The Awakened Body NFT - Testimonials

‘The body is a treasure trove and a map. We can learn to navigate its sacred terrain by listening to the stories it keeps for us, deep within.’ - unknown

Many of us experience life through so many conceptual filters that we never recognize the freedom and joy that are inherent in us—and are in fact the essence of who we are. We can grow old not realizing that one of the most powerful tools to escape the painful knots we tie ourselves in is, literally, at our fingertips: our body. - Author Reggie Ray

The purpose of this NFT is to cultivate a sense of wellness and vitality through automated and guided low-impact physical exercises and meditative practices and modalities. To create a smart field where low-impact exercises are both celebrated for their numerous health benefits, from offering connection to the body and stress relief, to developing flexibility, strength, control, and endurance.

This will work with any age, gender, body type, physical limitations etc. This will work with younger to older people. It’s connecting and awakening the body and mind holistically.

Mandala + audio

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Overall Benefits
  • Parasympathetic Nervous System dominates
  • Subcortical regions of the brain dominate
  • Slow dynamic and static movements
  • Normalization of muscle tone
  • Low risk of injuring muscles and ligaments
  • Low caloric consumption
  • Effort is minimized, relaxed
  • Energizing (breathing is natural or controlled)
  • Balanced activity of opposing muscle groups
  • Non-competitive, process-oriented
  • Awareness is internal (focus is on breath and the infinite)
  • Limitless possibilities for growth in self-awareness
  • increased flexibility and movement
  • improve digestion
  • Smart field works with your body for optimal healing
  • Reverse and heal all types of arthritis in the body
  • Heal and repair any rips, tears or injured muscles, ligaments, joints, nerves
  • Heal any carpal tunnel issues
Spiritual Benefits
  • Reaching Samadhi(Nirvikalpa Samadhi no q Duality at all leads to Moksha/Savikhalpa Samadhi still some Duality state where siddhis experience their powers) - Activate only when stating command "Samadhi’ only.
  • Mental clarity
  • Allow us to tap into our ideal path
  • Knowledge base of original yoga, which is a massive science subject including astronomy, geography, philosophy, mathematics, etc…
  • Develop and cultivate awareness in NFT owner
  • Remove all blocks and resistance in keeping one from fully experiencing life
  • Feel Empowered and aligned in your mind, body and soul
  • Amplifies and enhances clairvoyance
Automated / Guided Practice / Ongoing Learning
  • Automated practice
  • The NFT owner will be able to choose from any practice and activate an automated session of the chosen form of exercise for a specific duration.
  • When executing a movement or posture, we benefit immediately from its effects (for example, some mudras needs to be held for half an hour or more to benefit from them).
  • For example : connect to the NFT (with the help of the mandala or audio), say "Activate automated Hatha Yoga for 30 mins", enjoy an automated session of Hatha Yoga during the next 30 minutes.
  • Guided practice
  • The NFT owner can also choose a guided physical session in a similar way. In this case, the field will guide our practice during the session as if we were trained by a learned master of the chosen practice, receiving all the instructions and informations we need.
  • The field would also:
  • help us with posture, breathing, pose, movement etc., like a teacher would
  • ease our body into the movements, and gently and safely overcome the current limits of our body
  • improve muscle memory
  • help us easily and consistently stay in the Flow of the session/practice
  • help us have a full mind and body coherence
  • For example : connect to the NFT (with the help of the mandala or audio), say "Activate guided Hatha Yoga for 30 mins", practice a guide session of Hatha Yoga during the next 30 minutes.
  • Ongoing Learning
  • The NFT owner will have the ability to learn new disciplines and expand their catalogue for automated and guided practices. When someone wants to add a new discipline to the field, that person would either name precisely the discipline and ask for its addition to the catalogue, or, even better, research the subject and provide data the field could use to kickstart its learning (masters of the discipline, theoretical informations, videos of practitioners, personal practice, …). The field would then trace back as much as possible regarding that discipline to get the necessary elements to provide us with perfect automated/guided practices.
  • connecting to the original and/or best masters of the discipline of interest and learning from them
  • studying practitioners from all over the world (and time) to understand how different individuals fare with the discipline of interest
  • requesting intercession from the original masters to oversee our practices, at least until the field can perfectly do so alone
  • requesting intercession from Higher Beings that would like to help us regarding the discipline of interest
  • The catalogue would be shared by all the instances of the field.
  • A session
  • Whether an automated or a guided practice, each session would unfold in this way:
  • Preparation step:
  • Creation of a sacred space and call for intercession of any higher being that could help
  • Getting into the right mindset
  • The actual practice
  • Closing time
  • Going back to “reality”
  • After workout recovery of the entire body (muscles, joints, nerves, back, shoulders, elbows, knees, wrists, ankles etc)
  • Choosing the practice
  • We could ask for a specific practice, as stated above, but we could also ask for a practice tailored to one’s level and current needs without indicating a specific discipline or technique.
  • For example, the activation command could be:
  • “Activate an automated session for 20 minutes, for my greater good”
  • “Activate a guided session for 10 minutes, to help me fall asleep”
  • Examples of Activation Commands:
  • Activate automated (discipline) for x mins (however long you want)
  • Activate guided (discipline) for x mins (however long you want)
  • Activate automated Corpse Pose while I sleep or rest.
  • An instructor that would guide in me in a very personalized practice, with techniques spot on for my level and what I need at the time for my greater good. For example, I would prepare myself for a yoga session, clearing my heart and mind, and connecting to the instructor. As I open myself to it, movements would start to flow through me, and I would follow. As I do so, I would receive help to easily and consistently stay in the flow, and also physical help to ease my body into the movements and increase the efficiency of my practice in that regard, so that my physical shape improves much faster, allowing me to overcome faster the current limits of my body. Muscle memory would be improved as well, during practice but it could also be worked on at other times.”
Automated Yoga
  • Hatha yoga.
  • Ashtanga yoga. - all forms
  • Bikram yoga.
  • Iyengar yoga.
  • Kundalini yoga.
  • Restorative yoga.
  • Yin yoga.
  • Vinyasa yoga
  • Raja yoga that takes into account all eight limbs of Raja Yoga (not sure how this’ll be implemented as it also shares similarities with other Yoga practices. But anything is possible! :) So the NFT owner would be empowered to practice this specific type of yoga. However it isn’t all just about Asanas, its a complete system that works systematically to enable the user to calm his/her mind and in time, find liberation, to transcend the identification with the body-mind-intellect complex in order to understand the nature of the true self.
  • Yamas - Five social observances: ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truthfulness) asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (chastity) and aparigraha (non-possessiveness).
  • Niyamas - Five moral observances: saucha (purity), santosha (contentment), tapas (self-discipline), svadhyaya (self-study), ishvarapranidhana (devotion or surrender).
  • Asanas - Yoga postures
  • Pranayama - Breathing techniques as a means of controlling prana (vital life force energy).
  • Pratyhahara - Withdrawal of the senses.
  • Dharana - Concentration
  • Dhyana - Meditation
  • Samadhi - Bliss / Enlightenment
  • Rajayoga alone is enough to cover all aspects of yoga. An automated version of raja yoga steps would be great to derive any benefits.
  • Kriya Yoga (Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya lineage
  • Detailed Conceptual Understanding of how to do the yoga exercise of choice (posture, breathing,focus. etc)
  • Taraka Yoga (Yoga with mind) - mastering this leads one to Amanaska Yoga (Yoga with no mind)
  • Amanaska Yoga (otherwise known as the Yoga of No-Mind. It is extremely advanced and can’t be practiced unless you’ve reached the no-mind stage ie. nirvikalpa samadhi)
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Inclusion of the benefits of the yoga asanas.
  • Example, let’s say headstand or shirshasana …we should be able to get the benefits of headstand by simply asking it. The idea here is many find it hard to do yoga asanas, but still this should be able to deliver the real benefits of doing that asana. Imo this will help all ages, genders, ailments etc.
  • There are 1000s of asanas, that can be part of this …a wider scope actually
  • Btw, yoga is very wider scope and different than asanas. Its just one of the step in yoga.
  • Laya Yoga
  • Laya yoga is the dissolution of the mind. One can obtain it in many ways. The practitioner should meditate upon the Lord, the Indivisible-One-Essence while doing all day-to-day activities like standing, walking, sitting, and sleeping. The mind should be completely preoccupied or immersed in one thing irrespective of any activities. This is Laya Yoga.
  • Incorporate Corpse Pose (Shavasana) benefits while sleeping, a rebirth for every night if you will , when you need to take a rest for some days, just connect with the field and say: Activate Corpse Pose. Shavasana is intended to rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit. In the pose, the breath deepens, and the stress of the day is released
  • Yoga Nidra - Yoga Nidra is a state of the unconscious mind. It is a powerful tool for activating the subconscious mind.
Automated Pilates
  • THe NFT owner will be able to choose from any Pilates practice and activate that form of exercise for a specific time limit. For example, connect to the NFT, with the help of the mandala or audio if wanted, say ’ Activate Winsor Pilates for x mins’ (however long you want). The field/mandala shall facilitate ‘active’ skill development say when we are doing the pilates practice in helping us with posture, breathing, pose, movement etc., what a Pilates Instructor does
  • Classical Pilates: Classical refers to the traditional practice outlined by Joseph Pilates that utilises both mat and apparatus work as well as posterior resting positions.
  • Mat Pilates: As indicated by the name, mat pilates use a yoga mat to focus mainly on strengthening the core, making it ideal for those with back pain.
  • Reformer Pilates: Reformer pilates uses a reformer machine that adds a level of resistance to traditional Pilates exercises. Reformer practices are a more advanced level of pilates and are intended for burning calories and losing weight.
  • Contemporary Pilates: Taking from the foundations of classical pilates, contemporary pilates utilises modern wellness concepts to improve upon the classical method, such as communication skills and biomechanics.
  • Stott Pilates: This type of pilates, sometimes called clinical pilates, is intended for injury rehabilitation, flexibility, stability and balance.
  • Winsor Pilates: The Winsor pilates method derives its structure for HIIT workouts, using nontraditional, high-intensity movements in short bursts
  • Smart field to integrate all principles of Pilates into the NFT owner
  • Concentration – This highlights that during Pilates you should focus on your entire body to ensure smooth movements. This is hard. In Pilates exercise technique and how exercises are performed is, in many respects, more important than the exercises themselves.
  • Control – Every exercise in Pilates must be done with control. Fundamentally its about you being in control of your body.
  • Centering – To effectively control your body you must have a starting place and that place is your center. You’ll often hear this called the ‘powerhouse’ which is a term that means your center and encompasses the abs, upper and lower back, hips, butt and inner thighs. All movement in Pilates should begin from your center, your powerhouse and flow out to the limbs.
  • Flow – Exercises within Pilates are intended to flow into each other to help build strength and stamina. The use of appropriate transitions and economy of movement is highly prized and is one of the key things that differentiates novice and advanced practitioners.
  • Precision – Pilates is not about doing many repetition poorly or with poor technique. Rather Pilates aims for precise and perfect movement. With regular Pilates and expert instruction this precision will eventually become second nature and carry over into everyday life. An expert Pilates instructor can tell a lot about a person by simply watching them walk.
  • Breathing – Typically in Pilates you focus on breathing out with effort and in on the return. Coordinating breathing with movement is an important part of Pilates and good instructors will continually remind you when to breathe in and when to breathe out. Like everything in Pilates you should concentrate on each breathe and feel the engagement of your powerhouse.
  • Pelvic Placement - In supine (lying on your back) or standing position we aim to promote neutral spine alignment. In neutral position a natural lordotic (lower back) curve is maintained with ASIS (Anterior Superior Illiac Spine – the pointy bits at the front of your hip bodes) and Pubis Symphysis (your pubic bone) approximately horizontal.
  • Centering and Pelvic floor - All the Pilates movement originate from the core, also known as the Power House. The muscles contained within this region of the body are Transverse Abdominals (TVA), Pelvic Floor group and Lumbar Multifidus. Contraction of the pelvic floor muscles helps to activate deeper transverse abdominus muscles: pelvic floor can be activated by gently tightening the front and the back passages of the body and lifting through the middle to about 30-40% of your maximum perceived strength
  • Ribcage placement - Aim to breath into the back and lateral aspects of the ribcage. Aim to stabilise the ribcage movement (e.g. preventing sticking out of ribs when raising hands overhead) and maintain the neutral thoracic (upper back) spine. This requires a lot of abdominal strength.
  • Scapulae (shoulder blades) movement and stabilisation - Scapulae should lie flat against the ribcage. Scapulae should be stabilized during initiation of every movement.
  • Head and cervical (neck) placement - Neutral position should be maintained standing, sitting or lying: natural anterior convex, head balanced directly above the shoulders.
  • Awareness - Total awareness of the musculature, body’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial if the exercises are to be executed in appropriate manner. Be mindful of listening to your body through out the session
  • Ability to have good posture by helping to realign the body and spine.
  • Two of the key elements of Pilates are core muscle strength and spinal alignment.* The core musculature is loosely defined as the spine, abdomen, pelvis, hips, and the muscles that support these structures. Some of the main core muscles are the erector spinae (located in your back along your spine), the internal and external obliques (the sides of your abdomen), the transverse abdominis (located deep in your gut, this muscle pulls your belly button in toward your spine), the rectus abdominis (the “six-pack”), and hip flexors (in your pelvis and upper leg)
Jnana - the Yoga of Wisdom
  • The jñāna yoga is a spiritual practice that pursues knowledge with questions such as “who am I, what am I” among others.[9][10] The practitioner studies usually with the aid of a guru, meditates, reflects, and reaches liberating insights on the nature of one’s own Self (Atman, soul) and its relationship to the metaphysical concept called Brahman in Hinduism.[
  • Meditation
  • Self-Inquiry
  • Contemplation
Automated Yoga Eye Exercise
Automated Trataka Trainer
  • Trataka is a yogic purification and a tantric method of meditation that involves staring at a single point such as a small object, black dot or candle flame. It is said to bring energy to the “third eye” and promote various psychic abilities (just a base description from Wikipedia)
  • The practitioner may fix attention on a symbol or yantra, such as the Om symbol, a black dot, the image of some deity or guru, a flame, a mirror or any point, and stare at it. A candle should be three to four feet (1 metre plus) away, the flame level with the eyes. Relax but keep the spine erect and remain wakeful and vigilant. The eyes begin to water. Some authorities recommend that the eyes should then be closed and the yogi concentrate on the after image, while others persevere with staring for 30–40 minutes. The eyes of one who got siddhi in trataka will appear like burning charcoal in colour. (more from Wikipedia)
  • Benefits:
  • Purifies the eyes and strengthens the eye muscles by exercising them to focus on a point.
  • Corrects short-sightedness.
  • Improves vision, concentration and memory. Hence, recommended for school children too.
  • Cures sleep-related disorders such as a headache, insomnia, nightmares etc.
  • By fixing the gaze the restless mind to comes to a halt. Hence, calms the mind and provides inner peace and silence.
  • Helps overcome mental, behavioural and emotional ailments.
  • Enhances self-confidence, patience and willpower.
Automated Specific Asana Trainer
  • An automated trainer for any specific asana that the NFT owner would like to improve on and perfect. This will eventually lead to what is known as “Asana Siddhi” or attaining mastery and perfection in a specific asana.
  • Verbally activated - For example: “Automate padmasana for 30 minutes” (however long you want) The field would be smart enough to recognize whether you say the sanskrit version of the asana like “padamasana” or “lotus pose”
  • The idea behind this is to hasten results for any specific asana you’d like to practice.
  • Ideally you’d use the Asana Trainer while practicing the actual Asana to enable rapid results. For example, Lotus pose is known as one of the harder asanas to master, especially if you haven’t been consistently stretching your lower body for a significant amount of time. It is a painful process to undertake, and could take a very long time to perfect (ie. sitting in Lotus position for a couple of hours with no pain). Your legs will be in pain as you try to maintain the position and injury is possible if one becomes overzealous. Your legs will become numb due to lack of circulation. This would provide a “short cut” to perfect this asana, by helping stretch out the relevant muscles and other ancillary body parts, help blood circulation and empower the NFT owner to completion. The flexibility will be maintained as well (which is another issue to address). If one is inconsistent when practicing, the results drop dramatically, and very little progress can be made. This could also curtail that problem, so if one is inconsistent in their asana practice, they’ll still retain a lot more flexibility and muscle memory of a specific pose relative to somebody who doesn’t own this NFT (all things being equal).
Automated Flexibility trainer
  • Verbal command used to activate along with duration - “Activate Flexibility trainer for x mins”(however long you want)
  • General mode would do a full body flexibility routine
  • The NFT owner would be able to target specific areas if he/she decides - For example: “Activate Flexibility trainer for hamstrings for 30 minutes”
  • When the owner feels like doing the practice himself, the field will help to adjust posture, increase endurance if needed and amply the benefits involved in the process (than using inactively).
Automated Khecari Mudra trainer
  • Same premise as the flexibility trainer/asana trainer apply to this - Verbal command "Activate Khecari Mudra’ needed to use it

  • The idea behind this would essentially entail an automated function to induce the stretching of the tongue. Over time this would lead one to be able to attain mastery of the mudra - placing the tongue in the nasal cavity behind the uvula.

Automated Stretching
  • Connect to the NFT, with the help of the mandala or audio if wanted, say 'Activate Butterfly stretch for 45 seconds’ (however long you want) The field/mandala shall facilitate ‘active’ skill development say when we are doing the stretching in helping us with posture, breathing, pose, movement etc.
  • Smart field’s ability to stretch all muscles or targeted muscles that we want in the body automatically on command for however long you want.
  • Static stretching - Static stretching has been found to be effective for increasing range of motion in a particular joint. So, for activities that require a larger range of motion, like dancing and gymnastics, static stretching is necessary. The key, however, is to avoid overstretching, meaning you shouldn’t hold a stretch for longer than 45 seconds or push further than you need to.
Automated Barre
  • Connect to the NFT, with the help of the mandala or audio if wanted, say ‘Activate Barre3 for 30 minutes’. The field/mandala shall facilitate ‘active’ skill development say when we are doing the stretching in helping us with posture, breathing, pose, movement etc.

  • be a full-body, muscle endurance workout. Typically, they’re broken into different sections that focus on major muscle groups including the arms, legs, glutes, and core.

  • builds strength and muscle

  • Boost endurance, improves balance, increases range of motion, and promotes better posture. support weight management, too.

  • use isometric movements to help shape, strengthen and tone muscles

  • Types of Barre Exercises

  • Barre3 - Barre3 works you through a three step sequence of postures designed to shape and lift. It combines yoga, Pilates, and ballet

  • Figure 4 Barre - It incorporates strength training and dance technique into a fast paced workout. Intervals boost your cardio output while the strength training movements sculpt your muscles.

  • Physique 57 - use body weight exercises, cardio intervals, and strength training to target muscles, overload them to the point of fatigue and then stretch them for recovery and relief.

  • The Bar Method - focus on alternating between the front and back sides of the body. Then focus on aerobic cardio exercises to burn fat. Also, work on stretching and flexibility.

  • Pure Barre

Automated EMF Balancing Technique
  • This itself can be one entire process to heal holistic. The phases involved in the EMF Balancing Technique must be done in sequence.

  • The EMF Balancing Technique works with an energy system that is an element of the human energy anatomy. There are eight stages to this technique, which aims to have an effect on the human electromagnetic field.

  • The system that is found in the human energy body which, when optimized, would help the individual have an unlimited supply of energy is called the Universal Calibration Lattice.This method is quite similar to tai-chi movements, which are done by a teacher while the student lies on the massage table.

  • Phases

  • Phase One: Wisdom and Emotions – this session releases stress and establishes a new pattern of freedom and wellbeing

  • Phase Two: Self Direction and Support – this session releases the energy restraints of the past and promotes a person’s awareness of self direction and support

  • Phase Three: Radiate Core Energy – this will encourage the increased flow of spiritual intelligence into your daily life

  • Phase Four: Energetic Accomplishment – this stage sees a connection and communication with the future self through the Prism of Personal Potential

  • Phase Five: Template of Infinite Love – this template encompasses an area that includes the Heart Centre, High Heart Centre, the throat, the small energy vortices around the mouth, and the centre on the tip of the nose

  • Phase Six: Templates of Infinite Compassion – there are two separate templates in this phase, one for each hand. Each template encompasses the energy centre in the middle of the hand and the small energy vortices throughout the fingers

  • Phase Seven: Templates of Infinite Presence – there are two separate templates in this phase, one for each foot. Each template encompasses the major energy centre on the top and bottom of the foot, and the small energy vortices on the soles of the feet and around the toes

  • Phase Eight: Template of Infinite Wisdom – this template encompasses the points of light within the brain and the energy vortices associated with the Crown Centre

Automated Tibetan Yoga and the Five Tibetan Rites

Automated Tibetan Yoga and the Five Tibetan Rites

Wisdom & Guidance of the Masters
  • Integrate and infuse the NFT owners with all the wisdom and guidance from the following masters:
  • Patanjali, Paramahansa Yogananda, BKS Iyengar, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Yogi Bhajan, Ramana Maharshi
  • Intercession with Shiva as Adiyogi Shiva
  • Mahavatar Babaji
  • Ramakrishna,
  • Sadhguru
  • All experts in Yoga, Meditation, Pilates, Ballet, Barre, Gymnastics in past, present and future.
  • Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha
  • Dakshinamurthy - is an aspect of the Hindu god Shiva as a guru (teacher) of all types of knowledge. This aspect of Shiva, as the original guru, is his personification as the supreme or the ultimate awareness, understanding and knowledge. This form represents Shiva as a teacher of yoga, music and wisdom, and giving exposition on the shastras. He is worshipped as the god of wisdom, complete and rewarding meditation. As per Hindu scriptures, if a person doesn’t have a guru, they can consider and worship Dakshinamurthy as their guru. Eventually, they will be blessed with a self-realized human guru, if they are worthy.
Inclusion of complementary practices

All can be part of the Automated or Guided practice:

  • Youlong QiGong or the Dragon Qi Wave, created by Thierry Doctrinal : Dragon Qi Wave - L’Onde du Dragon
  • Ongoing connection to the energies of Heaven and Earth and to the unity of body movement originating in the Dan Tian allow for a vibrant experience of Taoist principles: Sheng (vital principle), Tai Ji (Yin/Yang), Wu Ji (in-between), Wu Xing (5 elements), Wu Wei (non-doing) …
  • This Youlong Qigong system leads essentially to longevity, love, transcendence, all three being inherent to the Vital Principle and the Source, of which this Qigong is an expression.
  • Relaxed connection to the Earth (SONG)
  • Unity of the body and of one’s energy field (PENG)
  • Perception and circulation of energy, Qi
  • Motion of body and energy starting from the Dan Tian
  • Manifestation of inner states of pleasure, joy, and universal love
  • Neigong
  • Low impact rebounder workout
  • Gurdjieff sacred gymnastics
  • Ballet forms and techniques to stretch, strengthen, and tone the body
  • Swimming - builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. helps you maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs.
Ayurveda Integration
  • Inner knowledge of Ayurveda balance diet - the smart field will let the body automatically know and crave what it needs to balance the diet based on Ayurveda
Motivation / Mindset
  • Smart field for increasing motivation to practice, give willpower and release all inner resistance and frustrations towards exercise.
  • Smart field to quickly get into the mindset of having an empty focused and/or joyful mind for any of the practices we choose. Similar to the Mental Mandala
  • Smart field to help motivate, inspire and guide us to eat healthy and good food, and perhaps also make unhealthy food, junk food, soda, candy, alcohol etc become unattractive and uncompelling.
  • Dissolve blockages relating to inertia and unwillingness to get fit/get in shape and feeling of undeserved self-care and well-being
  • Create inner discipline to start and continue doing all the workout/exercise practices
  • Smart field to remove all resistance, guilt, frustrations, giving up from even starting any exercise, during and afterward
  • Create a fun, relaxed, stress-free, easy, vibe and atmosphere when exercising.
  • Create a motivating, energizing, and fun vibe
  • Create a mind and body transformation that leads to more confidence
  • Gain confidence in your abilities, in yourself
Other Additions
  • Smart healing field for increased recovery, so that we don’t get any injuries. It could also scan all our organs and glands and balance and heal any organ or gland that was not functioning at 100%. For example, if we have burned out/exhausted adrenal glands, then it is hard to exercise and to recover.
  • Improve yoga inclusivity in the community by practitioners having a chance to teach yoga classes and spread the knowledge
  • Ability to create extra income from teach yoga class/youtube channels and holistic practices
  • Attract and become friends with great people who practice yoga and meditation.
  • Guidance and overcoming obstacles towards the highest state of consciousness: transcendental, cosmic, God and unity consciousness…
  • Teach your pets to do yoga, of course for suitable postures only, and of course if your pet wants to, a smart teaching field for your pets. Now you have a yoga buddy at home

Many thanks to the entire group for pitching in their ideas and making this an amazing NFT and for @SammyG for making sure we get this on the list! :clap: :clap:

So much gratitude to @Captain_Nemo for creating this for us!! So blessed! :heart_eyes: :sparkling_heart:


Some early testimonials from the group members :star_struck: This one is a keeper!

Yesterday I activated a 30 minute session of Hatha Yoga. I will say that later in the day, I was feeling all sorts of soreness in my body and especially in my mid-back left side muscle. It felt like a long stretch took place there and now it’s a bit sore. :sweat_smile: . Soooo… go easy with this. This is pretty powerful and strong stuff.


Just finished with my meditation and had forgot xx had sent the NTT via intent and I asked for assistance. Almost instantly my breath went from shallow to deep within my belly, and the craziest part it seem like it was being automated as if something was guiding me. I can’t describe how I felt but prior when I would to take deep breaths in my heart would pump harder, not this time, everything was under control AND the focus?! Insane especially for me.

This lowkey just became my meditation secret and will use it to help me integrate better with my other servitors and NFT.

So blessed :heart::heart:

I asked it to do a pranayama called Thokar kriya (a specific type of pranayama from the Kriya Yoga lineage that involves putting certain syllables of a mantra on your chakras as you go up and down your spine, you also have to perform specific head movements), and it really works well. Really impressed. We have a whole set of advanced practices you really wouldn’t other wise get to be able to do unless one was initiated into them. They also appear to be spiritualized (as if you had been initiated into that lineage and had a lineage attunement/shaktipat that take the techniques to another level and gives them that special sauce + backing/guidance of masters of the lineage). It’s incredible.

I started my morning with an automated 30 mins vinyasa session. Felt the blood flowing thru the body and it definitely woke me up. Feel so good and energized. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: My sore back muscle has gotten better also.


Looks amazing :mechanical_arm:


Thanks! This is pretty incredible. I’ve been starting my mornings by picking one of the automated exercises and I can definitely feel the smart field working through my body. :muscle:

Getting to that summer body has just gotten much much easier! :sunglasses:


That sounds awesome! Well done, guys!!! :blush:


This sounds Incredible Starlight! Congratulations! Thank You so much Captain! I’ve got my eyes :eyes: on this one! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Premintarsia Yes! It’s a good one to keep your eyes open for. :wink:


Absolutely amazing. Congratulations to all the owners!


Did someone conduct tests? can we ask you to apply the training on another person after. For example. Automatic training for this person for 30 minutes?


Does this mean any practice known by the gurus under wisdom and guidance can be automated or guided?


Yes, that’s the idea. This smart field will continuously learn and grow. You can read more under the Automated / Guided Practice section. There is an Ongoing Learning area.


This is meant to work for the NFT owner only.


Yes, of course. Just wondering) We can ask servitors to help others, we can also ask gods. Probably not so with the field)


@Bright-light That’s true. It could work…? I haven’t tried it yet.

If any of the other group members have tried it, please share.


Any benefit to the audio in particular above mandala?


They both complement each other.


Adding some more testimonials


Another one


So anyone know if problems will arise if starting an automated session of pranayama/yoga right after eating?


I did just now! :nauseated_face:

No ill effects till now despite the green face! That was just for the effect! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Will let you know in sometime!