The Astral Viber NFT: Testimonials

Is that him telling me to stay off his fire? :stuck_out_tongue:


You got 2 months 7 days… time goes fast. :wink:


the album release version is longer btw


@pranic_climber ie. Extended Club Re-mix already created :stuck_out_tongue:


This is a good timeline to be on then lol


I just bought the Amazon version and it’s the same length. Where is the longer one released on?

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this is 1 min +

this is 3 +
The Astral Viber - YouTube


ohh I never even saw the short one, only the 3 min- so I thought you were referring to one longer than 3 mins. Gotcha. Thanks!


Ohhh would you look at this…

How similar uh ahem

“Vibration of Creation”

From the description:

One of the most essential aspects of spiritual growth is raising your vibration. Through consistent meditation, clearing and growing the chakras and other such practices, your vibration may naturally begin to rise. But what keeps it from rising is all the negative baggage we carry that keeps our energy dense rather than light and free. What this audio does is get rid of all of this dense clutter that your body carries while at the same time raising your vibration on an unprecedented level.

This audio vibrates all your cells, even down to the mitochondria, with the vibration of creation. The source sound of the universe. The ‘Om.’ Vibrating every part of your body with this energy literally shakes up all the energetic clutter built up in your body (organs, chakras and entire energy system) and clears it away. By clearing all this energetic clutter and raising your vibration at the same time, you will begin going back to the essence of who you are.

The audios works on your consciousness in a larger level as even the parts of you that extend higher into different dimensions as well is effected. It provides a higher vibrational energy for the chakras to grow and evolve.




Souka!! :smile_cat: :ok_hand:


Sugoi! :man_dancing:


also uploaded on sapien medicine legendary…?

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Lmao i went to bed late last night and cats were already fast asleep.

I played these on loop and next thing i know they were

images (3)




I’ve been floating inside my body all night long. My 3rd day listening

I kinda woke up several times during night feeling it.

Listening for 10 mins a day


Sweet seventh density Jesus this music is far too badass for our mortal realm.

Just noticed that this actual version (not the 1 minute one) actually exists and I so excite




Do we not have a thread for the audio? I had an interesting experience with the field today!

I was talking to someone a few days ago on the difference between raising your vibration and increasing your spirit strength! While a higher vibration gives you a stronger Astral body naturally, the kind of strength this field gives is impeccable!! And it really makes you ROBUST!

I’ve been looping alchemical holy light, tower of power and both Crucibles for the last few days now… And with all the changes coming with them and the new NFT beings it’s just been a little harder to keep up with the pace!

So I ran to one of my long forgotten about fields, alien intercession! (the meditations are always quicker to grab my heart and fly away!) I played DNA repair as a little welcome for them :slight_smile:

I felt my communication wasn’t as strong, so I remembered this… And I kinda think I was reminded by them

So I hit that play button and suddenly my whole body is buzzing! Specific energy points that I felt were really craving that extra power!
But… What’s even more interesting is that The aliens liked it! Even better!!
While I realize it was a two way thing, I started to feel their presence much better! I could sense exactly where they were! But then it really felt like their physical energies was growing!
I stopped after 2 loops because this field is that powerful! But I also knew I was to spend some more time with it today!

So I played a few fields, and then came back to it! All fresh and ready… Before I start my rounds I felt really… Out of touch… There was a lot happening that night, a lot of major breakthroughs, specific things I was also asking to release… I wasn’t in tune with my body.

Now a few loops in… And I’m there pumping with life!!

Just a couple minutes earlier I was all laying down on bed not knowing what was going on :smiley:

I was literally pumping with life, my body felt so strong and I felt so connected to my body… So grounded but it feels like I’m grounded in power…

Something happened very shortly after, one of these situations where I’m not ‘used to’ expressing myself fully… I had no want to hold any words back whatsoever :D

Full expression!!

And very shortly after I was just there enjoying this pump of energy! Just dancing all around :D

Most importantly, I was able to finish off a lot of work that I had to do in the past few days!!

It gave me a very present mental energy that is also… I’m able to ‘tackle anything that comes up’ sort of energy!!

This isn’t the first time where I have really good experiences with this one! Think it’s my sign to be more consistent with this one!!

And my bump to y’all :D

@Dreamweaver life is something new every day because of you :heart::heart::heart:


Torsion strengthen our beingness
How is torsion audio different than astral viber?
Or is beingness/consciousness different than the astral energetic body

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Astral viber comes more like an exercise to the Astral Body. Think of it as a way to put the energy of Torsion into use!

But this is just the beginning with this field, it is more so the richness of things you can do when you are at a certain level of strength.

I remember I once recommended a friend of mine to listen to this one to keep going with the work she had.

resellience, healing fatigue, easily fighting off negative energy, easier communication with beings, general strength of mind and spirit is just what’s off the top of my head now!

It’s one of these all in one fields!

Recently I also made a stack that goes something like this:

Alchemical Holy Light
Astral Viber
Tower of Holy Power
Exalted States

You could mix and match this as much as you like, use Torsion or Plasmatron before… Use some other healing fields or seal the stack with love etc, but keeps you fresh and clean and generally more resellient and strong! Effects stay put for a long time too! :)