The Astral Viber NFT: Testimonials

Yeah… delete app. start over on desktop. Use Alt email address. Start at the link given above.


HAHAHA! I just read on their support page that the app is literally available in every State in the US except for…New York.


ahhh… vpn then :)


Ok I deleted the app bc same situation as Scribe over here
Bc it also grabbed my face biometrics
Like I get it’s not working for us bc we’re in NY
But we aren’t like at risk for anything like serious
… right? Lol

Just the normal data-mining by your always friendly government :slight_smile: :thinking: :rage:

It’s pretty normal for all KYC (know your customer) processes with crypto now…
Doesn’t mean it’s “right” and there’s quite a few companies that are trying to preserve the rights of consumers with various Defi (Decentralized finance) projects that don’t require documentation to simply spend your own money…


the audio works for everyone

the nft is the album cover for the single and also works the same as the other nfts.


They are going to integrate their NFT site with the app so you will need to go thru the biometrics process at some point. :woman_shrugging:

See below from their FAQ page.

We are working to integrate NFT and the App, which will allow existing App users to access the NFT platform without registering a separate account. Stay tuned!


This sounds like the other way around.

Or put it like this.

They are separate transactions. But as of now if someone wants to do both gotta have both.

In the future for the previous to nfts existing users of the app both transactions will be integrated.

Now if the ones just buying nfts also want to do crypto transactions good both things will be together but i dont think those that just want to buy nfts will have to have the app


Could be possible. Let’s see what they end up doing.


I really hope so because daaaang.

It triggered each one of my nerves the other day trying to open that app 2 hours later and hundreds of back and forth with the requirements and i was like, nope i give up @#$%^^/=# lol


Until i saw Rosechalice saying she got through ignoring the app suggestion, i tried and got through lol


Yeeeeees! Thanks Cap, excited about this incoming release :pray:


forgive my slow brain. so,
the two people who buy the copies on crypto ( at the end of the bid ) will be nft owners
and then there are those who will get it during the actual nft release ?

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i was confused too for a sec so i had to recheck the meaning lol the artwork is an nft and audio is available for everyone, it was also released on the sapien med channel


alriiight I was doubting cuz I didn’t see any testimonial yet
thank you !


I tried it and i felt it dont have the nft.


so cool he made it publicly available and for free. thx Captain


What is the difference to the astral portal?

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The Portal itself is a portal to the actual plane, which doesnt actually activly strenghtens your astral body like the Astral Viber does, I mean, there could be a little cultivation trough the astral portal, but that is not the main function of the astral portal. It connects you to the astral plane trough your astral body which might result in you becoming more conscious of your astral body but astral viber will be a lot better if you want to develope a connection to your astral body and be able to astral travel easier.

Dunno the works behind it, but maybe if the astral viber strenghtens your connection trough it making your astral body more present to you and cultivating it, it will be a lot easier to have a out of body experience because you consciously have a active connection to your astral body.

Correct me if I talk shit :+1:


Definitely works man, listening to it now :))
Except if this is Valhalla portal still acting out, I am currently experiencing deep work happening in my 3eye area and vibrating like crazy.

Should be in New Release once :robot: wakes up


From the album single ‘The Astral Viber’ a fusion track represented on the single and art as a means to strengthen and nourish your energetic listening experience, astrally of course.

→ strengthen and nourish your energetic listening experience, astrally of course.

Probably the NFT is a powerful individuated attunement to the public field :grinning: