The Beauty Clinic & Premium Serum (The Science of Beauty: Private) 🔰

from the pharmacy


The Premium Serum has made my hair thicker & it looks really good. :smiley:
Maybe, the grey has reduced too. Not sure about that. I will update once I am sure.
It’s very hot here now, the summer sun is blazing. but my skin feels cool. I really don’t have the time or inclination for an elaborate beauty regimen, so this is really helpful now.
Very grateful to Ugnis for the time consuming research & design and to The Captain for creating this.


the only thing, remember this little theory, this was brought up in the group, and I was copying this message to other people :grin:

from group

The life cycle of the human hair follicle is 7 years. Anagen (growth period), catagen (resting period), telogen, period of hair loss. Disturbances associated with hair loss are related to these phases:
shortening of the anagen phase - when this phase lasts not 2-7 years but much less, sometimes a few months, i.e. there is a rapid transition to catagen
rapid transition from catagen to telogen phase (although catagen is short, 2-3 weeks) and violation of hair adhesion in the hair follicle in telogen. Roughly speaking, the hair should still be in the follicle for about six months, the process of pushing it out of the follicle is slow, and it goes out immediately. And that follicle stays empty for six months. My point is. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing to the hair - fields or serums, the follicle will still go through the cycle that was started. If there is a pathological process, and anagen changes into catagen, it will happen anyway, you can’t (and can’t) return the follicle from sleeping to the growth stage. Just like it is impossible to make a hair grow out of the telagen stage. It has to fall out anyway. I know from the experience of people working with specific hair pepids that any action on the follicle is only acceptable at the anagen stage. And by no means should one use products affecting hair at catagen and telogen stages (the exception is increase of hair adhesion to follicle wall at telogen, so “procapil” peptide works, otherwise in 5-6 years a patient can simply get fibrous inflammation and follicle scarring, but all this is a question for developers of “miracle peptides”, international trichologist conferences regularly raise this question).

For example, the captain describes the mechanism of implementation of the “hair serum” (audio legendary field) as the activation of specific enopeptides. And that’s super. I.e. the natural follicle cycle is regulated, the processes in the anagen are optimized. But those hairs that are going to fall out will fall out anyway. And that’s normal.
Do you know why it is hard for trichologists to work? A course of adequate therapy is designed for 3-7 years. And most people want results right away.
And let’s not forget the stresses. The “hair loss” that a person sees now is the result of stress 3-4 months ago (or less if the person is chronically stressed, and the stress-limiting system is depleted). Those follicles that went into catagen will not come back, those with late anagen will not come back either, they are already preparing for hibernation.

But what I wrote above about hair - I meant the following:
The captain enhances and activates certain processes, but there is standard physiology and biological laws
when a person wants results instantly it’s not quite right.
For example, if a bald person looks in the mirror after 6 month and thinks “the field is not working” - this is not correct mentality and it does not mean that the field is not working

some processes and results take time to form
biological cycles and the chain of mechanisms must be completed
much depends on ourselves and the sequence of use + love of self


strong and powerful đŸȘ„đŸ’Ș


Oh yes, I remember this :-)


The premium serum gives me better skin than my previous ÂŁ350 skincare routine. My face is flawless these days and I only use cheap and basic products now, same for my hair. This nft is truly a blessing and it makes me feel a million dollars.

Edit to add, not just my face, but that tends to be my focus. Body skin is soft and better than I could have ever hoped for. 41 going on 28 :) thanks @Ugninis and dream.


yes, it’s doing something great!
i often don’t use any skincare after washing my face in the evening. it feels as it would be too much. i imagine the skin can regenerate better in the night without anything. as it would not recognize what to repair and regenerate with “perfect” skincare.


Is Premium Serum included in The Beauty Clinic? Do its go together or are different audios?

they are two completely different projects, with different structures and principles.
and they have separate audios.

there has been no official presentation and no separate thread for the Premium Serum nft.

somehow it just happened that the participants connect these projects in their reviews and perhaps associate that Premium Serum is an ideal continuation / complement to the Beauty Clinic :slightly_smiling_face:

in chronological order the releases were one after the other
(there were sports projects between them, I mean my projects)


Ahh I understand, thanks for answering!
How can I get the Premium Serum?

this is a private project with a limited number of copies

All attempts to search for any NFT (private and public) are made in the buy sale thread

I would recommend to you the publicly available products / audios related to the Beauty - appearance theme that you can find on gumroad