take your fingers counter clockwise over your third eye rubbing it. You should feel the energy twirl around. I hope this helps

Crown - connect

Third eye - see

Throat - hear

Heart - feel

Solar plexus- defend

Sacral - create

Root- energize

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Yes robert monroe is the man lol. I also forgot to mention I haven’t had any 18+ encounters within myself or my partner in a while. I don’t know if this means anything but I don’t even desire it anymore. This wasnt planned either. I’m even feeling energy surge through my genital area on a daily every now and then and it feels weird lol


How do you have astral experiencses?

If I remember correctly, during the intro of the 2-hour video on youtube where he gives a speech, I had the impression that he remained evasive on the definition of astral projection and said that some people called it lucid dreams, and other traditions yet other names. I think he wanted to avoid being taken for a woo-woo, in this world where scientific academia prevails over personal experience. In the meantime, his videos on youtubes where you can see the seminars are good value, I think that it’s good material for someone who wants to investigate


You’re right. He mixes it all up, but I feel it’s purely strategic.


Definitely. He sells courses and books.
In reality, he is just someone who talks a lot but has no real clue about what he is talking about.
People who are new to these topics are easily impressed and buy more stuff from him.
He has translated his book into many languages not because he is such a nice person who wants people to learn about astral traveling, but because it is a lead generation machine for him.
But as with all spirituality, learning discernment is the big major skill to develop here.

He (Raduga) throws lucid dreaming and astral projection into the same basket, because he wants his followers to get a quick success experience.
However, lucid dreaming is much easier to achieve than astral projection, indeed, lucid dreaming happens almost automatically for many people if they just don’t masturbate lol.

“The Phase” is total BS in my opinion. It is a word that means everything and nothing. Describing completely different states of consciousness.

Anyone who believes they can learn astral travel by doing a few excercises in a fully packed room like this, is heavily scammed out of their time and money: